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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. I_vote_lcap1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. I_voting_bar1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. I_vote_rcap 
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 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..

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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyFri Jul 31, 2015 2:21 pm

Hey guys.

I've been a member on here for a while now but never really posted much. Kinda lost the interest in forums but it got back lately! i know a few member here from facebook also.

So here we go. a few years ago i was looking for a nice daily driver with parts easily available, simple and easy to maintain. I did some research and found this forum and the 7th gen corolla section on Toyota nation. I was amazed to see how many thing you could do to make these car stand out. So i told myself i'd buy one soon. probably.. So after a few cars and projects, i was checking Kijiji (kind of like craigslist in the states) and found this nice silvertop swaped sedan for sale as a part car (needed an inspection so cheap cheap!). Went to see it and surprisingly enough, the chassis was super clean for a 15 years canadian corolla.

So, in april 2013, i bought it.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. BsQDLQcNGwIlY4fqWAmO-u_tDCLFgl32x5ks84f4Tas=w533-h400-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. GhrsOUY7JBNr3n3EAoZB1DQ-2mKEjmu_CM2VZmJRS4Y=w533-h400-no

this is pretty much how i bought it. some missing parts here and there but the engine had good compression, the body was clean and it had coilovers already.

then since there was soo many parts missing i started looking for a part car. found this one which was sold as a rolling chassis but happened to have another silvertop in it when i went to see it. the guy wanted to sell the swap but didnt have time to pull it

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MoQGs07_wEfKl3xB_BZhZDJHXXpDFX5WbUWrxI1t8Ro=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. ESwy6t_T55D_s_NuWjnIthQsvxhX4OWWWayuKURaEb0=w533-h400-no

what a piece of junk it was! i stripped it completely and sent the chassis to scrap.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MdB9Q1mB_Iqlx2Rge8d1FtWVyfCNqaM8bnMwpYZTDHU=w533-h400-no

then i stripped the blue rolla and started prepping it for a cheap rusto paintjob. I wanted something that could get fixed cheap and that looked different, yet not too far from the oem blue as i wasnt painting the whole car and i'm kind of obcessive so a blue underbody on a silver car wouldnt work for me.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Im4hlrkydLHkI93P_UPN4gtuat3bpEdj3SG0ift78QU=w858-h643-no

So here is the car ready to be sprayed

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. YLU3cwyLgjBjnms1DhF3LtKzIidJvH5zN7nkTgO401Q=w858-h643-no

and right after being sprayed in my ghetto ass spray booth. Custom mix of gloss blue, flat white and flat black to get a nice satin blue color. And surprisingly there's not much dust in the paint!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. FPQ0x9PqtGpUiKxAbtVQVJpKWxw-a55s3VKw5Mz-lhk=w533-h400-no

here is a first mock up of what the car was supposed to look like. I was going for a low stancey look at the time.

so far the project was going well! but i soon figured both wiring harnesses were crap... the blue car was running a redtop smallport MAP ecu (LOLWUT?) and the harness from the black car was soo butchered and the car wasnt even running right...

then school started. no time to work on the car. but i needed a winter car as this one wasnt ready.. say hi to my 375$ rustbucket!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. YG_X7kE_yMJi30mbCFZJYTRERZK6hbzwFDapOFR4RvY=w533-h400-no

as i already had soo many corolla spare parts i decided it would be a good idea to buy another one as a beater car.

fast foward the whole winter. i had time to work on my celica a bit and try to replace the bad clutch. but did nothing to the corolla..

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. ZKFrsFfoPEMmu7TF6gma3EyAuBOkdBYQqA3p8IIZMYc=w533-h400-no

and then installed some megan coilovers on my 84 cressida in the spring.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. S88en52CAqn8Dvso3sGJlwq1yNau32nr59xyyjKpWQc=s643-no

and then we're back to the corolla!

Winter is long here and gave me plenty of time to come up with some bad ideas.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Lg3HhXrMKhFF0nu_y2UoIVVzp44jZqPPGsawuVhxZMU=w483-h643-no

first came a random recaro seat i got for cheap and made rails to fit the corolla. ( my dad owns a welding/machining shop, so i'm lucky enough to have access to some fancy equipment)

then scott's old 5 speed blacktop ecu as i wanted to run stacks.

then i did this

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. APlShozCShNDz9ovCoEgUMKqaTy9FAqAi1DfvoJBxWE=w483-h643-no

in order to achieve this

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EuftfmGKnjDOjHGtgZKapHxA7SNJJxk8LCZsY3ihc3M=s643-no

the idea was to have a car thats mechanically super simple, but with a well equiped interior. I didnt want to go with the expensive JDM stuff because as you understood. this is a cheap build. So i found all the oem options available here at the junkyard. door lock, power window, crotch vent, center console, electric mirors. you know them.

i also grabed the whole wiring harness from the scrap car. so i removed the dash to swap it in. I also painted my whole interior black with that duplicolor fabric and vynil paint. works really good so far.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. BzDp5Z-U0hURlVhacc8pva9YPwJKidtp5uNm5Lh4A34=w533-h400-no

I also swaped my old beater front subframe before selling it as it's a zenki one as i prefer the rear bushing design over the kouki ones.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. TnWDs57a4usg7a3nSrjwj6ht0Gm2grhsAjs6LM0JclA=s643-no

At this point i was aiming for a stanced look. i wanted to keep it year long. So this is when i made my first set of widened steelies from the ones i got with the car.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. HBIORrLgbLpVXJXclFaTjhwNqetbdZ667ueoz05WznA=s643-no

Those were 14x8 et0 iirc. Sold them right away and made another set from some cleaner steelies while improbing my technique.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 6mcBjc_UEQWjn5gstzgCU7Odq0eb4cVivr1s9dl1F00=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. BUJ79oG0ypHiqk0F11RyJy2dWytXr3Mf34fnF5JRo1Y=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 8LT3uiKnNMyMe6QLszEtYZzOY9NKmP0sUgjkEWzxboM=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. RtwozxQqR77YsNSvuLNEFiJCRghMWNU4xTOdRJEc5eE=w300-h400-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Bs0HlF6MVkSSYzILZR2e49nfaYzqb-X45s8ydWAyA8w=s643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Ehhjs7pSXAXhFjtteVh5nC8g1Dp_GH9Nr6uYJbxLZYo=w533-h400-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Wk2NPtzd9Azo0Bpsa1fKKckRx-MGd7ivHXTySXZ4-Y4=w483-h643-no

14x8.5 et6. This was starting to look like something!

At this point the car was so low i had to notch the frame on the passenger side to clear the axle. here is the result before welding and painting.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 0TjmB8zk9xxjbfq5ODJMWIkvRDrub0AnVwlFzhSOmfM=s643-no

In the meantime, i was working on a conversion harness with my friend. a properly made one this time!

I also bought some goodies from T3 to let the 20V sing its song a little louder. I was looking at other better set ups, but for what my goals are, this will do the job just fine.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MAdJlhejav8VlGOWLpohK9BH08HLl8nzEaJQn5KiUUg=w858-h643-no

The car came with a custom made steel exhaust. as much as i didnt like it, it will do the job for now. but it had to be reworking to fit better and tuck as much as possible.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Q68TPaYN_dXiOObs2lGApOuQRW_BfuuXluu1ytXOgiY=w483-h643-no

This is what the shop looks time when my dad is gone on vacations!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. QtUv6f0j3MR8AGAxsNWWZF_FB1Tr1bRJ1x1edkWxPrY=s643-no

At this point i started driving the car to fine tune the set up. I had to roll and flare the fenders all around to clear the tires while turning the wheels and did the same in the back so the front doenst look too out of place.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. QOqNdhIfedqQRxjKiuhmw9zAelRlvXCwEgZ92TA3DaI=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. AhjgzeVvIQUWGP61rA8fKaqRT9bPUjVMMasTtr6Yy20=w858-h643-no

Bonus last pic for tonight!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. ERX0vO570HmfABoi_5PA9u4yPOFu6wyf9NTnnlQxKoA=w483-h643-no

This will be enough for now, I'll keep going sometime this weekend! we only made it to august last year so there's still alot of stuff left! more custom stuff and a big change of plans to come!

Hope you guys enjoyed so far. If you want to follow this build a little more closely and everything happening in my garage, look up @FABZTOY on instagram.
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptySat Aug 01, 2015 5:04 am

nice work man, looks good
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptySat Aug 01, 2015 10:41 am

Keep up the good work!
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptySat Aug 01, 2015 3:23 pm

Thanks guys!

So part II here we go!

I'll begin with a couple shots of the car while i was working on the fitment and trying to make it as driveable as possible for what it was.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Cmt6NtC_mS40WUSRmtxesepi_2v7sEMy6Kra9aJ-H_U=w858-h643-no

Familly reunion!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. TpVIVyQVihCw9kChwbAnli9mLxjdIb_7q2s5dTVpcWc=w409-h643-no

Those two marks in the concrete are from the front subframe banging when going over the 1'' drop to exit my garage.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. SjSfcWERBmhAJMvwiK8cWV1acCoRHViDZimi8axCbHA=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. LC-WiINwtoMNF-KPoTVPByh01q2S3BR1eCEpXh-Q-dQ=s643-no

I know, the lip cut isnt centered. I hated myself so much when i realized that! almost as much as i hate these rainbow zipties today loll

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 1CvyXfYnBY-9QqfZ5HMHZQLUHH8kVjme3wNm-Z5rD2s=w858-h643-no

Continuing on the fully equiped interior idea, i decided to do a proper audio install using mostly some stuff i had laying around from old project. This is where you will realise that, as ghetto it can look sometime, my engineer side peaks out.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 0iDshZIry6wRNi9dyeyFsT-rph0roFW6E9ZtxDshohg=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. TWFPFIV8y9wompxOmJD6-cdOFR02pv0eVOGwg7vL6ME=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. NeKyLMsq61zKcGA6J4hFigQUuGtv5fVVwE-JoiOfvUU=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. QUb7vRJOzSrem3jm-YQ4g1v3j98jecGRycu_evDkHPM=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. E0dDW5-lodf5ShJgDJNgmJUevjdSaGZXn_dEwE0RUg4=w858-h643-no

So we have,

-optima yellowtop battery,
-big 3 ground upgrade with 2ga cable (not sure on the cables size)
-4ga from battery to splitter and then to subwoofer amp
-8ga from splitter to Phoenix speakers amp
-phoenix gold XS2500 subwoofer amp
-Phoenix gold tantrum 400.4 speakers amp
-Fuse holder on custom battery holder with 125Amp fuse
-Exile 600W RMS sub in his vented enclosure (Exile is rebranded Phoenix gold stuff from what i read)
-Pioneer 6x9 rear speakers i found used. just wanted something rated over the 50 wrms the amp is pushing
-Pioneer TS-A1605C 6.5'' front components on JDM speaker brackets.
-Pioneer Premier DEH-P980BT headunit I think.

I decided to install the amps under the seats to keep as much available trunk space as possible. i was concerned what vibrations would do to the amps so i mounted them with tye raps to the carpet with a foam under them. I also installed a switch on the remote signal for the XS2500 so i can shut off the subwoofer and remove the enclosure to give more cargo space. You can see the little red button under the radio. You can also notice i made a custom gauge pod where the radio usually is and relocated the radio. Those are juste cheap equus gauges. oil pressure, voltage and water temps. the basics to keep an eye on what is happening under the hood!

The next thing i tried was to try to save my underbody as much as possible.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 4dTzVsOSM2RfDurIeuxwJSwMqcqOgVhrYmvJkr6VwaY=s643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. IL8mSq-M1OVT0uW1oSSOG-yJwdhOENUPc8DW9VhoVgc=w858-h643-no

Telfon sliders on the frame rails. held in with taper bolts and rivet nuts.

