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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 3:04 pm

Here you will find my noobish photoshoots, part updates and product reviews here. I'm not much of a performance guy at this point so don't expect anything beyond retrofitted headlights. Feel free to ask questions, critique, and whatnot. Very Happy

KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) P1040064wallpaper-1

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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 3:15 pm

Hey, this thread is off to a good start already with that pic!! Your rims are lookin nice dude!
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 3:52 pm

Gonna start off with a bit of history. Brace yourselves!

General timeline of my car from back in 03 to now.

My passion for cars didn't even exist at the time. Everything here was all by the work of my dad back in the day when F&F was the hype. My dad has never seen the movie but he saw some cars roll into his shop all tricked out. Inevitably, the Corolla lost it's modding virginity a few weeks later. lolz
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) MyToyotaMedium
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My first performance mod ever was this Vibrant Performance short ram air intake. lol I still remember how happy I was when I got it ;D:
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After the intake, I knew I was hooked. Next came the exhaust. I still remember the day dad and I installed it:
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Tsudo
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The spoiler got stolen at my dad's apartment complex that year. The Erebuni body kit was also destroyed. A truck driver driving in front of my dad had some unsecured tires in the bed on the freeway and my dad just happened to drive behind him at the wrong time. We bought a new body kit because, well, we thought the Corolla looked like a grandma's car stock. I really did love this kit.
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The car helped me meet some unforgettable friends throughout middle to highschool. This is my best friend's Prelude (now replaced by a 240sx) and the Corolla.
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) DRFT

I got the BMW lip spoiler from the same friend for Christmas.
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Bought a grill and got creative with a cross I found in my room.
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I wanted to give my car a name. So whilst taking a dump with a dictionary in my hand, I came across the word Ecstasy. I decided to name her that. Ecstasy (noun): An overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.

I know it sounds corny but I felt like it made sense to name something that you've bond with.

I got creative with the tint my friend gave me as well. I thought I was awesome. lol But I took it off when I saw too many cars getting pulled over for tinted tails.
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Also upgraded to two tens with box. Friend sold it to me for only $40!
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Got a flat tire on the chrome wheel set. lol
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Got into my first accident followed by 4 tickets the next day(missing front bumper, licence plate, no proof of insurance, and wrong house address)... all after partaking in volunteer work at a private school. Evil or Very Mad I had thoughts about just giving up on the car... but that was just me being a little girl. Laughing KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) DSC00176
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2011 was pretty much the year where things were finally falling into place.

New rims (donateed the chrome ones to my sister's boyfriend). I found these on craigslist. Surprised
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And then with a little bit of love... Very Happy
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Got a JVT header. The O2 sensor hit the AC line and broke it while I was driving. I bought a new one and drilled this hole bigger to give the line more pivot to clear the sensor.
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Did my first retro fit thanks to Chris for helping me (I love you man! Yes homo!! :-* lmbo jk)
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Bought a cheap ebay steering wheel. lol I'm currently saving up for the MR2 steering wheel now since I kinda want an airbag.
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Got my first coilovers too! Decided they were to stiff and unpractical for me so I sold them. :-/
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Bought Tein Stechs. Not happy about how soft the rear was. I was rubbing when I had a full car. I bought a fender roller off of craigslist and rolled away.
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Fender rollers don't lose value so I sold it for the same price I got it.

Thanks to CCC and much thanks to Scott, I got my hands on a BZ bumper. Smile I looked at all the JDM ones and this one just stood out to me. The FX was too grumpy looking for me and the other bumpers didn't look as cool and slick as the BZ to me.
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Couldn't be completed without matching side skirts. They came broken but I managed to fix them. The thing I like about bondo is that when you're done repairing, you feel real proud of your work. Smile
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I got the Touring Wagon grill for a real good price as well. The mesh grill was rusted and flaking so I spent the whole day restoring it.
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Got a much more manly horn too. Found it off an Integra at the junk yard fr $5 and I love it!
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Got a fake Cusco oil catch can. I didn't know it was fake till I did research after I bought it. Fail. lol but I got a full refund for it so I really can't complain when it does the exact same thing as the real thing.
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The decals on the rear window I kinda regret doing. I admit I was desperate for mods when I did that. haha
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I sold my kit to a neighbor and he gave me his stock rear bumper and mud flaps.

I jumped on the band wagon and got a "JDM" towhook.
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lol this isn't a mod but it was really encouraging. Hooray for random acts of kindness! Very Happy
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I wanted a more quiet muffler and one that looked right. I bought the Vibrant SS muffler and a generic ebay tip. I love it!
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Dad came to Cali to visit and we worked on repainting the rest of the wheels. And doing it right this time. That means 2 base coat and 3 layers of clear coat. I kinda did things half way when I did it on my own and it turned out ugly in the long run. Though we usually argue when it comes to working on the Rolla, I love my old man! Laughing
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Which brings me to now. Thank God I made it this far. Smile

Last edited by kennydang91 on Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:56 pm; edited 3 times in total
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 4:05 pm

Corolla Sound wrote:
Hey, this thread is off to a good start already with that pic!! Your rims are lookin nice dude!

Thank you Dave!

