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How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) Empty
PostSubject: How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl)   How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) EmptyThu Oct 04, 2012 12:07 am

sw20dan wrote:
Right, I just put this up over on so thought I'd post it here too. It's an MR2 part from an MR2 board but the principles remain the same regardless. I'll be doing this myself in the coming weeks!

Right I was perusing the various MR2 boards and came across this great how-to over on IMOC for mirror polishing parts on the MR2.

How To Mirror Polish Aluminium

I'm going to give this a whirl when I get the engine out or maybe try a few bits that I have lying around. Free bling! B)

The link above takes you to the following walkthrough.

We start with the standard piece, in this case it's the coolant neck of a Gen3 3S-GTE engine.

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2464

The first step is the most time consuming and important phase. The amount of work and detail you're prepared to bring into this phase determines how well it'll look in the end.

To get the part to a smooth, mirror-shine finish we need to smoothen the surface of the part. Since this aluminum part is cast, the cast structure needs to be leveled. Aluminum is very soft and this can be achieved by hand-sanding the structure down with grit 80 sanding paper:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2465

I'm using a cork sanding block, which isn't too large and gives in a little. A hard, plastic sanding block wouldn't work as well because it's not flexible, making it much harder to sand curved surfaces.

After the first stroke, this problem area becomes visible:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2471

The top is not completely round but has a weird shape. You could leave it like this, but as I said, this stage determines how well the finished piece will look. So I want this removed to create a nice round shape instead of what it is now. I use a big metal file to level the high areas. This is the result:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2475

I also filed down the casting seams at the top:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2476

The rest of the shapes were okay, these just required sanding. Do as much as you can with the sanding block, because you can easily apply pressure on it, making the work much easier. Also, when not using a tool like a block, you're bound to create waves in the soft material, which will show once it's completed. Compare it to body filler: you need the sanding block to create a tight, planar surface. If you'd sand the filler by hand, you'd create a warped surface.

After sanding more:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2480

Here I filed away the ongoing casting seam with the same file:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2485

The file leaves pretty heavy scratches. 80 Grit sandpaper deals with it though:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2487

A bit further down, there's a small '2' cast into the piece.

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2502

I used a miniature file to get rid of it:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2508

I used the large metal file again to level this:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2510

You can see how much material was removed by looking at the blank material. After more sanding, sanding and sanding, stage1 was completed.

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2515


The next stages are considerably shorter, and easier. 120 Grit sandpaper is up!

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2543

In this picture, the top part has been sanded down with 120 grit, the rest is still 80. The idea is, that every scratch you made with the 80 grit sanding paper must be removed by the 120 grit. If you don't, you'll see it throughout the remaining stages!

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2552

Here, the piece is complete done.

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2553


The next stage is 220 grit sanding. Again, you should sand away all the sanding marks left by the 120 grit stage. All done:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2560


The next phase it 400. This is where it gets tricky, because this is one of the highest grits you can still dry-sand. Wipe off the paper often, because it tends to fill up with aluminum dust very quickly.

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2562

As you can see, the piece gets shinier by the hour!


Now we move to wet sanding. Get a bucket of warm water and throw in some pieces of 1200 grit sanding paper. You might also get an old towel, fold it four times, and lay it on your lap. I found this greatly helps in not getting my lap soaking wet.

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2569

Also, note that at this point, sanding can be done by hand for most parts. You're not altering the shape of the piece any more, you're just refining the texture of the aluminum. Some parts may still be easier to do with a block or rubber, but hand-sanding will get you into all the tight areas.


The last sanding step is 2500 grit. Again, this can be done by hand to save time. Finished piece:

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2581


Now it's time for the topping on the ice! Get yourself a hard cotton/cloth polishing disc with polishing paste (usually a hard bar), and mount it on a drill.

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2585

Use this to polish the piece to the mirror-shine you always dreamed of!

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2590

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2593

How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) IMG_2598


Now get polishing people!!

Credit to Edwin over on IMOC for the write up!
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PostSubject: Re: How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl)   How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) EmptyThu Oct 04, 2012 5:20 am

Super nice Ishaq... I'm really wondering whether I should polish my valve cover...
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PostSubject: Re: How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl)   How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) EmptyThu Oct 04, 2012 7:29 am

lol if i did that much time consuming job my dad would be like (wandai hogae ho bete)
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PostSubject: Re: How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl)   How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) EmptyThu Oct 04, 2012 6:26 pm

dam that looks good but also a lot of elbow grease Razz if it were me id skip first few steps by snading with a dremmel Razz
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PostSubject: Re: How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl)   How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) EmptyWed Jan 23, 2013 10:34 am

its time to re do my valve cover =) mines polished but not this shiny
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PostSubject: Re: How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl)   How-To: Mirror Polish Aluminium (off toc-irl) EmptyWed Jan 23, 2013 11:25 am

I need to do my plenum (or paint it to match my cam cover)
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