Then came the door pannels. ( which arent completely done yet). I had zenki door pannels with my electric window swap. but i liked the kouki modern feel beter. but i also liked the luxurious feel of the carpet with the zenki ones. So i decided i'd just make an hybrid!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. XY8Twq8JQaYsmznUD8aBaT0Y09R-w_mkkydXMWqpnHI=s182-no

better shot of the engine bay with the stacks and filters.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EWx431le97D0rq89Vnz6gk9QoJbaH3wyQ3OZDxFAphw=w483-h643-no

So at this point we are in september last year. I was just fine tuning the stance to make it driveable. I was soo happy at the idea of driving this car!Then this happened...

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. KSAzG8AudHFRU30XULGnstgLbl7_A1pRkTZDUi9er8s=s643-no
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptySun Aug 02, 2015 5:21 am

You crashed or something?
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptySun Aug 02, 2015 4:06 pm

Got a mechanical inspection. police is more like a gestapo to car people since last summer. tryna get as much taxes as possible... driving anything modified is a risk of getting fined here. really sucks..

So i had to work backward to what i was trying to achieve and raise the car to get it to pass the inspection. here are some picture to show the height difference.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 3n1SKIoQ8djrBhSzRcXQjICGVr08UvFEUUqlhfEp5x8=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. VK0Kk9_d_qW2zdLpXIGpohwTPT4hTnzF7uMgWmiuLPU=w858-h643-no

This keyring is about 1'' diameter just to give you an idea loll.. i was planning on swapping to the zenki subframe to get line about half an inch more clearance. at this point it counts loll

This is after raising the car.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. JjWOVEvIMrga4Puw4k8ygvKg9ymelvlFOoYel4bffSE=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. YQ-sT-MKPi3XzcoUP0tYXieZmJJlsw8Txj7XSF4GOVI=w858-h643-no

I got this inspection after banging subframe in front of the police car. and because my front tires where scraping inside the fender. soo i took the adequate means to solve this issue. Laughing

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. U5ulbpKckvIgpL38u5ptWUUPzPq4MBLpNg-8fzZjhHk=w483-h643-no

Also, now that i was done with the audio, seats and all. i started trimming the front door pannels to fit the 6.5'' because they are far from working in the USDM door card Huh?

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MDNt7iur8ZU_w7bN7rI_1jVs33ntFFwoH7GqrRAawX4=w858-h643-no

I finished the rear ones.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. HyEHy9iDrssS-SsWgRiMQ7dNad1JFDkXmQ7DWvC5EKM=s643-no

bonus interior pictures

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Q9B3JLU_ZBEHO_mPWnRQUEouw1fkKpuY9g1ImdGYP4M=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Yr0vTC9kZsJbJNYVM63u2lLMdMnvD1nOy7AQUs64xeQ=w858-h643-no

Pics are ugly i know... but i got my new cellphone soon after that so they should get better soon.

For a while i wanted to refresh everything i got from my other car to swap them in this car. This is a gathering of the parts i have to clean and paint. front and rear subframe plus a gaz tank.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. D2EKK5LuxsVlrVPddrcH3YssuOxBKHA4S2I-xNopulg=w858-h643-no

THen i realised suspension arms where mix matched. and a friend of mine was scraping his ae101 so i bought the shell for 40$ i think Laughing

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. KNHc1TnSCgEbi7esuIfBE7ej_feSbuLnVUVs3-y1r8Y=w182-h242-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 00D0u_B17C2bAP_6ZH87yH2z7JGH6C_1Xh6VEpIPLws=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. KrqTmZl3trwOG9SZ0Z1dF4X9EuebrRpURvyidx1sNro=w858-h643-no

god this 5 ton winch made it soo easy!

The main reason i wanted the same arm on both side. other than because it would bother me soo much now that i knew. is because i had a ae92 GTS rear disc brake swap. and the oem ae101 arms work better for the conversion.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. FIeEzoa1ymwcevACoBNkGQ9ewtiFXVEbVhgLNW-qT1I=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 6OnwYRmK0ljz_E5H5yqVEjDb0yGOWU9EfPGAc4XhN9I=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. K4M8N_vSWyiHJLVwqeR4vApz2QT7DerZFulZDa_TL20=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. OSUuEABBlLYjc6IINREm4Ey1sR3C5tGx2PPJGWwOtgo=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. WzksLViWM4Jm_2OoKj-NcjzXURN3VC_Atus8lIqguVc=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. X5zSf6aehEFilP_fEntTfE9mz6s_iAv2t-v-_Ua9Mqw=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. SyRMc_7fAzfF1fGkBXUFScaoOilEm5MtxKoBEmYw96U=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. UNAI_M8FJZqlaSbLafOZ0zDwzf1WpL5jVeVHSbyQwmo=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. HFCdJDOHP1-CgBB0iOfJ_kIBdcG3zwqXEJnkP8Uhwe4=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. M1BOuexr3V4DW6WhI89VPNU-zs8oaihjVNy4YgOfPLA=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Nb-RsrSvGtVXV3iEQ3LzbVCGSpudMuVk6x6jOBN7T5A=w483-h643-no

On december 31th, i spent the afternoon working on the suspension arms for the disc brake swap. i used a steel rod machined down to fit snug and then TIG welded everything togheter. once powdercoaded is should look like nothing hapenned

I also made some evap block off plates for the tank. just missing a vented gaz cap now!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. L-K282fJ-vU-z2yLiOMSQUU3VCBdBhv6AThj93ea0Ic=s643-no

and i cleaned the spare tank before giving it a thick layer of por15

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 3QMv1bT0rc6qplLiNFy3MVAdAqVRa3VtPRJkhD6sHTQ=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. UaNJs54EYH__nWW6ecLMzkXzVrRuWkibmRftcZbvgfU=w858-h643-no

as i was cleaning and repainting every suspension parts i needed new bushings. and after some research i concluded only superpro had all i needed.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. VDW_Tnb5oh8rcdjGURvz6aYwi1eSJMemEKZFvb4kHRg=w477-h643-no

I just fucked on the rear sway bar bushing. ordered a 16mm and my sway bar is 12mm...I know 20V have a 16mm arb but couldnt find any at the JDM shops today..Anybody know if maybe the ZZE110 S has a 16 or bigger rear sway bar?

in an effort to clean up the engine bay a little, i fitted a zze110 prestone reservoir.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 2-EY-qnOLPpIehuOHm6p7ngKwJNAweoFGH-zGvM2ei8=w858-h643-no

then i got a st184 windsheld washer reservoir and i wanted to fit it and replace the oem one.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 9rtrq8ox8hrN5ej9SjDYJYsOk8RNEfEgAxx5HhgYK9A=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MbsKLG3AnUxNZp1uvEgDrzPPL5H46pShdrQ8ezqiGik=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 7mlRDo-DLNhJk3UiPz3KivFjQ6n0IZTo3PR7ms-Ol14=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. PuNTQbWXe1pa9bhhmcVA_x3wunbEYYSQAtswo78gF5w=w858-h643-no

Sadly it was sitting way too close to the tire so i had to ditch that.. Crying or Very sad

A while before i bought a set of oem mazda protegé steelies. at first i wanted to go 15x9 et12. but i decided to go another way during the winter and just build the car as a driver's car.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. NUGY3GAQChib56iQr0K63wy3dP_zbkJkHFUAWmINUm8=w483-h643-no

the final specs are 15x8 et25

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. IcZNuYdF1-SJgT8xU6wb0-PDEx7D6zRO9qlsk43s07A=w858-h643-no

Take two on the washer tank reservoir. fron a at200 celica this time. fits MUCH better!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. XXkv93vRrciYTzng2tssRtitzqzZ6xb45TrIu5DjePg=w858-h643-no

to match the new look i wanted for the car i needed new wheels. but couldnt find anything used in the specs i wanted so... feels good mounting your brand new tires on your brand new wheels!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. CC4D5-0fhva7P6alagcWh1f8vMyO0VkDMWKd9HT9K1w=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. RV6qKWvXXgcekCBGyx8JSAT0LVxk6toPco2bnQhIRw4=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. ITTjMAoqFwWfd-lYNpqvBjQPg1YzDLCtQpqpd6rDnjs=w858-h643-no

I sometime wished i went with genuine RPF1's and RT615K instead. but i have other projects on which i want to go all out and konig's are far from crap so. I will just keep the centercap and not try to fake it like some do!

Close up on the washer tank fitment after i made all my brackets.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MZMCI051Xl3umC_-W_3NVgAYJd7zQFV_cIOi_WmksCE=w288-h217-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. WEOGnafDzILtPvi7IRhDSWnrg_WAVpH8ovaDgNzpQ3U=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. QfD2hd2nckerTaV2aWDZjTiuEu-Bp0QVkVKapkcAui4=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. A3orWgA92vdh-pPoqnl0ZvKTqSlwhYcGaU9bT327Buw=w483-h643-no1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Xxs441zhdzuL02u9hFVikeV3gx_sojpkJcbVPOGruQo=w858-h643-no

enough for tonight!

thanks for reading guys!

Last edited by FabZ on Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyMon Aug 03, 2015 5:55 am

I'm really liking this project! Never seen anyone use a huge winch crane like that lol
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyMon Aug 03, 2015 2:02 pm

Thanks! I'm very lucky to have access to tools like that and am very thankfull to my dad for encouraging me and being comprehensive.

We are chronologically around this last june here with the wheels. not that much stuff happened since then. I'm out of town 3 days a week for my internship so that cuts down my free time by a lot. it'll be over in two weeks tho. i'm hoping i can get the car repainted and driving within the two weeks i have before autumn's semester.

Tonight i'm taking it easy. just got back from a big vintage car show with my cressida. actually the biggest in canada if i'm not wrong. not a lot of toyota's. i was the only cressida, there were 1 ae86, 3 mx63, 1 ma70, 2-3 aw11, 1 first gen celica liftback ( RA2X, not sure what the number is on these) and 2-3 E30 corolla's too. Plus the other japanese and euro's. This was mostly a USDM car show so i was pretty happy to see some cool imports!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. CX1UTbdhgeyTa7bpPjwqcmTeRLgv3toLAUJNSp_yg6Y=w858-h643-no
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptySat Oct 17, 2015 12:14 pm

Little update tonight. since the last post, school restarted, and some other stuff happened. It's midterms time right now but i need a study break (i take way too many of these lol)

