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PostSubject: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 3:02 pm

Edit 15.03.2019
There are to many builds in this thread so if this is your first time here buckle up for safety and strap on your beer helmet and have fun.

Im sorry but somehow facebook changed the picture address for all my pictures. I advise no one to host pictures there to post in your thread!!!  
I dont think i will ever fix the lost pictures but at page 6 i think, i started uploading from the ae101 picture upload site so feel free to skip to page 6 if you only like pictures with the comments Smile

Last edited by sonur on Thu Mar 14, 2019 10:17 am; edited 15 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 5:13 pm

Welcome sum nice rides there the saloon looks similar to JDM GT interior
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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyWed Dec 11, 2013 10:26 pm

Welcome, and nice cars! You're from Iceland? I spent a few months there over the summer! Smile
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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyThu Dec 12, 2013 6:06 am

Howdy mate, I didn't catch where you are from!  Thanks for the great introduction, welcome!  I'm also 27 Very Happy
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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyThu Dec 12, 2013 6:39 am

gold94corolla wrote:
Howdy mate, I didn't catch where you are from!  Thanks for the great introduction, welcome!  I'm also 27 Very Happy

I'm guessing based on the reg plates on the cars, they're Icelandic!  Approve! 
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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyThu Dec 12, 2013 10:20 am

Thanks for the comments guy´s  cheers 

As Bechermann sayd, Im from Iceland - Reykjavik city

On with the mojo  santa 

When I got the rolla home last wheek I had couple of ideas that I could go by
but the main goal was to have it 4wd with the possibility of having it Rwd to play.

So I sad down one nigth and wrote down Ideas what to get to do so and what
type of engines and what type of gearbox I could use so bare with me guys...

Now Toyota inthusiest strap your self down and open a botle of beer...  lol! probably two or three.

nr.1 (easiest to do)
Find a 4afe engine and turbo it and 4wd manual gearbox from ae95 corolla and
rear wheel drive from ae10 4wd wagon that came to my country only with
7afe engines with 4wd but then 1300cc and 1600cc Fwd.

Picked up the 4afe engine´s already
got the turbo from my previous 7afe turbo build (it also fits 4afe head)
got the 4wd gearbox from 1990 ae95 that ive had for couple of years
and the rearwheel equipment

Already got the rear wheel equipment from the ae10, its closest to fit
and i only need to alter two bolts into the frame of the car.
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1240430_10151665543182717_299897166_n

and this under the engine, bent for the 4wd gearbox and swaybar for the
driveshaft I needed this for any other engine swap so this I had to get first of all.
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1240226_10151665543007717_1241928949_n

Build a 4age 16v Turbo with 4wd stuff same as nr1. but I need the 4afe engine block
because there is a spot behind the block that you can grind out for the center
diff housing that feeds the rear diff through the driveshaft, that spot dosent come
on the stock 4age 16v blocks
(My old BT engine block, same grinding out for ST 4age and 4afe)
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 311559_10150951120017717_1411122922_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD L10
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD L_110

This is why (the old silvertop engine and ae95 4wd gearbox)
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1497652_10151854857887717_1410704174_n

A snail cant fit between
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1458512_10151854857912717_1541774254_n

Already have the turbo and two types of hedders
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 942990_10151465333462717_1447412306_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1463406_10151791439977717_102148254_n

One 4age engine out of AE86 with the turbo on, also have T50 gearbox
and a w59 rwd gearbox some where If I go hacking up the firewall (not likely)
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 995700_10151546397127717_1175964923_n

nr.3 (not extremely liking this one)
Build a 7age engine out of 7afe, and then same stuff as nr.1 or nr.2 Turbo

nr.4 (not far from the old shit box Camry)
Pick up a 2.0l 3sfe engine out of Rav4 with E250 4wd gearbox and turbo it

I have a bolt on turbo kit for the 3sfe from a 3sgte engine.
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 306559_10151087374592717_1365365239_n

nr.5 (the one Im most interested on doing)
Find a V6 1mz-fe engine and a 4wd transmission to fit and maybe if im crazy
enough strap a single or twin turbo on that!!

