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miib14 (7382)
Will it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? I_vote_lcapWill it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? I_voting_barWill it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? I_vote_rcap 
gold94corolla (5234)
Will it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? I_vote_lcapWill it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? I_voting_barWill it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? I_vote_rcap 
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Will it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? I_vote_lcapWill it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? I_voting_barWill it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? I_vote_rcap 
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 Will it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan?

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Will it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? Empty
PostSubject: Will it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan?   Will it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan? EmptyFri Jul 08, 2016 4:28 am

Anyone has experience or have seen someone install a Levin ae101 rear windshield (the model that has a rear wiper) into a 4 door sedan?

Do you think the shape of the glass is the same and will it fit exactly?

I would love to have a rear windshield wiper in my ee100 sedan if only the levin rear windshield fits exactly there.

... its also a pain to see the rear when it rain heavily and besides, I have not seen anyone else (including here in the Philippines) ae101 sedans that have rear wipers...

I have seen pictures of both at almost the same angles but I cannot guess whether the glass is the same or not.
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Will it fit: AE101 Levin rear windshield (with the wiper) to ae101 sedan?
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