Here's a little something you guys might like! a couple friends of mine had this garage close to my place. they have a few nice things in there!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. NZhSfkz1l4eQURcQ2PPgprPGnIVkfggQy9BI2lX-wN0TtmvgHxEZKsBQzQr9LUuAddtly4PIoLS7y7seeeD9x0YxQ0FhLm0yIM4VpWq7avyJWWZ7EyI3YLdFw2w8gQ9OH0u2jK6PRsqxNUaEyp0UPfWp3X1O0Z0zbp3LnUxX_Qehf8fybw23kS8YHQiT21HtUe4K0N2TTbd1dp6Dx29kQJXVeahilAS-LJ69IbyZll7RLg5EHy1sWYos2HpbdMrLwWA__7BXemxnKf25d5glokPBPRpWyPXg9DULEWVbXsBFBkHDu14KCSUYPxbiQeIM30ASFItUMgGZbvXjtARqkxi-iWoRg6Gp2NKsAsF4W4dmuOjao3szuV18Mdbvb_eZABTPBTQ4CGZn_N3sp3h6UnN3qgUZrRs0H7eHvQpCvUZoCngy5xM1h4H5y-5ahGngDBQwczOUoQsoiNC5KOFUOvggSfhVTtna1a7GpWDMvPG4r-3yGXVHWG670sJytZZhRUQUt6E9rwvpKob-wn4uwiMTbldUh5_fRGjGfmbsF5k=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Xbeqrm74X0_ACK7m54tTB3nN-f9czHoCgDV0CTg54-8sCyniU_cwSfKHB9sm_VMO2Qb_5OyzbV4yHyXDH_CZo9mUwHATssYFL3sjr69LHBNr71rAPOMXzDqhQnn7jY3jB6YpFyu7_4JUEyyujXxp3Kgj7FS8gzS0oSfnSf4O2Sdt-jBQfjhu_MIkaAZpcOZ7NgH5fXo5199uliumb9wCH5Vh2BZBRD1__GthLZl2Qq6prDakQFOB-n9nkC0tImKpCsQFaHO8r-n7bUSAMEBES3-ZNtmqdnw_FhV2ZgKw3-kUAd8J2kHc0_CO4iuzpfshKRPiPgEVk9fVLnDm2GtKP2hyZojjFMWUDwXnPZdqKaz4Vk18lkZBg1iTqfWzhfJATI7-pxEDAfD4WDxQmX2kR4ofL_YSqFz3ycbhCoHWHICApMFjml5NRVC7iScvj2gIGHKXAcJq7qHAtmxuR1sERqptnTLtBGkFoAEPDhRiPAO7m2kgqctNphH7FrjM9VvobjYW1VIdwQBxbL04jDx1FuvdK704ToUKZHqWSXknCPU=w858-h643-no

one of the current project is a 4efte swapped ae101. the car will have some goodies. big turbo, wta intercooler, hybrid transmission... I'll try to do a little shooting when both car will be done! back to mine for now!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Eu776yv1tO2GOkBqYqOl-IXUNRyA73M_mRmS8IfUaMtLBiqXQw6gHwFMQfDeDpswcuBk_a8K_mKFWDv4kBeshUp1Atpzcd0gEbvJyYNAVRDoJZehqrBdrmEyeQqvMZP3wPrdyAcfbswoVEz0IspuyHPegzn1KiruDpSeSmvcIT3ODgzAhtpxEKO8Gwb5_PbpAdUrMWFnohxaqosIDnHrcY9Of62Mor8PV55f9hiB7v6SmUVTCvzhqprN6sGEe5Q6UOHJzYzfAYaQL0YsDXWDnuav22iJnJWGNiwsMxrvVffdnlw2WO4uHMJDrhVByjlFARJy1gX28Dk9276GqO3QDNtYDrRZcrQiZ5LySJpYJYU5qkkNUtLErjNDwEgNhM325hg8jCA26Mv01BXEbbNpnAu6aJ04Ru7CwK1jpyHXaDv9eGE1uQhL6vni1JDdb58z45HXMYsDQeZJNWuwK4IVDt2DsF0mZ9xGMNBcS0Pe4adZs_s_K3Gv-ro1BfY6_ZdT_Ar9tNbFeuIeJATninjJVkSirdfyt8lFOWM_OuyEHr0=w858-h643-no

after the damn washer reservoir i finally got back to important stuff i needed done to pass inspection. one of these was fixing all my electric issues. i had windows not working properly and after some hunting i found out some rotted wires.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. D5vZPTNo1fdjNJA-QrQc2tulIGm-TGsdYEDrqLvKh02GWOqRJjbAGfrMpLvzPYbC4Ku5nXdMlbbEmvSn9Rft2SofTDlKp6B55feZiEIWkbhCOATYLUNmZ83syl2A6HBu4626dpFhDmC8vbAWlN56nl8pwcDgmzsHyvD7zfqann769rAS1owWA_c9x5i1mkxKWC3OobCfxHsrsoszvoWkH_C2rGAsRWANBBm0iJg2FzrEQUJehnDbVmELlCvKUWkC94YKolCsNYxQIxLTGkyUNMMs7y5WZrLDFKFZ3nDoRtNMe1cMuCURQVqyqV-DOUIiZwG7bvKr1knLCye848QrzP6XSPdhFN3kmzDCJUJGuUHoGGQzZaR9QdPpfk-f-zBUVD4ZRU6bbx2e27HB3H4xWq5wxnV5_pwczAfRgo1GxdbkpfxKdLj-U8SFcil5uJC6HnfB4Io7dbHxwFqI8JqrHbiBQdqlcf9DBMklTKYUWxD3CNbKYzEC0X4M_c5B2X_uP8ND7TEjqb102UN9bSEVh4DByg5nwKpNvm-LDeoaRYs=w858-h643-no

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Fl2fqrmwPub692DkMS4nFoeAmiXzx-2y3jswAMQ4VSA5hpkbtuGym0KqJSYIrDTQJCsTUcRMSDG2fMJjNLQLdcNRbQpn7Y_8bBfGoHHKvfzcO8VZ_HSXcM85-BahA7zaswJ2KvhDNcG6tsbQMudMDlOKlG4iB9eqJQBRRmZlwsDWQ1ApDRy_oMC5MpF1V0cffZz6GeaZZAZjejduc50b5zdq76bwlh_MNXP3J1wkuDo-1HSeRNvF3pF3AG_ZFVApixiPKOsPme2wBYJ_4UD96CjhjHYVzWLoeZe0ElaeQT8zHbVYIe5EgLqa9BlHi3wQUwj-zjU2BlVKT0ttW29736Dp-2TkTJYTnrcLNRhtcVCPjnWDf0QPjl9SB-88LjDCZsIYzj1qd8hA9R_orkroLAgADF-UxBCNdPUcZ-SoCr64L-3PZ4c76efKfvBWuKcfD7WYdx8J4goPv-svb-6792u5_wiK1foiq0lU9NZHqXTEGMhH7OjKK9F6OBQrslWe74h7pTjAUIqb7kCn-tFcQXBxSlRpclAjTQQ9y6sWyXw=w483-h643-no

like new!

i started gathering all the parts i needed for my subframe restoration from my parts shed and put them where they would bother me when i go work in the garage

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. VhOKlJk-NlzTnzh0JAtx_P8uXpn2wUl8pcKqTaDOxmouraZjPD4JmzG0b8iCMzn8-Lrb8s3ncMYUexDXC47OjaYVa7aosYPW3nc2-otWjROxpfJ-YBlBxYiUDGXYB6x_e8Bv8m_O3d0NEkv4znG2MCKft8jdj-K46ZGUTcOi-GHXadalgrGQyaBasXQEMoBIsfHGqe8v_Fd51t0glJi-xzC2oG1JqP8WHKfWRBQQkkOXoNxjxRco6rTS45SX0kAi-aq-xjmDkt9jLlkmVfWk5VBAdkYpUx0B9xzOZDaRYe7A5oMoUoWF_ARGK792VOuUPBu-rCqFMGKKK7hQPVKYMjl_R3l7nyVPx6sqjQOT1Lui39ncjXpg2TTVQtrg7n-K5uPeSPGjetFqGBAGzqTy_5B3xFU7T3z56eHxqWzrawMEVCW-Orv5HoPezad4xSSHDjHKv5v4jz_6I5QGcQlVAUDXqRJ_HwwrSSxSjAlHdR6AXAklWVJ9AonkudKqRHAmMUpEBWnkzt_yPMqvIri1c66kFWIeRwZmcueHB-8uRX8=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. LhDdoLe9kkMStjXdpnJo20SVGfgnPr2hhnlBsCDPoP85iEFvK55e_Hxr1Nac2ZqsEjt5rjrDIlxK6Mgg47B9MGLe2SSQ0Oo2J-DIRXdrdW4HHjwMo6oYfGIgsRXPF80WFZsMTDIfAKZbcflpa6OYb-8uENW6TODW_z4dqpzDCn2cPTbx2hF6Oc8ulOupml4BIAS05I5VqSXnjJEzzTw6DsmdDFGkL4AMrxEe7lriLsT5UGrMNWHEa64xNJmQQohCyb_0iaAPx2GvAvk9McdNVTjxZPXpccKNvDkvXHrpR42vfsmkUuQ2J3hpGyZMbVOGjV_v90eCRgi8vbZdS-SxyDXcBfA40Ajxiu1gRTJLIXsqhN7tkCsRX0nPGVHXzB9Hg9YvgAHRrPAIjWTZLk74RHSB_2RRnLsUhB0OnkrRxNIZ0tINI4r9nyX2axsQGx6ohP1v6oN8MAH8EIJkFMSN55ndyoOGCzMQN4ARdWLDdx4sF_hiNisBp7et-FdX4B0rsJC83xAIq7cGVyIpWMa5hpLHZZTPkLIez8VZrRhvCB8=w858-h643-no

I have a pair of st184 front calipers in there. while talking with kyle one night, he told me i should go with 1992-1996 camry V6 front calipers instead as they are still 275mm discs but dual pistons instead. This gave me an idea. my local JY had this '00's ES300. 298mm discs and big twin piston calipers. 20$ a side so i decided i'd try them! there where no XV30 V6 camry's in the yard anyways.. unfortunately...

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 68C6H8PWxAjHi4K8956n5t4w042Ju0gy9qrcNULfLPEM4flzHt5kyJiSwVMiv0M6IzuWCybi-TUtLKdc7k-ZVUvce9RsvhRq5tPYDC5DavQcP_LIkP09x7z-EjtEeYytUP8YTH4OQqyita_qVz8vbR39mGNfU_rNHJL7wHlMbm0AfYAWxXQjbpadwoc6Xl211VPYz4ImLh3qTGUid7d7zhdW_a7Ygzv9I3Ar6CvksuTx0XaN698GgQg-fComz7bpokaLkzyTTePGdLKMlAQGpNwzgHpuKmc0qOXCoHlzKlS-un6KTkzCHH2RgSCw_1G1NbnSPRiPF1ModPp_TlBeLdrnnxEp7zV3W96ydbg8xp4buVpO-MLDrh6KZeefNyOW87OkTBPf-NEbsWFwpR_DsQ6HYk5qWmWZGWlzmTvxlRheymrCEBecXliWi6-Gnhn6_nn0GsoC_CfaV0GCXJO9BReT8CMTCCZIykRVNahjcAF_EhsQhc2GazNc2bB2ELxgzyA0tp__BUvACuKHuNn1ixeqVzXX25R615o4soO5Qns=w858-h643-no

I'm not going 16'' so they will stay on the shelves!