I already have a aluminum v6 engine on stand by out of Toyota Avalon
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 262823_10151058687447717_1818825781_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 314180_10151058687587717_177705471_n

Already own two Toyota Landcruizer Garrett turbos but just planing to use one
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 561244_10150947433347717_1994949778_n

and from previous post the twin turbo CT12a Garrett turbos, 1jz-gtte
I own the turbo hedder from the 1jz and they ar not far from fitting the 1mz
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 150288_10151140726027717_327158767_n

But this dosent work with out a 4wd gearbox, two years ago I found out
that someone had done a v6 4wd celica with turbo and found just couple
of pictures that I luckly saved to the computer, today I cant find the thread
about the build,, but here are some pics to prove that this can be done..

3sgte GT4 celica gearbox fitted to 3000cc 3vz block
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 554710_10150809958557717_1222807300_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 149709_10150809958652717_884678033_n

with hedds and hedders on (you can see it needs custom hedders)
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 523743_10150809958472717_1447289002_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 399126_10150809958357717_1209181152_n

I cant get a hold of GT4 gearbox in my country there are total of 5 GT4 celicas
in my country so I would have to import on of ebay or something so I just found
the next best thing a rav4 E250 gearbox, they can hold up to around 250hp engine
(found couple of videos of Rav4 1995-1999 with that setup and they stated stock gearbox)

Then just to day I went to the local bone yard wich I ones worked at
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 996703_10151854853502717_878446067_n

And found a lonely short Rav4 4wd manual
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1469792_10151854853477717_315283517_n

Going to pick up that gearbox next friday or saturday
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1497713_10151854853432717_1685804496_n

Thats where Im at, now just waiting...

Hope you guys enjoy  Hi!
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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyThu Dec 12, 2013 11:31 am

very nice projects. cant wait to see this build progress. welcome
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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyThu Dec 12, 2013 12:20 pm

Iceland!!!!  I'm jealous... I spent a week in Reykjavik (and a week in the rest of the country) and didn't want to leave.
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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyFri Dec 13, 2013 7:23 am

welome to the club,
how did i miss this build..

amazing write up.

you have some really nice ideas, and im also soooo jelous you can get ahold of the 4wd system.
have you thought about a 3sge 4wd?

the V6 would be awesome though, and i know 100% the engine will fit in the bay (as a FWD though), would be interesting to see it as 4wd though, but would have sooo much torque  affraid 
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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyFri Dec 13, 2013 2:55 pm

Thanks man, and yea this country aint bed, would like longer summers tough or
more sunnier days it hardly ever goes over 16°celsious around Reykjavik city.

miib14 wrote:
welome to the club,
how did i miss this build..

amazing write up.

you have some really nice ideas, and im also soooo jelous you can get ahold of the 4wd system.
have you thought about a 3sge 4wd?

the V6 would be awesome though, and i know 100% the engine will fit in the bay (as a FWD though), would be interesting to see it as 4wd though, but would have sooo much torque  affraid 

Hi and thanks,

yes ive thought about the 3sge but those engine only came to us in celica fwd st165
body and there are two like that in my country and I think I have owned both of them
sometime in the past, I would have to import the engine if I would wont one  Wink 

and how certain are you that the v6 will fit in this body?
have pics to proof? that I would like to see.
and yeas it would go in like its fwd

On with the mojo  rendeer 

I had about an hour to kill today when I was waiting for a guy to pick up an engine
he was buying, so I started tearing down one of the 4afe engines that I had been
given, this one had been sitting outside my friends workplace for maybe 2years,
he he wasn't sure how long...
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1468797_10151857571377717_160803712_n

Its really clean inside the head, he recon it been driven around 230þkm
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 999222_10151857571497717_1488813802_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1470219_10151857571587717_1266904364_n

Needs cylinder honing, was going to do it anyways
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1450253_10151857571347717_1061519162_n

Didnt find my socket to unbolt the rodbolts so I had to use hammer and screw driver
to get one rodcab of, going to buy right socket tomorrow and finish the teardown.
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1455950_10151857571582717_94016965_n

Went to my other place searching for my clutch disks and flywheels of many
toyota engines Ive had and sold away to profit, I stopped counting clutches
at 10, took 5 with me to check if they fit my ae95 gearbox..

