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 JDM RHD to LHD auto retract mirror wiring for 7th gen/8th gen corolla

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JDM RHD to LHD auto retract mirror wiring for 7th gen/8th gen corolla Empty
PostSubject: JDM RHD to LHD auto retract mirror wiring for 7th gen/8th gen corolla   JDM RHD to LHD auto retract mirror wiring for 7th gen/8th gen corolla EmptyThu Nov 23, 2017 2:51 pm

This was also posted on Toyotanation:

I recently converted a JDM RHD 5 pin ae101 auto retract door mirrors for my LHD 7th gen and this is what I came up with:

7 pin mirror:

5 pin mirror:

There are basically 2 types of corolla auto retract door mirrors that you can use, one has a 7 pin connector and one has a 5 pin connector but as far as I have seen, both can be used if it came from a sedan (meaning, 4 door, not 2 door).

the 7 pin mirror needs a mirror relay because it has an extend and retract limiter wired up, while the 5 pin has those same limiters built in to the mirror motor and is not needed.... the 5 pin only has 2 pins for the extend and retract function and this is what I used.... much simpler to do than the 7 pin and no more mirror relay BUT you will need to have a tacoma/rav4 mirror switch with the push on/push off retract switch function to be able to retract/extend the mirrors and wiring it is different to the ae101/ae111 push button switch....

The part number for the rav4 mirror switch is also listed in the 5 pin link.

Also notice I used 1/4 inch rubber matting glued together and cut at an angle to get the correct angle for LHD and used longer bolts to hold it in... I ended up gluing together 6 of these rubber pads together then cut it at an angle.... the good thing about cutting a rubber block at an angle is that you automatically make 2, one for the left side, and one for the right side.
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JDM RHD to LHD auto retract mirror wiring for 7th gen/8th gen corolla Empty
PostSubject: Re: JDM RHD to LHD auto retract mirror wiring for 7th gen/8th gen corolla   JDM RHD to LHD auto retract mirror wiring for 7th gen/8th gen corolla EmptyThu Nov 23, 2017 3:20 pm

I do intend to convert the push button retract switch on my mirror control so that I extend or retract the mirrors instead of replacing the mirror switch... I just need to install a 12V DPDT relay, wires and wire it up so that when I turn the key to ON, the mirrors automatically extend and then before turning off the engine, I just push the retract button to retract the mirrors...

Its just a matter of wiring up the 12V relay so that it becomes a sort of latched relay..... lots of guides on google describing how to do this but the simplest is a latched or latching relay circuit.
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