I also wanted to change my front seat to use my recaro as a passenger seat for my missile build so i found these ZZT23x seats for cheap. They're not as supporting as the recaro was but they are a good balance for a daily driver!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. BuVusmZM3Yg179KvtBWzTEnZhalXvEzMOOUEcNiOlfIR2WxO_3g_F9kJ90XrOdYJjlNsPgoMAUftnvuwMee9kw_5c8YB20BX3LHBOs-A_7YHcjSmx_HthJRBP8PiO6pE5Q3EnceZPSr9pKe5bRn8vEKzlRlnmzA0v6BSMPD8cWAwZNMNO5P54iKJR1YeIaER56jLWq-qkv6fwxGwXWKnHD9zjBrRTCJTja3aR_PJxG0XD3arL4UM9T_oRiMYivqRxpF5P0LogK-WdyPLdDLCk57hLpHLkhH2dwiHiSZDgdvK1c1SIgM9Dt2qOr15KFsUZgj6-Shuxs7HyVuqpZTOprh8smbhz3y6dRCP-OzfN3O24L0H3i5BPa-fGZ23oF9QuGZjvwPWRDideFYABwT5kvwMf4pjoHwUxMdDYe0LTVz2SuctaZ2Ls8O62qe10Qa9HVfIRy9z_xWpmks4CDcN4A55l1GqO9ZTCl6L6e2BckD5v_Ntn75Ay8Ss5sESFoVqUoi64XnszGiaLR_dSx89Vf0XpFBi6OjTaqfd8GmZr6g=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. SBAg4X0mGPJpuu2pT33SEjQOtzWIdv4FKwUEKWpiKQpn6u3p_012n3zE9QxVzBhEnDzNLfdDd_cA6PdG4wkr4U-wEN_-oMPBplFcVypMzZAXWhMNNHPZ4DUFXHCg7UAYJJMzHWAFntU3miMIiJyJSY9xuer-JxZzMYpuINGAqxjt2IDthHcJmlSxewbqJZUiVib-n3PPdc83moGdw70oPadGnNV-oxL-ISEeXJpOCpEfmf26y7IphvRymfl3Mo4WhlTRIuFQUhuOiVZ9rwt0gBT7g0LYbQ6A5VPt_SwMXnsShe620hqeRRQlBgPG6SwpaWUmZF0y5CIBx8itMJ8IKENe3aBZCTIvdJLqGkhZlfzXvB8WcfbsqkhvGJHrL_PsyoqJnIyUZNfGtdXUGdXXhKW50ciHK19NuOrQ3ZNztrcxcjd9P53DbMHT8cuRFtjM4SLUnL5YVWKjdbisyclGlk3u4TJzSP5JZPiE7whSwhzCeVp68lSZsRPWgvVHJisov2iFI_biNv8eSo1p1xXGbt27ogTNUvZNAPyCsHpeQgo=w858-h643-no

not bolt in at all. i actually made a basic jig of the bolting points before cutting the mounts off the old corolla seats, then cut the celica mounts off these and rewelded the corolla mounts on the rail using my jig. swapped the seatbelt buckles and tadam!

You may have noticed, i have rust. but rust loves car here in Quebec. So i decided to use a pretty intense strategy to fight back. Acid dipping anyone ?

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. VT5PgI0NXyxrVTAfLHfUWSPgCKQkpn9XDynmeeaoEACjnw0C-YAz6E4g6dXFG8Q7G3pFWwCUUUoF_RJID897UqAbRapLCHk_qeyq7Ew95znwRGIihZLL61ACjlMIjEXWTqsyAi0W6gesmFZSGrVPn389Uy1Xx2Fe7a2erYISf2h2Lsw2ajVrl5eSFPJIr9z8B9dVS_qPGZTfQo_G03vyzm-hNlySGkIeMqn7Sde7KFI8ee9pzhTp6Zp4nl3JB-mUA5OjUsGdU2sDol9r94HiwV1lBxoW_DWdoiPj76VT-ndRHZfr2Cyv2EUAjuUl8GM_I_rWS3rPFyYf3rtH8jZo1E7himFdHs5lT_muDhc910gKDKt7sZ1gVreJN3ER1g0d29NBHYVGJrR5VMTtUz7TqzBGxjOhWLn9kO011MWYI7velMlRZ-EzrmCyZOORjxnu7KJRTWXFba5rb4zQNlAsCz2obBKOCJv0dTQ5-ZqbgwS3gUcQmYSf8Lo0TUtQOchnhs20-aNhazlQEzfsND3Nkknbj9Ox56HTeAvdK1FAsjU=w483-h643-no

although this proved not to be the best idea (Should have probably gone with another type of acid) i'm starting to mastering how to use it without damaging the metal. This will be really usefull to get rid of all the rust INSIDE my subframe and front control arms.

By the end of July, i felt the need to buy some cool stuff for later. Some guy was selling a hood bra and i found a new bumper i'll make fit.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. VKhm-WW2zTpEWzK3F0YOsBIEURIDq5gNh40Pgta4XYUy0dyoqq2hGFAYIsyln85f3xf_7XL38-QLIDYFg90Lss-7DBfbWHbVvU2vTltR6nGMw2E6Su91PtbqSgTGWhEnW-fFs4yWe_uR6idWCafaJKc7SYb-F-hrGxg4dkPiuToGva-sT6I39F8nruVsSSy1aGpywGVJRggtYNj7hKevVZpHNc7lTn8KQwnk22fdDWVOizio1heC34kdFV7kwdJEvTv5yT1aLmVQAdQeTeOqfBHMwgta14-u16fRrP3MfJJbIAiPlgrEqcsGV8z_y3lJFVv1Kq-ePAlp2ml_5g5kPpN02A447193t-796yweMR4jPh9hxP09uOz_AHiQ_64oHn8ZQ22YPPtqWzhjOqJUA13t_97SPsq7nDMwVJ6hJjpiizOMYL9vaLEgRf3HnndmKVWh97a3KprMTMxxVZHApMUQuph9sRI6yawVTLBCW4FAJ36Yso81C_cLwOwqLu6_q-QULLQVuOuBlvAMT1P7V6qS78xCuCLBI5LtdVGdzgs=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Q9OSVXYuYBG68ZN3_DqMtuQ66tF4p5HGxmSM9G5rhtYVqNAdF1BnCNWTyeu5f8yWfjRcyG36WWjIzYSu5wbqzuXNFCLzW8imwNeL0hF6u4pFbzRveHt7tjDFVQn0XKDIFKqr8GOtyS1oZDqDqQu1bdkM4mEdjbeHolWvgGiEp1QGraM39wbyAhHNe_bIZxYmrq9-Z15XCEX9gO4ul4b1ne3z-xIq5F_naEWZYthBgu4Gkvu_ro_1usKD8KbCPZQxLisxDwWn27HoAz13VH6DHoNHOLBsLmKw3XMKJf3Plc3FajMKWm2dpS9vfC3vRLxhuLW_-pPK1-hbrb9E6xSJYzvoD6zEMp7taWGoq0LxDtayVeajdzGTYofgDIdysd7OZTYBGZkl8BARZjpJkDqYyE_sVyn0Wc-Z_rfIGfUvFw8WUvGhiIbNerpUMCceJ4T0gIj9miDcOBXKW0CnlYGrN7alPSjggBUxsNSKaUwdPx5nKfdfhDkqCDOqWlij3bqSWE-QsKYGWmm_m_JM4TR5-w_PfjVKwL0yH_aG3rlJ07w=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. VvOLUWn5OMNBWK2MxT2qSmc-KdGcyy7S2mBUrbD8Uz8pqLgCNxhrzUd68TkyoUqydhKgCvbu5omCZ_QcLzlI8m_l8pfbt_5FA0Nzghco1lXXVmjwAvPOnlIE0tcvi3pMytvDeyHvr_KygDLwZMHHQVwkdhBMlEtjvZpYnonfbqRCXFbd89aHzJ-mzpAuUnTIXoajqso15QyrX97_xu0lyO18x9YFdkRdyN3YBSGbYPaa2ZNM_76r69sR8rb9myrzNaid8APTKdiYjaer0VpzYglNx4h-epT4vA02r0rO0jTe8n-cAMACUmIbU8gjon8qZjoQFBA5R3rVTIzNRfTNv7m6W5Vsmn2dkNYQmaF0mUuS5P5L5mo8V4z7u6CNxQjGQRX6_5H_No6Wz_jlXZPLBFUpmjZZOkiW0eLR8SATFNnnJTyjubcEbDxB5LdvBpi_8UVY4vLviIeMfLcySmDNeDxyoIVvab55pKoxLsHyV5MRuT4V-cE1qg3mIyPghgruCLRySOhOCXL-XvGkMiAl8ejWrLcaYJlv7UhU1dBm-AM=w858-h643-no

the car should look nice and aggresive with these on once repainted lol... I'm also thinkering about a splitter as there arent any front lip the properly fit these bumpers and i dont want the tye rap look on this bumper.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. UdVPCgm5L8HHKqStImvfX0u8hLXwUGFf0gzhH0MN3k0uvq3srppf1sNMfuAGXvxJ3cUHsndayAjpDMQdZDFPHS85W-NuadPXu_wmCDPKqOA_9KKVuKTjssp5oyqYuGcLPiVIRIqA9Q0_ftQf8rgD64it1Uovoey0oWrpjcVhq1l_ZB7XwfW93ZOg0RxkgnpS31Fh1uasxoL0e41f7i3_AIwFdHJa2gQx2Qq_FyzPtaRXR5AGtTGXFZZZCA_ePhRVwQm-0j7UrxcTyjgZGcGkILgKnidY3PU7cssESbA194CUwul3ICnW0c_CwupxolKpIOY7jQASS0jaATLgQBRqp0tN0pxu2GVfUG2AjLl2gaNbe-hTF8riJfX8-rTWrpvHMhnDMQAVbC6QiDJp-NNf1Gf-MDzNP8qPvKkHhPjMad0n7wRhZal6Ko4ceTP3AJBi8nVB8yfVTieEuRWP_E7tdRy-p8YIeU1DND2k0VQhGOF6C9-qmvEPiHvcxsfxJj75yTBx9JaOECh8v_yhf7_0ZTy5LdGYxQHpruqId2JLIC0=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. JLyt_X00Ae7pGGAqQ2A-2N2bEvvin3eMLFEA9OisigDsqSp2oFR05foPcVsa3EIdyT_ueCbXak0jwxLRtI9gezvkPAdB7TtfqcjBfF6qU1ozmTHaDRsydlDKtenC0ktY8vNDqtRP9PjxX_GCeEwMNCvlbQtNC60HW0-RfBS9qx_iyYemKkHJLdltDi0HZ-U2PrLs87AR_u-YKnwGVSV00lYssZ0enJ55kEwoCBsjUJ8WiQf6-cpyCFXwuklhYv5G2VQ73BGouUL1X2u95oLBeBK-CDjo1hOw66Eodtb9I7SF65nm58NYLQKs23AYXABPbDqrTwJEahLaI45Oka32_ZsZ1cj35qpEdsHAJh0UCJDauAWD48a5aB1KBN5EIvzx-7X9GNAiJFQEDL3Lfim2GFG-hrVS6N_decbLwdPHc9yDQi0AGZ2mlcwRlakRkoLAgkpPNYeFFWES4WXK6D5LVgm464VGsTxjTvoqKyy-j-k8ObH5r9B7DVbLVrb1FF8W_AZP_UfF-Q_G59PbvL47u-zRK76K7jj5yyobVj8tW5k=w858-h643-no

little preview on the car. As expected, i'll have to cut 1.25'' in the middle to make it fit perfectly.