Pic of 4age flywheels, I also have about 10 4age 16v engines, yea I like them alot!
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1472100_10151854853567717_1224931627_n

Picture of me swapping a rebuilt 4age of mine into my buds GTi ae92 liftback
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1497562_10151843761062717_971769642_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1472783_10151808367477409_1102079303_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 558087_10151808367772409_1280550178_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1452533_10151808363417409_1144098739_n

And the new 4age driving in the wet snow with no traction

This is his pride and joy for 10 years ae10 hatch loaded with amazing stuff
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1468651_10151843761082717_2026103144_n

Then tonight I finally found my v6 pictures of the clearense on the back of the
block of a 3vz engine block and 1mz engine block.

Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1483341_10151857573502717_1212471804_n

Clearly its going into a mr2 but what shocked me was the cv hole on the
back of the gearbox how close it is to the block
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1504065_10151857573632717_520789254_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 579707_10151857573512717_729834235_n

Compared to a 4wd gearbox bolted to a 3vz
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1483000_10151857573722717_87182603_n

and the grinding spots for the transfercase
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1486677_10151857573517717_1900249852_n

when I saw this I got cold chillz up my back and thought (F.U.C.K M.Y L.I.F.E)
if the E250 box dosent fit my 1mz I will have to go and find a desent 3vz and
use some of that and some of 1mz, my arms and feet are just dangling in the
air right now dont know what I will do...

Its probably a good time to say it now but this is
supoesto be a low budget build mainly out of things
I already have laying around but my toyota buds
where poking me to check the v6 swap first....

Enjoy fellas, drumrolling the E250 gearbox home to morrow hopefully...
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyFri Dec 13, 2013 10:31 pm

Here you are, its a 3vz bolted into an ae101 (custom front bumper)
its in canada

Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1385844_10151985896869122_278034933_n

Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1396032_10151985896874122_67104513_n

did you guys not get the rev 3 3sge?
its came in the celica st202 & mr2 sw20

you need to get your friend to sign up to the club with the blue ae101 Very Happy
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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptySat Dec 14, 2013 4:54 am


Wow, thanks for those images, I think this is the first time ive seen 3000cc in a corolla Very Happy

(For got to answer this)
Ahm, no we didn´t get gen2 or gen3 3sge only the 1gen from 1986
theres only one sw20 mr2 and thats my buds 3sgte wich I bought
the old Turbo hedders and CT26 Turbo from and that car was imported.
Also the 1jz-gtte was imported by a friend of mine that is the only 1jz in the country
Theres also one gen1 mr2 1985 wich nobody knows what happent to and that
was also imported to the country...

We are so cheap out on cars here, some of us are angry why we didn´t get the
Soarer - mk3 Supra - Lexus gs400 and some others, the only brand that we get
now from dealers is the new GT86 corolla wich cost half my apartment so thats
not going to be in my driveway ever!!

We didn´t even get the Beams IS200 here I would have wanted that one if 3sge would be the path

Yea my Toyota friend could probably sign in bud I dont think he´s that cind wanting others
to se what he does to his ride, hes has own this machine since he was 16 year old and he made
everything him self, bodykit, new fiber hood with evo wents, 1600cc outbored to 1869cc I
think, and he made adjustable timing gear for it him self, then last summer he made the front
bumper and bought coilovers supsensionn and oh yea its got STI interrior from 2005 Very Happy
the stereo its self destroys everyone in all the stereo competition he goes to, about 160desibil

Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 319812_10150896563447717_1942244032_n
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Hope he wont kill me for posting this  Neutral 

Ive been telling him and trying to push him to go 4wd with it, he poked me to the v6
so I poked him back. I have more pictures of other rides he made and couple I made
I will post them up if you like to and if I can find them all  Wink they are corollas..

just talked to the boneyard company, they are going to let me in theyre  shop tomorrow
morning to take out the E250 gearbox myself, so good to have good people around you  laugh
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptySat Dec 14, 2013 7:25 am

awesome sauce, love the hatchback
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptySat Dec 14, 2013 10:20 am


Hey is this the v6 saloon?

Well it moves non the less, cant wait to test fit the gearbox tomorrow
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptySat Dec 14, 2013 10:42 am

yeah thats the V6 corolla, but at that point it had an automatic box
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptySat Dec 14, 2013 11:32 am

miib14 wrote:
yeah thats the V6 corolla, but at that point it had an automatic box

It must be fun to drive!! I never got to drive the Toyota Avalon the 1mz came from
It wasent registered and I just took it apart right away.

