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PostSubject: Air Purifier in Australian AE101R   Air Purifier in Australian AE101R EmptyTue Nov 15, 2016 12:32 pm

Hi everyone, I'm back again, this time with some questions about the Air Purifier.

I recently installed a JDM Air Purifier made to suit many models of Toyotas. The unit came with both ends of the plug, and the two wires so that I know which one goes where. What I didn't know is that the ceiling light plug was a different design and had to be replaced with the JDM one so that I could plug in the Air Purifier. I removed the AUS plug and swapped the two wires so that they matched how the JDM plug looked initially.

After a heap of fiddling around, figuring out how to screw it in and where to put the earth wire, everything worked out and the unit was operational Smile It took a bit of fiddling around to understand how it works and I've come to some conclusions with how it works, some of which I'm still rather curious about.

Like the classic ceiling light, the Air Purifier has a rocker switch for "On", "Off" and "Door". One particular thing that I've noticed is that flicking the switch to "Off" or "On" turns on my Keylight even when the door is shut. Flicking the switch back to "Door" makes the Keylight fade out like usual, and while I know these two units are connected to the same wiring loom, it still perplexes me as to how that's happening.
Likewise, the interior lights in the unit only turn on when the switch is set to "Door" and the door is ajar. The "On" switch doesn't activate the lights and the doors don't influence it either, however the Keylight remains on consistently if kept in this setting.

This gives me the idea that I may have wired the Air Purifier incorrectly or that one or both wires may be loose, however I'm concerned I may fry the unit if I swap the wires over. I haven't yet attempted removing the Keylight from the loom, however I'll try that tonight. Of course I'm 99% sure this isn't normal behaviour for a ceiling light-type device, but you never know how these things work.

If anyone can provide any light on the topic, it will be greatly appreciated
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Air Purifier in Australian AE101R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Air Purifier in Australian AE101R   Air Purifier in Australian AE101R EmptyTue Nov 15, 2016 1:09 pm

I've still got to put my CleanAce back in the new car but I definitely remember having to switch the wires around in the plug to get it to work. Keyring light wasn't really functional back then either (the LED had fallen out) but I have both the keyring and footwell lights installed properly now.

My headlining still has the indentation in it from the old car even though I've only had the standard dome light installed for the last year Razz Should make it easier to get the CleanAce hooked back in to the frame though (took a lot of effort first time around as it didn't want to compress the foam enough)
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