When i bought the car, the rear fenders where rolled but it was a hack job and it started rusting. instead of trying to remove all the rust and properly roll them, i decided to just cut the lip. but as the inner fender and the rear quarter are two separate parts, i gives you this.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. NsdjbqwP3gAFcSWPQPsv-Lw0d1r2lUu5Iz57c9HFiHGD3x4ZAmEbUbyfY12F5Ki8vBJNMLBardDphNBk5XD_JrvJ8kDD9cB8DlhMVzwcn8msybB8gMJzXGsC8VQrjDfOorLv799psDrP6V_NnsqtSm2dc0FH6Q44kwXYPSG6JeUgw8kziiR42sehD0Dy1181X6ajHr1ndesuwL2Tec87jD0JD1A0qnp6OvvpEdk4YPLyuyFqy_BrGxi9LP-Sbf3LOGSlWbEEx0V4zcRmj1LdyIhXo_OACsde-Yxa6ihYaVyCvFzfX6DOKUJu4Xj-5555SOW4Whaup6_OMWwBaB_WaAngEwXDESUVIVVkzWbuWL64jqJ-2bhJWYCKy4-vScwALEc7272qCt94wvldXBXT1dZ0Mb9G01sNZkf1Oi-tVkhvYsYMIB7KChzchbwd1yQ2uJPjA82A3qHQSQJSsoRnxF__vHIsgwvUA8aNuCATWFgLURcMtV4v3X8Z_GUFc_OiNy4vN9-wZeTNv3yB2jZxzGd3veWlE8wC4Htpk_Ut75E=w483-h643-no

after some welding, priming and a thin coat of body sealer, i got this result. I sprayed a gravel guard coat over that afterwards.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Dmx1fhsJ9aX8pulziIv7q7YQhWHS72dMuZMgkdKaZRYImHOdIpTT7Luuo2_8dIT2993SEKR5cvG54I8nwywwyoSTCrI0ZseyZPNIkU8lcyQRjzcY0Cy_utkexwf7eVXxmLr0A8JEKXW2g5u_FET1GciI5UiO-754nx3RZTERYW3DrEG7S855jZQMSROMHwtdjcyprqMqFkpmeGT0qT2ZDbcwKYu4Q754ggRFKtUr3m4hc8r5rmetyeFe33pqz8WRkEVjX2tW9sMhczhmUMdr644nJPMKbrd_gfr9NCi9BFJtt4FJtoDfcAcDfDa65o405Tsli7tL1ZwebYG2hH0KyObJAEoVqMjBZLdCMVPwM64CxtAsdWf7VoFcKt7cbuGgD25bB2bv3OwqZJ3YqnQr4rZIn8Yoa2sDs5hNpF-uFkhHNFBQVOgaWhnYsihbVnpuReow1DRMyq1a-sDiQc8QOQrlMyw6gjDofvZb77J-eKHHRjasAYlDF7lKcDue52x3sc-xAa6E0cqpqtM-oq7MFOvczMWtLEbhoRxIwyOeAts=w483-h643-no

did another purchase too. my previous coilovers had a stuck sleeve and i found this nice set for sale for a decent price.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. CAbSoIjbBQbq_cnytbWA_TuuoRUV3Z_tIP59TW3nEY1lr0XPZxdkemSBH1A771iaVoDhSQ5Q_aK_lYZLOcDsuuP0HEy283St420rFEicLvERGanT5yUT1YmgXgx7cP-lwrxfpRCyPbfNlDvNYWlvT-65a04R7psYo9C6GS0pxmCat3FlogAAHW98iA-U8C1SoM5UifsTYsTc-5qgr3RxnKJdftatOCFLBMIPOjE8MFUNzMFWm_QEcnqFWedLwScK7TKCOwnOKLcYgrXCTBFjd1xpu4_bAJB4cvIjEsDqvWqZPGQdQ9af0GO01IEiwyKSynYbZ693SEURz_I58ErRCvfrCMWACL8c2FuQT0IcVHxLdxxRxFnk1moRwti1X-icc5KqxbQ767Kn6Y6MA5y98xUyqWXWHmgGWatJ211rYAyhgrwxwC7bw28TN0Zw2lXsqSwqZj1vLlalZcp87T-tsnqT4EVy-VoG3AosUjgZi9JLO9oc5RKrV5I-ZzG19bBlr8ZvOHYzURpfRNqFYIAbkUrFQBe0T1SGKMDJs5XEZQU=w858-h643-no

Tein monoflex reversed strut coilovers Very Happy probably overkill, and this was the line i didnt wanted to cross.. but ohwell!

Mid August i was so excited by my new coilovers i decided to put them on and do an alignment (basic string alignment). i zeroed the toe and added a moderate amount of camber to help cornering without destroying the tires too fast. 2.5 degrées in the front and 1.5 in the back. pretty much the like my celica.

By now i finished the protegé steelies and went to my friend see if the were still straight and mount a tire on to see how they look. here's the result

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. PSwj8Gj1DCjvEQiQz5mfDi86M7QK-AOK79Fhne1PG2RxRSrmxVNw7H2ERDIpmU8WnA67VlChO4uRMJENCyH9aZKrdUVTQW5_Vf3iDkekp9iJlnoZy3gODn0auV6xklNvYDSIOqaz5-aPyAt7_UqQY8zkATiWx9EbaRV4VvYHUPjV-fKnu9ZSz2JXF4z-nIQYEl8DH9-g2fVidtJZyCj0QdN4HEbYWSnsPdQTPVtDy8EHtRfO1TnF3wb_HcIO1QhCg3_Dyg3pUVKAI_dvTcLnz0Ks435ytODA2NuLZ1sbM_vYN7o3i2Ghqy_8w3WWPoOMpowPo76vUvm7f-okXu-TQCb8Fh4eC04edV9VewHJh1GvGpOfQzxaaOP-sA6TvUE6vd5ZGdI16G8QTK8y__GPKUmGahr1LeX0SC0Voccn5c6T_V9Q4-NDJtoJdyw7C9idqE6NCyOvJB1cEzVHSHZA3jrDB1o19JgzvR7k1fs_f26gCJN7HYWowQ6uzvmeuiA0moLmux7unJbGdjGfRy4plUrfB_cGsDZe55lLsWnOovo=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. PkCgvg9NIYl9g33gL2jqHAV3LlPnUm-bReUdm5CsRn5cC741pCp7EvFeSDzMJoUhjoiEFVtzbUGlIIR-ZZI08KgD3eAVGzrzexbWddKdj2S4rBAXHOjyCRNU7pWtu574jG1IHE-f8h07awCrPpZB2xq53cE9hc9goJCVZZEN03arImX7JcJvuWDroRnbYpX7ftUjGUn-Ot3IA_wEOH-EyQZwR557YJ6hBogG6aFf6u0H49CC7h0rY5AGWzKEIDXgyicybvHsIRP08DCdBpz0xEvnn4mT6TNlW8-2P_TCs0wfiR1I9HVgtZgwuD1twI7fIHbFwKV5FnMW_1Qw4ZNVyC0adthqWx8DgB83DcGBtgQmyWcbA94wnfLh0KHD7PujxlnPNQxJaCoqo_i_FewjX6K7bpHW-ntUsOd3MsuVtxYudU2TTgGRw2Y-R_m0cX-ZEORZf2oYJ1KCXnUSS2arA0mi-34t97dOK9oMMrLbuZMwglsEwaUUBz7Y5WwuAM_UIot0Hfvu9CiK0X-MExzIBJ8XEOCPj5Zdb3Xr_yNdeYg=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 8JaKjsPMPVPTnqspXBNV-TEkB3bpzaEkSHUFtkpX1hwbhMxMZrHcWePcRF1rOC9jhebm7DzJfPOZevP0jaXcpitKCoST3OzgsAXFP_dg8Xkmi8V8C5U0GcroYfiUAN0tGyzlntqWqImxbk-XViw2SFAD4aV8QnObNA6z4gkqszgbHcyNSiHp1mhSxUSApecpYp6q-vauJvZD6Y22HcV06ynWN3UQgM8FP76jSiHPTW8dJREreRByxpaSb53WBwhd0LH9DKC7phxGU7RqFpMScPIGNBCZ4_8Q_YAdopFp-88xTlBa3aCLszA5w1zc1R0ARWRph2kE6b6jv_cFUREpezz7S5kgynD3ic2vLcmjHS-3j-_LqsckHy7nvA_qhPFUOiF6EU2H6bLBGjzjEEd7FW_T4lTsu17sPysXDlIP4Cj5t2NGvoUO9T0vv0wHb5PiPaWDo_Bzt4Qn5d_91v45NvyuMMpwq1anmzKJs1ejwRYe6ZNmfstIadVt-9ZCLvQfaxYYJmDWuzMCCpLhGQatxsEikREnnkzmQ7YmxmYEtHA=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. JjsJWat1-hT8pahXl0xvt7YoV7dyPGhGxoSa0RsRxj9ywAHJ6X15QZayqcLd4tK1WG2lBujqqg6r852KFjGyArgLHfpmmpuOFzWC9SGfzSfJ0OidtV7mxUGt-yd8tc10QlKsG6nS7vZDVSkMFzl4POPbFVnd4fFppROR2aFwIjGx6rag_zRZg5HkL-xjYCjNDNj-eVXms1UTZi9ccLZ8nZs3UxbxnT6mBI_DkskgPbEk9gAwsXrX746w9lmZAJfkitO1SOO8MHQ6fDEyK6lZtEdA_NVVVjBM0z-5Tvh1u1fCyfHrPms4fHq2yBj8ivpBDhtCKA0mhd2ZYBRdkUT6rFA0IeykRrZp_snzPoWf_WQ6MuPdJIrIGOyM51tet1GXunYU_sjkCiQs1v2NugB8tPOFshr_M26v9JyZtKf_MQdG1up41zmdzvxMgV4lhieUIpO1vNrbTvDC_IhdznMRn2cRefZK7kbGg6Pj8grK3tiK9XBY87Ij61X1o3EOQ9mUINXmH9u_-RTwOkoW0dkOhqrTTjiiHnzV9p-LGzQjDeo=w483-h643-no

15x8 +25 with almost new 195/55R15 bridgestone blizzak WS60 tires i got for cheap on kijiji.