I just found pictures of my friends hatck back in 2002 when I met him first time
originally the car was light green and had 1300cc 4efe engine.

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Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1497804_10151859741687717_1958048066_n

Ive got to find my rides and post them up, (still looking deep into my harddrive)
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptySat Dec 14, 2013 11:45 am

i can only imagine how much fun it could be. i have a 3sge in mine and its quite fun as it is Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptySun Dec 15, 2013 8:52 am

Im so exited  bounce 

Woke up early this morning, drove the kids to their grandma
and went to the boneyard to play like a wreckingball
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1472804_10151861989437717_283506598_n

3sfe and E250 gearbox + stuff
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Took the rear also
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Picked up all of it
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1014240_10151861989642717_718565747_n

My MMC L200 rusty dolly, used to be my truck
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1471119_10151861989692717_713471496_n

All the diesel stuff from my truck went into this Pajero/Shogun body
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 960254_10151861998332717_411124529_n

Its my trustworthy daily driver
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1520721_10151861998342717_381673406_n

Then I went home with all the new goodies and took
the rest of the engine out of the saloon.
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1507813_10151861989927717_2083518204_n
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1488113_10151861989847717_640984582_n

Put these cut out axle nubs into the front hubs
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Moved the saloon out side
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1474419_10151861990217717_1742307954_n

I forgot to close the windows before I took the engine harness out, oops
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1520742_10151861990402717_777424407_n

Found this liftback spoiler in the garage
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 971636_10151861990272717_1102848182_n

Lifted the new goodies inside and preped for unbolting everything
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I was so exhausted after this long day but I had one more thing to do
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 971816_10151861998447717_526941394_n

Special delivery, sold one 4d56 Diesel engine to a guy, yea Im also into MMC
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 996987_10151861998557717_1583435816_n

And loaned  him my engine stand
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1471160_10151861998302717_232346481_n

The buyer is acctually my brother in law and this is his truck,
mmc L200 diesel that I sold to him a year ago, nice little rockets
Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD 1512328_10151861998567717_1295434072_n

So, tomorrow I hope to have time to pick up the V6 engine and start
tearing down the 3sfe and E250 so I can fit the gearbox to the v6  Razz 

(Crossing fingers, hoping it will fit) Enjoy and may the force be with you

Last edited by sonur on Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptySun Dec 15, 2013 8:59 am

wow thats sweet work so far.

i know the s54 gearbox (3sge) bolts to a 1mz and a 3vz, and im pretty sure the e153 gearbox also bolts to the 1mz and 3vz.

again both boxes came on a 3S engine, so hopefully the E250, which is an e series box, will bolt up to the V6
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyMon Dec 16, 2013 8:10 am

I tell ya, sitting at my kitchen table studying for the final exam thats due tomorrow
is killing me knowing I might or might not have the 4wd gearbox out in the garage
that fits my v6  Laughing 

Im done at the exam at 10:00am to morrow morning, I already see myself raceing
the wind back home and tearing everything apart!!

Meanwhile I have this old video of my G6 4wd with Silvertop 20v 4age
It dosent show really well but I had two AE86 hatch levins under that
pile of stuff next to the G6 inside the garage and then my 240sx outside
that became my drift machine, I tradet the ae86s because of rust problems
but ended up restoring the 240sx for almoast a year, I HATE RUST!!

Then a video of the blacktop engine, I barely drove the car because I almoast
always had the kids with me and I was starting to hate the two doors entry
Pleace just shut the video when comes to the Impreza, that engine swap was
i mistake, I finished it and sold it right away, it worked ok, was fast but if to be
a drift car you would had to swap something stronger in the back, little toothpick axles.

Over all I had the G6 for 5-6 years and I drove it 2000km each year, swapped 5 engines
in total into it, It was my garage baby I will always miss it, my friend who bought it from
me gave me a
call the other day and offered me the car back if I wanted it back but I sayd no,
time to move on build another crazy car that can open 4doors!!!  Razz 

I know this aint toyota but sum might enjoy little restoration pics of any car and brand
half way into the video I start finding rust and fixing it, I spent a year buying and fitting
stuff to it, bought Turbo kit that never went into it because the 158hp was enaugh for me

Hope you will enjoy
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyMon Dec 16, 2013 8:22 am

nice videos bro, im the same, thats why i got the saloon to begin with. already a family car Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyMon Dec 16, 2013 9:28 am

hi there, nice project, happy to see some hardcore work

By the way I am the owner of the 3VZ corolla in Canada,it's funny how media files travel fast around on the internet;)

Does the parts RAV4 came with a rear torsen diff?
I happen to have owned one off those RAV4 last year and had real great plans for it but rust convinced me to pass on to something else. but in the meantime I learned a trick or two about those RAV4, their strenght and weaknesses. what to expect from them.