Moar pics!
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Ssssssf
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 4:17 pm

Loved reading through that. Was nice to see your cars evolution and I'm glad you didn't give up on it or I'd not have another great car to look at as inspiration. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 4:36 pm

^ Thanks Aaron! Smile

I still need to paint her and get a new hood b/c the current one is still a bit bent from that accident. After that, I think I can finally call it quits. Wink
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 4:53 pm

1) Thank you for writing all of that fresh, rather than copying and pasting from the other forum! I really enjoyed reading your quick history anew. And I learned some new things and saw lots of pics I never saw before.

2) I remember that time when you were feeling really down about the car after the accident. That was not just you being a little girl, it was serious. But I'm so glad you made it through that... God is good, and good things come to those who wait! Just look at the car now!! OMG.

3) I SAW THAT HOMO PART! LOLz. Those head lights make a huge difference on the front end, but it was only after you switched to the OEM bumper that really brought everything together. This picture ( really struck me the most, of the new pics I haven't seen before. Everything just WORKS! Amazing.

4) LOL, the FX bumper really IS grumpy! Never thought of it that way. But the car looks so much better with OEM parts rather than that body kit. And those wheels! Much improved over the chromies!

5) I could go on all night, but it's 2 am lol Sleep
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 8:24 pm

Thank you, Chris! I always love reading your replies. And thanks for being supportive throughout the years.

It's really crazy how things work out. If I never made a cardomain account, none of this would happen. I would've never met you or joined CCC. I wouldn't have a BZ bumper or retro lights. And if I never joined CCC then Ishaq would've never introduced me to AE101owners. My car would've been totally different from what it is today. I don't even wanna imagine what it'd look like. lol I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm just so grateful for everyone of you guys. It's like I got an awesome little cyber family from different parts of the globe!

Last edited by kennydang91 on Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 8:27 pm

just read through it all and got to admit, it has come a looooong way. it looks soo much better than when you first got it and have done it up very nicely.

got to love the note on the window tooo Very Happy
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 05, 2012 10:15 pm

Love the 10years timeline! Alot have happend in style from those days..
Looks soo much better like it is now, compared to 2003...
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyWed Jun 06, 2012 12:40 am

Looking good Kenny! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyWed Jun 06, 2012 1:42 am

Very Happy good job bro these types of little bumps and accidents its a part of life.dont let them bother you enjoy the ride.and post alot of pics so we may also enjoy looking at your ride lol!
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyWed Jun 06, 2012 1:45 pm

kennydang91 wrote:
It's really crazy how things work out. If I never made a cardomain account, none of this would happen. I would've never met you or joined CCC. I wouldn't have a BZ bumper or retro lights. And if I never joined CCC then Ishaq would've never introduced me to AE101owners. My car would've been totally different from what it is today. I don't even wanna imagine what it'd look like. lol I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm just so grateful for everyone of you guys. It's like I got an awesome little cyber family from different parts of the globe!

I like this part! It is definitely part of your story. It's cool to hear how one thing leads to another. I never really thought about how cardomain really opened me up to more things, but you are definitely right about it. Too bad cardomain ain't what it used to be.
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyWed Jun 06, 2012 3:10 pm

^ I agree man. People just keep trying to fix things that aren't broken.

And thanks again for the love everyone. Really do appreciate it!
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyWed Jun 06, 2012 10:14 pm

Awesome work Kenny its great to see how someones car evolves as they grow, I'm loving those wheels
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyThu Jun 07, 2012 12:33 am

Quite the project you have there, any plans on painting it?
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyThu Jun 07, 2012 6:30 am

I think he should keep it the two tone that it is, but definitely get all the pieces painted (so you don't see primer marks and have a white fender Razz ).
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyThu Jun 07, 2012 8:04 am

lol yep, the paint is going to be the two tone. The same OEM color on top and the OEM sunset silver on bottom.


Just all one color, the OEM blue you see in the pics, with a carbon fiber hood? O.o
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyThu Jun 07, 2012 8:10 am

Maybe if you got a cf hood, but made the bumpers/skirts a silver or gray that more matches the hood, so you could still have it two tone Razz

But I think the two tone would be better than all blue with a cf hood.
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptySat Jun 09, 2012 3:07 am

Awesome job Kenny. It's come together real nice. And loving the not of this world sticker too Smile great store too bad they don't have any here in jersey.
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptySat Jun 09, 2012 9:16 am

^ Thank you sir! I have a shirt that says "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17

It's kinda corny but I personally love it because it just has so much truth to it. Got it online when it was on sale too. Very Happy
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyTue Jun 12, 2012 11:48 am

Just read through everything and i like how the story went and the car is just great kenny. Well done bro.
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KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyThu Jun 14, 2012 9:17 pm

Thanks bro. It's encouragement like that that keeps me going. Smile

More pics today:
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) 7370661406_530000c9e1_b
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) 7370661480_d00d6f7bb2_b
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) 7186121657_0ee07c17d0_b
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) 7371329262_5d6568a877_b
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) 7370702028_341ef077e7_b
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) 7370697274_f95d661622_b
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) 7185466533_534f83c3f9_b
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) 7185444817_c5f1f562d6_b
KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) 7186253541_a430e80117_b

I need to work on paying attention to the sun's angle. I have tons more pics but half of them are ruined because of lighting issues. Neutral

Last edited by kennydang91 on Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyThu Jun 14, 2012 9:30 pm

I really like the third and furth pic...
Pic of the month Smile
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PostSubject: Re: KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1)   KennyDang91's Corolla 95 (Warning: Tons of pics on page 1) EmptyThu Jun 14, 2012 9:38 pm

Nice pics Kenny! Props! Smile
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