this was also the beginning of my 2 weeks vacation between my internship and the start of the semester. i said i wanted to take this time to repaint the car. but seriously didnt feel like it at this point. so i decided i'd restore my subframes instead. this meant a shitload of sandblasting and powdercoating. here are the results.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 1XCUgYI4pOTdu_caxhcHHU6eD7_ii4Ydfyzwvj4ucWfyrO2nJkc6e-pYAglklIfFC_eMsCP6Cww6nUbHj0EZVxfpGvqIYfQruRsEEe789izP53L2car-to5fLH1aiWsdESjBXOF9HrWbmFL6qbAIpu9kOzY2rqo_Wjf2SOeMXH60wrOhk7YtihyzIEVCWb9pfZf6m_wiTgzZOlvqBtk-UggsvdevJlUa_3zs6YfMPorrblfAu7s5jvMKFCkzi7OJ82CD5tA7PeaGpWUV4WgzpyGwVASA5MNHdF96LeM62xTVXzw0Z8qG0ShTKI9vTKEskNkFhWuWp4htT2qdzSAXO6XXRQeWDZpGc-4OSe4BWs44c-xEE9XArytb3dKonQyqrVYujWxeXLWPZjBjOfeFZozrEooO3Of6H7vjbU1U4F9daI9GuqknkkWe8-hhnj0uTDZHo7RBUxSbcEs9s_Nzw9Thogxs50tJu9JtKOeVoK_ScH4ceMyldwOCJIpkSZHSNS73pLnHqlv8UAJ8YVwi7SlIrhxQmlNZ0B4PC7xBndg=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 7st9pZH8UyBw4v-YrRRDDbIluijCsnN8ao7nDI21R4b3NPa1pD_mWj9OlB7H6UiGfVWmG7WRfVcG-JlFzxXQxQeYgZV0M0G-QrAC3aus7TnN9ShZoyYcmNjelCCXwgR5DTn5y65CVc3lhrroK2c5DIW9tuQo3ZdNeTQEYDR8OVoJ_vqeHBV_1d3roH9I6-HmsBtneUEw4Qdc-P1OKgU-kdfQH15JhQfJ2SfQr_xB3te0VRTvEepbqsnh4r_NnO9Dk1Bs_1A7IJGHkd_6TeuQI7ifNMdIC09XUc4MmvKU5kXclW00aqbM1SVsJtFWfp_PQ18ioU7PSLPZg9rm0dvqX7rxuHOjs218bLciwtumXCwL6EiT7mbpZMr-frUWYIXUkWq4ZKhfER4s11JA5cQ4tRoH6mihzb-ZTXgdYewOZ4ymaoQJtPMuFnMGuDOFQFYBiNx8Iwa3fXhta7FKxDsfAKxSUJwGzPfqGLJUexBs2MkSe0bT4pszGbUcJA-kIovTM_Rpb5ZRFc5b4MeCqku__A0zTSqV9G6UNDVkG8mPG0o=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Px8L_JzUfx9coOw9Zb7J6lOtPsnjg5hnlBG2nvifiW4oQJGi1g_UEMVq8WjKLLatrGoOhAL3ecAOIJ7LWia8pU-YvOF9HskUPxUbrM0e0aTFNazRX6VmaBIGdfQPhzoLwY01_oQzihV8a20HEussjEVkqmuSQHGQqZuc7v5lqbMPQGQr-XTfsYHbqbcGcX8nJK687nvF972-YREuW8mEBTCGPibBKbok299emhJnW3dnfdQhAem-hV6pg1zs5pn-iXsFr2tB8tTMe5Q5tgfqN7LYQ0CN9Bx97tagbES3tCFr66JxyGWQakv9yIFhdf0bl3ULgimKIcuNgJetaNm0wsw8b_hoxCt9GJDc9WU7SfJUlu5VvHWkLJpg5h8nSjU6lyfjFN4wj8FJs5khOtcEaVR0XK50FRcE9-R24k4sqmAgFS9l2XTMage5ZjDI1Ak6MKuSLJwyO7b1GvFssDHBkrtEERbdIhcSoD7CbRDhisNcuucblYYYN13EG7ejaheEGxSRF5wuFMpbByGGApgGrxRmuoeLgR--HVMjM5y3Fjc=w858-h643-no
Inner tie rods do not go in the oven lol. i'll por15 the ones on the car instead.
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. QygQagm9xIsPrL7u-qKuf3Hi2vlQ6xC53iBpsRzVi1_VrQjRHKoIAFS3bbDW4qtcsV-6uafqWocpaHsvVqp_wlZ6YViIopPcHK6PMMrcTntNUc2E4ILep9dB3TPKh7_XQ5xooAbgLkBiOBdG8CmStwaFs7d8rrUX0QaLfRY0Ft7OhRCWUQ6wOApHYp7Oip3jqC4uCqrVAnKzNfVS-S5mt4bYOiTOHkaspeREU9iERjBHS-IOInFgoOzdKboddtWU-Bj-ZXNziZRm9a8UyQL8iqilxQFFUW-zfDflNoJJSYCBFv1_-evWuw_-pUKmY76QoFP_Bb7zg6RvwZ1ocaJHewpAGMxFUXIiDRkNbs8-5sen8ZKMz7--77P_BVU1-gC8Hh2T5a5wnRAinBGrSNTPstSxqDdL_eb0yNda9-NzwWLp6bAfAR2jpBwYxjK1XaM3vUZObQbNIOs8zG9s8esWNaUqvHNvYoroftcm6ZxI6mpJfUiUfkUv_kZ7GEbYPfxooxRJpNz0vJ_NEJVuE4D7JG8ktqOIbVF5sK3S5I2RwR0=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 9z7JOaEjwVbqfLBmYuOCFv_qhZ6siBdhDjiK4h07y_Uecu13oZICByPbjUT4O_TORhThpZ_BR_rA-X6LCDLGNQw-aDNusJgnlw8e9yX8S3G0VHEuki1iuWDKh_p-OY0W8wvU_yvFtEI_UVpgOWgtc-d1pXr02wAAp-_7Z01DitAgpHNaotbgXEcQIm3ONEY-VCM-PxZl7bQDEep5id7J6avaHeFpvEbQ4DDM4Ax8QX6ZhhZYh8cL6ag_09WQXV-S3dogzbIdOyQO73Mj4I5Fbbj4bmGJD_9tPaEJQa1G7m2VMx9Jy_3LnNqifHkpvaLEv234yDnQUrRJREfxv2nKaG9haAqU6cfyqnL61H_tRP0TjLKyt7GijWDYELpW6nZuIn2WmLY70gLB1_h4_8dQKMEAp4cKBysBBK_6cP8qh2gzJORs83TTLBKQ894vcLjOaiG194AlMFkgz3liie0XsFLbzEFDi6RTDfnaxegztbof8gMxFIXnJ6uXf_6drNEmImRX-PlrQPFAnEOM1Poj8Z2bdt8vEI4zvpgaG-GF7zA=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 7obQ0sqCrXUewAQ_auAt2nDUooUvEHSKjNt1x1JYz1Z-bWIfhXvWc2nEhDl7umY4nD26AT_ALqRDOnpMpODTsAvl-i2xL8egRc5OuQGGyDmgOcPmBiarpXEnXYgI7I8f2k9S0vdekHeNjQWpKXdK8Y1Y2gLE0woMyJu8sGyY39BGHYnQ_xjDpvxEutPgEIWkGh2aeD_OJHcInbtWbB8ktB2SHDEGeTonE1E80DA-EJTtYkxEwfGoigTmo0BcnOvNGC_U6u8kSE0hBKY1D9s4UVXTcMHsuUXSRRiMNyMVdtzufG4oHyvn2LDDlITIzqXxs9F2I7t6MOU1FaboYwapM34ufkFU00YpYuWAZkll6r6Fbn-HepCvR5f5sz1rWD2gVoR_yX5I0RI1d4fflf574PE98mEiS98eUwe-JExxEvYlpxA2j-m6JPa1xRWG3vcUReRW3qFdolx5gT-fAUjANY0mYO_24f-a_LXBc0HflugdaPrLWiU_7CkW4rQfhuCB6-KImm3KsOp2XQehyMiJa7WQ2Dkue7_mO6qUYsXA0Kg=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Q_Ajl-FdA5FVEbfnEDkX063lio2umcHKj0mrqZuNbKXWckAqwmNHeCxPelO-7QqVcdBJLfn_bSPdz-V5qgxL-ERv0AR2DJzo7c7iz1fqG4BgP_2AYSHuTv-ixPxPtCCzZbk57_3S4fYQus318_bskjPtQEERTchVJjFE-ifaTtKtbzg7fy-BlcNrJn080zsCMQbiC8RUkrlaNvgP-7sdnlmRmhhabJb8PTegWjOwlKLBoUmOLAGFU6rUkv-QOz9Rz0HK7kpTjNUCCOpdzp4pqF8LBHiSplD0gl40HJKdEwFEVvtBiwVinZd4ogYwQlQW9Y_McJkfqfTm6z-cHu36OXckVTLtr1n7Y0P871gbE42tMV3ZxbNzBn7HgdYSH2EQYp2mggl0AAOQHhvwzsp4BNy-1B0oil4mla29x6Gt8XZ1X1jO7pn0v6hmDSXyRI3cxzJ8NDRtIJ4yXJdKFUtAbiqXXN9BuKz_MPZjKLgIO4W5x1LWGEhfQ5_a7esM_VvcdnzbIveAaZcMonyWjDfpT2i8RwvYPd0YCj6I6a3sUFA=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. PYP-zHyCcc0Qe2Nv9eQ6o5eaJ1fwPpVP3O0pkJ_sT-YiBiBiT-_8TJrN-JGGx0yKTkQjSMXRfo17N_IWjUvbcNLOMJWmlIFXfa4OavNfkDwEApOmDmAIdJsbIa01eFX5wk9UC0Q14eI3lJaC2VTrLZ3URdWVXzAnEvmYgJxOEgZ2Uuo2pL5InmWSvoMSGH6Vuk3FGktNJ48PEqktIIFks9u4GUAbUBMWvify5A9xjdwka65ZEyZJWJu-eseLnrbw2-klcQCvijyBaLcsR_2H3ss624bGiOhnwUijKKctiz_R_bwK41jDNRIkqcG72bA60WzlqaC1pLYLtcHH0HCVLuKFvSNt6pOQ81HAtk4sq5uh5d3i0Qw131jEtexi0UXZx2c7LzDHHBSjGuGvd4vVgWWbIjdNHY4hLIk_GD_N-IZx6j4pI1HVsUHb9ZmH3xyUz70hhi1tp6E5w1VPq6v43TL8aiGeSSkO2zfaYJ5ysOTVpOu0O9DQPuFWzrQEb9AqZg8MeCHnZBF56-Mj5l2i0tCspCYuKSS_grT63FIrsO4=w483-h643-no

everything is getting powdercoated. even the bolts and rotors.

i also decided to fab a MBC bracket using my strut brace mount. still need some work. the mounts are really weak and flex badly..

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 3HDTjxD4ktTJO35v_Vtkh1OWAm3LSfSdmwIdss9wp0SXIuiTa_u6KPnxNpT_uFnehiF_zdHv9aBgp1CDmCx9IfxDDQFlf4bhhbVF7frm7Y-hKmp4DrXMgaYClUUJK5w_2FPRJz1ub44C80nL-nfPGfF8gQ54feeOl3Dg48i2OCJMmM8Kkywn1HB2b-_pAayVExQDjTTgMQX41fcBuYjsAt2LKa5N4RZcbryPemDHxaoUI27Jp80eyjaIchEPYuyB-saY-ey9MD6sJHie4ELteJpbd3EFqUVPTRe4SY5Rp8tMUH1_t_TIeZX1E0OZKf6hUTisDVUTJT4lZCHrlVba3Po7LEDPQJNVPy4kIufgE8C-i7OuNxkV500KFynXyKG7py14NAp9gZHSsbMPgH3oesKIcb630NHDgdj5tUTJhuuaXyrSJsbBgDu5A-Lemr2-UR7STRyQwiAW9XPNAS2ztaODm1sD1n5yP3L1KH4EwI9_BqHz0WCrqcQOnsmcTSF8fyxqoFhUEE7cr61Mnbn4TL8JW2Eow_fjaMI2psFD9L0=w483-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 0Wb5hxpDrNyDMLNWmOxrVmPLPK2wWbvI5EAonTcSDHXW8v9FrNkuS2LzlSwwfrIgvNhc5L35VLCdxikx1gJtWj_CuyIbJCW7SMrciSKAUJYN_xzvDW6kRklXiuDYpixTTRZWArgGwdm-pJW9JGJjMl-8Wrm4qNm6jOohufYAK3D8ouhYPchJA-tMhqiZ1VQNYdqe7jSBkemZ8McpuKcSZlF5kDBud-5bZelLahouSo9Co055ZXDQbU070HRlj0eaACfwGQsRcy0Y5vGhH2B47KKkfyFhs8922cKGxC-YqTdEjuD65z5Zrx1KW9v-XUwWIIDVOlSsCx0rTwUm7nEZStSu7sllcgD1LKdZX1GVEMkbgypb8LIWnNBW1CfYO4ZJvPJe5d_lQSzm3KuxnohQYzKNKMNGBo8--gmL32LMkPX3cRAcDMSyqhN7JDeQfik1X1grE6NWsBh8M1-SbdWUWgIBiAIHl-LzHSXmJhZ4gM4eiRQSr7BBbgrEBOALeVIwgd98NUlcJWRbvAyBB5RYXee0-IjE949LUd3PttUS3E4=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. S4kyE0-X4EvkLVqEZupZQ1WlcCBHa8KogBwozyVrFrMaFk-TY2B6IaTeCB0HQGXj5XMm0EEK6bT3jXR8oZUfFEEexIg02GiYkaQ9YP1_xWWJwO5Pasck9I5eV2UaD5JT7wm6q8qTpuzZPifOrNolE-V0h7p0g7B9cA-_VVlr-yzF6iqgntTfuygAEiGYf6Z56apmBKHzI1tPgEFKTYuJnbmLJlX86jA35PLLiv7lIXxy4ZMLywhtcXZnXXZhOODi418XvomVmhhznBdKdlKb7x1t6BOK_9LkFmbNQHg2oZSyz_XsXHC9JBUyvuaPtYUJfS3AY31pg1nTmHl-Lld9TQGFswz4lxjguMllV7GTVmTOjX1Lhhe6YCsLgHvw1ppgVtJ7GJQvon8Q5hpNFwZtjuXAlwwFHcGTmyjLeKCkAfIjaV9C3vObvliVxUyETxmirQQSd8MhMoic8vQ33cALsVz5BF4QG0_rOwfA9_-HsL3CAK74ZfmvZEut_qWj5TuwRvYEO4Mf0qYgs3wjPsTlwb6_YYBftTRnRrwgr6Ze_Pc=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. F1Luc0sb6Nf0kPzQamlIYsATgEBmwCAlTo-yrwpAeBlQaJnm0zBCnAdpf4Q-3daB0roSIMf1R6QypM8-brrw-h68vXGljIORGUPmkY2mp0PA19loE81bNT_WdtdIEOirshI-4jWyWF9gi40QOyZPMmh6wtaewBf-YoTSWoZwdHdWaSznPsBlx5pTncyry8EQWXZ1cHlBJ2qiFj_BHmzsOoWrOgJJSqvHzWTj4wcpgZxDYv40DVN7rtXDuLX0Km5kp95I-PAma0bECYiZhQUxmDD07VkE88giivDwSfZg-8nF0RFdFNSQaZ_e_dsk4UKay88HHUI1oXvd6GR3rZ-g-ePl8Ozswg2oSSOFGx9ark9UZHZ8hWxaLCBI36XDR8jnLH-KVGHGkbc61MZPTA5jOE8b5Z7YlV4vhXk_vBysbXefG0RtJnODZgRw_20PldKFdCzkv6bpv6G53efcq26H8oDv68dR8jkNGYoVanIZHFjLL_r6U3vzptgXuBRw0kvfdolfF35tagKC-fJ-yKNiRb-mOR8sNyOWUCAIeVQ6mSc=w858-h643-no