I ask about the torsen because the rear diff is interchangeable with st185, Altezza and Lexus RX300 (toyota klugger???), I happen to pick one mechanical torsenfrom an 1999 rx300 at the junkyard, to work in a rav4 diff case with no stock torsen diff you need the stubs from the donor car,axles that are known to work are ST185, ST165 might and 4wd camry also.I did not try the rx300 axles.

the rav4 transmissions are geared for more torque produced and lower vehicle speeds,
120kmh was something like 3500rpm top speed in 5th gear was low due to this relation.
using an e250 in a corolla with no bigger wheels will end up with even lower speeds but in exchange will lead to a greater acceleration even if the same power was used.
the rav4 transmissions have a different transfer case than 4wd celicas. you can lock it on the rav4 using a huge vacuum diaphragm ,and the celica unit does not have the hardware to do so but can be locked manually according to the shop manuals.

Having driven both layout in snow and excluding power the gt4 is a more interesting machine for a sporty drive, the rear diff does alot. the RAV4, when centraly locked was not even greater for traction since it came stock with open diffs. the way the rear suspension works on the GT4 is also more precise. one off the badest point of the RAV4 was it's rear diff bracket, they wore out fast and replacing them with oem parts is not enough, filling them with polyurethane is the best way to deal with this.

for rear disc on the RAV4 rear axle I investigated toward the rx300, it is known to have the same disc brake dimensions as the st185 but with a 5x114 pattern. Rx300 uses a sandwich plate to hold the caliper which could be adapted to the rav4 axle. rear camber on those supension can be quite alot due to their geometry znd ride height.
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyMon Dec 16, 2013 9:38 am

*By the way the video of the 3vz corolla cluster was made from the last owner, with it's automatic transmission I swapped for an E53 and he admitted to me he never made a launch that coul make the tires spin. the way the car is driven is a bit more enthousiastic since then Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyMon Dec 16, 2013 10:32 am


I had same model only liftback G6 in mind when I first started looking for a new car to build
but somehow ended on picking that 3door G6, I loved it right up until I drove home the first
time with my fiance and my new born daughter in the backseet, same day I parket the car
and didn´t use it again until year later when I started shcool again and needed a cheap daily Razz 


Thanks for registering here just to post, and thanks for the comment, its a huge comment  Laughing 

welcome to the forum!

Trying to answer as I can in the right order...

We never got anything cool into our country unless we imported it our self, so no Torsen LSD
no fancy turbo cars for the dealers, I have a torsen lsd in mind on sale in germany but I dont
know if im going to swap lugs over to the corolla, Im starting with the v6 swap (if it fits) and
then I go looking into the hubs swap, I know I need bigger brakes, I hava a MMCpajero/Shogun
big brake master cylender for bigger brakes later on...

And yea the biggest reason of all reasons about why I chose the Rav4 1996 e250 gearbox is
because it has the center differential vacum locker that I need to go Rwd, thats how I have
done it to all the other corollas including my G6 (didnt work really well, car to short)

And also the gearing I wanted that low gearing for the torque so you guys can imagine the
amount of torque this beast is going to have, I just cant wait!!

I dont think Ive ever driven a rav4 or gt4 so I have nothing to compare it with other then
the Camry 4wd the old shit box it has the same gearbox e250 in it and same center diff locker

whoop whoop

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PostSubject: Re: Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD   Just another corolla - DIY Caterham frame 7age and ´93 Liftback RWD EmptyMon Dec 16, 2013 10:46 am

sonur, you said that you used the trick with the central diff locked to be RWD, i tough about trying this on my rav4 back then but did not do it, other sources on the web suggest it may end up breaking the collar that locks both front and rear axle in the transfer case.

As you did it on another car with a similar transmission what is your experience after doing this? can it handle abuse and high power. I might try this on my gt4 but dont want to risk breaking it.
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