by now school has started. i'm not done yet with the subframes. still have the rear knuckles and caliper to powdercoat, plus the front control arms and both subframe to clean and coat inside out with some POR15.

here are some ''better'' pics of the car in its final stance. inspection mode before i was told i have to have a stock suspension...

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. O8xQOayb6gQx9DDOwEmEtPl0Toil_j0qn8Kusha1NHujvgHpSu_GSuuoK-Ww4VsZBxe6D150EJjdyaArdYj4yu8ptbVyzxqEWqj1r8bSrOIaXIpZvrRryXeHYT3-i6EqcuOe-EJKuMk4sIM0aADmCAlvTmMCuTZ3F_Q9FKHBL9XnmkKgv8kK4UnjjcG-mBI0eCa-Rox167TSuCGdWvlQjRlRqE0ofJmJiO2jk_XCM2T_uQCtRuJGZEtgvLhW2WG1G_kfXidjUrVc-oMNvIOew9Ml1ER83BpUNJTdxDS-iP19bTuCAgJWCjEchoVgI-2G4WfXS9FgHVzcbN339n3J9SHMtICcB3Nl4tMAzhvBZ-lk7Umn2pei5cBixRLYNiRq9iRJTKB5FAVwrj2rszjRe37cEryTfcaP4Ay4-cBRTYHEdQUTvx5ZQRtc1217-08-B2u__rcqEfsWrkpDOMCzU2pktqnuUrl_pqG4zRSQ1WsB9GYsYIn-k1W-zXnQbo3TG47PBwdjpsFeN7EsaAR2040hELac2WW0OnZIb4jv3nw=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. V4m1cXM9CNyYQghmiDJ20woLa3pmGQMemAx_rfTbtIL8rYYdYeerm4uhe-r02qRbOZay_nDiPKz0XBYlGbs2KtKSqqehbtWaD37pcvRHyDA7ggJ4WQ6E8xxNNZQ9uHY7ZSIJFoH3n8tK4EnbThSxcv0c2-KkbEzF4ZqgVt0GhojJt6jpwVU6m6cFduNRJgUQRpV85-MwCmYNHklEtHEKHFuIHL2lw7VXc-PK4Dj7PwpptxNnRsQtjzbEzHE7JxQIpjUZOMudzQX4uijVBtMypz5bBY7-3ZGgyUgubHmm6nkU5GhGp8OupQDypP0yXfctAPqjaUyQgOdhuoptVV-S_RRpUTCpS_4ctpVMbsw67ljaZlyFzW4tZSvBLIWkdqZgN8ojWdZnhw0EifhonNpqpdMZJbhVGWqsTTdr8NLaExg6r4xvtWpInmCyaIonPtdzOGVK1c1DbrzROt7tydHzMCOC9kxLZO9b_-lwejKW5XOwZ_jZaohK_MPCGLrDhvyJpcTTCMMVZF7UnUiaVAY459R1AFGXukDZRgi4K3D6eWo=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. ZlgA1iqFdyUsjcL6OcKG7kqwnfK2rL0gLOUs3fAEsl8ohz5QMkBBBtojFgwjyq0g1DS3aNfdWLNwZnSJwllqo1hmd5RlHuL2FgF2ZfU_apIQrXYqFXUq3KGvCUCjI-pKVDj_TMFJ61O1IIvanwTYHhZiclNdJ63WLm6-Sp2s60gz7LKNSHdCnbTKna2JIiS-iOR4F1CiozZhdodwtirD7F6rrL-WYSoZC0odvCGMvtoBaEljn8ZJavJ2wmWmiNkJ0O9B8B9RB5FzdVj0NbEjBEfmnjwdj1MBwxQjAdbp_p2UbYSG0bZp5QggjNzCfAil08augwcAy3U0HuJVMua-zRZrSU9toRssjkmH4xpDSbWcOL82FZxDnq7NsngNO4RW8EM43WW6XCdDWCUTbPYwWXgCMJOKS3Ex9AcrFQJRQMZ3-r0z5facWMeTau4HA-hcBr-33oH2z-0H25mIL4VelgxQcD0vu0Eyx2vA1FtsprnJLpPdMdDqMQ89pjCl16Le6wio8HmSbVlPixrbEbooX3V2SJX0sib_K_1gEp4-OZo=w858-h643-no

I also decided to do a little something special. i've seen a couple cars made in the ''track day special'' fashion this summer.. nice fender filling wheels with aggressive tires and a low, yet functionnal stance. They often had tire lettering and a few stickers. I liked the look a lot and decided i'd go for something simillar.

a set of chalk marker later and a call to a friend who makes custom stickers, here's the result.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 8Jj-wUBdt1EY21oBZFVnv6oSSuKZVEg6_26t243sLZcnACtsHsIgU9v6vnh3MyyYiMm7S7yKSxePrp8B7XXcRanPC7CDHG0oAKSAIAycCGhnvt38pHdD0015ytP26v7Kz6ZnAID25nJay9KmNVQ1U2PVffNukfFJq5YtHllN2JOjfAFCq_aE5q5Sv7XqljYR4qQLziSolFaSd1ZD89ZCOuJxf-tHArSF5rLzWGDPxvqswkjGrICuz7w7mNUA-d7hqfkP0BT1zWuGpih1_XpL_sF68-MWxmcT4bB86snQjl85pYJLF5R20lDC1WXRXSQPWzH0P8aJJS6Wem2ppdyMnoYRwiamavQN8wlfdlzIRdif29b-k_B2PI5l1q6C73UZY7L-7pzU7fUt03uXKwJTI_vZoxmkdSSqYkKGs9gVhdMceiVimFx3t26i6_hNtcyQq6q9YqYPMkkj8LX2sNUVTEqFE5TrX1uhY-YFefTzF6M2Jsc_UapVzROzzCIg-xTH8-ZaJa6gpheHst6GSaPdNm22EAiUHO0fGk93B7iIjcs=w483-h643-no

the stickers are not on yet. I wanted something subtle kind of like cars had in the 80's and 90's. something the could come from the factory. you'll have to wait till the car is repainted to see the result tho. Smile

mid september i tried to pass inspection.. annnd failed.. had a few minors and a major default.

-one brake light out ( damn ebay LED)
-flasher acting up ( LED again and another electric problem.. my rear defrost lights up in my cluster when i use my flasher...)
-window tint band in the windshield longer than 6''
-faded headlights

and missing powersteering pump as a major default. even if i have a properly depowered rack.. :/
Atleast most of them are easy fix.. I grabbed a heavy duty headlight restoration kit ak canadian tire and did my headlights.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. R0olV7it6FLyzFSbfXxZHCl7ue8UOwW8AsT8L3HtWQU8R9zOrJdHsb84Y9_xZARpzmnavitBfx7TGSD9RhoGbJrPmMMn_7r6heoR02kfafsF29tFJ0b2P049j6aMQRi9LMacKKc6_BL3qAAMXps3M-cY4frVA1nfD5QfZuQlHLUFnM7SX-YAc-g-dzIxJgcX1UMM7fVSYixWs3UOyOAGJHPtF9ZfTymwepEIzg75zTMpclHpxOjcJaY3y4U8g8NngKawHL56xjJpMJ1RtK846JUxgJCyqLNcp28ATxxE95_CysoeDBccJ0F7kKN3DvTjkKe9FgNojl7EbJtR4yUOQcXD5p_NS1xv7eML-rxcF0UNl-UrQZKd72rvviErH660v7o_cKYNxpYUxGCmZhJVDurp81TbjQIDwjHquq-5vs5FgpXQmOEJ3YrkmpJC-ISl3xYUwk__lJoeAelbYPFnoQ6-N1bx9PY9Inwt8QQGiZ8Upvsdh5kg0AXeoZEjg6NSmu3VPUIbPGeKZ4XxngAsDKpTbYWGlw6qTveI2pO1qN0=w1144-h643-no

I dont have a nice before after pic from the corolla sadly but you can see how bad they were faded in the previous pics. i'm amazed!

I remember noticing how glossy lights were on scott's car compared to mine. so i decided to give them all a nice polish!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 3LkH9S3A4zEdbnN-TGw9eEd38Uq9W7s7v6iBpVrKqXuSVTAUrZmCApIqOihNA11wjTo3QzVLt2YRpl3xddAP56bcepacduiK3tyC494iJNOi3M7W49uFfJmNA_qJ7Di7rNuKrMOX_dvmJzhW-jX-DBpPY7chyc6ICddFjfDd_Jk0hKzXqaTwcQQDa8pv1YlKwSD-ClRCdsIj8cmgJVZBWzvH1J-y5NFnXfnGGyGTK9t1b1zAIMEuLDA6G4smuz5C863w-3dLAk75CSov-J5CyDwLKqrHGggUeeysNrd65HHuQHwpl438o9WU5VRDRRSHV9Fy25GcI0gvuAD8_Pw17WlRt1rTkKjVTAoI7IWtwcpmQfVA1FGf73FhtLNnuw1auDvqMRvZBFy8g3X1QQyrv0NRMc7ThAtYPAd0gzz2BON6x0zaHxldz3H-hlel3-0oc-wKz6E8VQVjq-kG4F1sJyKs1RuBoIEwfDukv8ZEhInyKZ7ZTCk0gCigKyCn1ZDWDP0NS-Uk0Sbu3u45btsAuoBk-btZqGrQm1Woj8Hp_4w=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. N7d9r-HGYX6O0nve5vGSmgBf2yxJR5-V7A5mXwTH2eVTILFtkjLfiPov-KfXhKIWiJ7tKXxy5_aKeaimvV7jqxwwrr0Dcpc8aPkGRQEREyeegWV-wVApMeLzVXJRYccrItdo8MH4ztB4OiBncqIKEcbyCh0mqYovtuOjmqtLcKOdBXKvD8VFzt-IGBbfcZTBwtblHQZVw-EL1U-IjW-ejoEANOvPVT6S1mauq4Pv9QwIyrPIeBSyVy9H_1wHwXeEFeQIoWyEEtj2ez5yRbYZTM0zPmHJwnxpD0WRnKybUmwTrXuVU6uULj0NDWPPOkqTK2ebYCDxESVykAEY3BASQ1uaCTcWRX6Zb81ysrUPJkkI-xXf3wA-4OIRbngVOPC_ndVeO-vob72raNm948bKyru1Rhh6r9c09WNNq44LIf6kc3GjGtjUnfSfuuI57G2H_fg3i6bixrh1Cmwy8-pQb7KeSz5534pZJX9OgsGnjlhBhnkCDH3SMkjBDh_ffxN-ubUJREQD9sPnopbhvWpdhTT2TVKDmyOTyn0q8z334q0=w858-h643-no

this is seriously so easy to do for how good it looks!

Then comes one of the last things i'll have time to do before the Christmas holiday's probably. Powdercoated my front calipers in bright red.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. IM0-DjWwXD27XT5sRP03pBajmyha2feZ8BHfZGxNHpThVjb_YN034CJM24BjKFH4r3gOhNvvp_TjOvjJfPklMOYq5yuDJuYv2IusAYP1LYkjBU4-v1vO_DVoUe0WqrSM-I-XNBrgFsQXr1sB4BY6_6HDd0wsywzpc7uLPiTUOIe7QCMnAh_n5UsLR1E9Sm1gAJA9l5HXxr2M39OBjcDR45XNDHQI9cFm6D95O2SCp8pu__STFTXCAXw_7KiXNhF8a1_zJPJ0OHUNS6eTTv1qEXT6yptLxiWMr66pxWo4d4efB17YT8kpemfGwyCmybBPnwdAGZ6zccTc46_GjwZ6dgaXDURpofGQYdmJTavJSPWvEH9xaMR8K-QJnpsStIaEzfA8psx4e9QDJhoDc8LXMHRS31RkT2nq_NlxvM5LaJO5ninVhQSwSY5KvsC_xfEKBeNG8duBdzMdR8ZfbMZ4Gb4agTB1cU08TlknrgTwSZEcayyc_sgab_h92bagyZCvTj1xlZhw250IB61RFEt0pFeSI4g39Oc8eqvNNNiMyuQ=w858-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MYE_1yxbKrXBLD8LLXceUBDkXNJMiUD07NV2KV_1TbhlnMiJSVdz_Z-6TllVXF0Ds3AgAxglwrGuml7UrqXoWTdgd1mOiD8xaLIv8GJt1SCy_BviwVzFT3WTvIYBWjyqbmTEnZXKk_dLCRrAvlQ7ihJcZt1_SRsDXZ7RWRzI_EDe46rzsIj4EAD3XFBsbGJxVgp-AkUtdY9bK-K4CFZS-p9U5JkCuksUWXWcX6jD2ZGgRv05HC7SmmdHggTe7VuZ1WRmGFFyiGVFMvLVHiBbU6Hhq8q5xvEQCrUrEBGHcTWu9POsdWGWUTjlJPmmem8PVgpFLSrzjGlwKeX4rVybr6ti4Hlq0ZdZvPC8EBq90n5xxGQlkeQ_rZuZWZpTOjuBMqxzdFhPBA5quRns9vyTW9LgTHHVKTSGhzcw0lkBXSpDBJvnYSL2_2HsWoH4sA01NN9Zm5XFbx77u0jRUCMYo-H6Z657j8P7Ji8eYQW6d9DS6kbF-SALVzZT4m4k1BotS0ykX7w9dhebS9shKVr5_jEhgco_8ABt0eTCGXaQOz0=w858-h643-no

I just hope i can finish installing my powersteering and drive the car a little before december..

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MVj-ryKml5Wd4XRrcvtFwaA78WmM7kpRwkFovd0aU3uAl7vG1zCvV4p96RmahhCSzSS2f0029HWDFLY9a8Hm3NTjFKRF-mgo5u80sZWiHU8__ujC7VN-gd-t7rALh1Ph_1UuItCXUH-UB3RmpBXNhgfiK2ZaXOSZRbrbaQ8qy7IGxSGRAvYfhVGCJOiVdNOKS3c0IxL67dToB6VhjE72ks-87UrDcgArj2Zzkt6f-0Yh3sXTXYAvCe18Yh0CDxqWCikS_lVFuayZom4V_DNlz9qhVt48TLAa143gzntWNgngBqUeKzSmQ_QKepqNiPocWAvUH7N045Lzfr-2JtqPwrNhcD1M1HczYr5HEVYwZyuosUDAVzLwYBRQxuWHh4mqtIZo3VpdgY7swkZd1Vxxl8kTCzfSQZBZlPNkxAkW4Uhm1mGYMO3QdNVN_leh9Qjf8lQa7Lboci80d0gQr_8ckr47bYm2Pvx5UDAnffQxoexKbMbzEFQqLsueMJ3fScPrq-w40GrcjH6SYErl5ukuzDMIyFXgUkLieb2Wjqasn7Q=w858-h643-no

i didnt have a 20v ps pump in my parts, luckily my friends at the beginning of this post sold me one. I got the other stuff at the junkyard. zzt231 low pressure line. the line from the reservoir to the pump fits poorly but it's a temporary setup probably as i have to remore my oil pressure pickup for my gauge. I still need to get a custom like made out of the ae101 FE line and or use the tensionner i have that's made to be used with an AC compressor too or find/fab a tensionner bracket that fits properly.

The list is still long before i'm done and i can honestly say i'm a little tired of this build and cant wait to move on to another project but i sure wont give up!

I have a set of HPS pads, technafit brake lines and whiteline rear swaybar ordered and i was also thinking about retrofiting a 3sgte oil cooler on the engine. I need not to forget to add that the the list on the garage wall loll.

So this is it so far. Hope you like what you see and dont hesitate to give you opinion and ask questions! Smile
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyTue Oct 20, 2015 8:26 am

Looks good, perfect wheel and tire combo. I agree on the RPF1's but they look so close, and still very lightweight for the price, hard to beat. RPF1's don't have that same lip and offset though on a 15" wheel. So, yea, no point in faking it. Most might not have known that, but I would have noticed if you tried to lie Smile ...

On a side note, I couldn't see the last bit of pictures.
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptySat Oct 31, 2015 2:21 pm

actually the rpf1's are now available in a pretty similar sizing. 15x8 +28. the biggest difference would have been the enkei written on the lip/face intersection. Anyways, they would fit nicely on a civic, miata and a couple other popular platform. I'm sure i could sell them easily if i ever decide to get the real thing.

Small update. Not much new but still good news!

I finalized my power steering set up last week. Had a custom pressure line made and it cost much more than i would have liked and doesn't look the way i wanted. but i'll remove it in the end so meh!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. -PMHkIB_GrPK8RQ_PCQfm1rHlSz0-wVjESDqfpO9esNzi76VjGIVY9vE9QXkNbUMwkl4Ft45N6MqfCTxuzeplO7hzKP5wqziG_uyCiDD_ksk5IHH0cWnF1fDZKjSKjIxnxn662ISXJym7YL67JoamiDzawXn9_BcZ7G-5nlhZvuRXBHwkWEL5yuEGMS0siRG182_6CPF8188skYbR0XOqa2twMU-KhAtFOdaqKqhIaomctBZi_n_qYafrkFErBs8O6oAjeScDtHDZ0EI-dbjydlgtrYXnvA-AbytBCKpjgfoS1MZE-Ohtny3nv4OU_KCrYEUWP9HBPVL9I8aR95yUQRdz3QWVstfOJ6037G-rYsKoL57_zAJW1_tJWm5MtHsGoGWef5yqroM1-a8sd2iqQtef-2aojXxuxAtKnEO1T1f86w5qNJzoMQivqQx7gLv_flE4ZUfSxSLNfmYMIc_ej1vy4CPwGCqOvpFlN0q7bivayJrro7xtwjjRfixpoEhjspjm5p91d1KSFzKrxBcFVC6sCM9F9FVAZJiHMhcrQc=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. CK8CeTLCB8PjWYjrRJXHhjkGFcXEtLIxmvykWnhsSg_OBME-eU9ufyWVSAWk_9DzsP4xNzB0SofW-5miAKMXKol_YgPkCVK0jMKQqnZ4vGKEdW0_Id1hm1AZjRQrF0_DIArGuMuCck2cqq7qGBY9vTbn6V6pBoGqtofIrMYs266lZWHSHdZSfILzLp7-rSAEjci9pF73XV2CioL0jxfpnvapK5gD7zAI9JgNSmhC_o3Q6iW-9qb1XFyuwCMw_nA87YL-rTQ6tkSrrnkVLdYeYJhSgYY7MAaTn09V_ZTD4e-NUBLgd9py1bot0sjjDf1T4m-Ya9VLMrxdtK4Obmjpd6vAl1XRfaiJZQq8sDnhY6eUqqW2yQJZ5k9dH71R_PFc9t9vNxGfD1_Tn1D7Wbwu6jE5kahjlYihF5rgo_jazz7HFD8EnGRGp30wAZRDm9aHRpGwBLr7NBV0Tmb0i9o3Bk9KssssTaTJVAdzZUn7UvGfv3__ixl0cewC9TXyEi6XeHUbpaOs9igsPkKS-ihhhcRGeTHADakHzqcpZJJg3qI=w1144-h643-no

I was told the banjo fitting on the PS pump was standard but the hydraulic shop didnt have it and started building this stack of fittings. I told him i could just go to the junkyard and grab a pressure line that would have the correct size bolt but he was pretty stubborn and made it like this.

I planned to get the car inspected last wednesday but after strapping the car on the trailer in pouring rain, i am reminded that i had a damaged brake line that the previous inspection guy didnt mention on my list and i forgot about. ''luckily'' i had just received my technafit lines and HPS pads. ( after a 2 month waiting time... but they forgot their supplier's bill in my pack and i'm know opening my own account with them so joke on them lol ). I ordered lines for a 1990 GTS corolla and couldnt say i'm impressed with the fitment. the quality is good. but they did even have the proper fixation brackets and i have to fabricate something.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. JpH0pbd1pf0kxW_8cPzbj6OAcTbQHNI7U4C0hnyuDIa7hThbameeHOYehXQXWORbHXAGQKv8jDog1CBzvdew0pdteX5Ukcwd8NZFMG83N9uDCf2WPYGRmyjcOh_v610k3opnqAEDP_r7ONiUe31hxy4Gy1X0FlzbIZyYL1kGkk6ac-MM37tu25WmDWe0sm93QkkEdXaabGsGs76VppMlHgGFKY5OLLFzaTduVuXzNAAspoiTrtB8L8sFFlJTwaRdfygIbP5HdBBqxM8f8f6hoADxqhfmDSqYYcnHelnyIxOZexImPWzeFmI-SKsETaSgZlCOG1fhQJtUuQSSPsDfNCzsPcH54po-nXr4248isGF57xych6ggLLlDfSThjUr96RCx-NFgofDT5qwcM9NS3PhkDK3s2VRHAOvBwxFmc5H7sDxSPj_peYhVaOg51bRWr2GJVz8Z8a1-RyKuRoiv7uQR71G9ZbjJFaNhbX2vymsxOdFudoVFi-GgypHpJY2s2u_JLmXjqEnYU-V6wCtu1gIg69t__capMnXO2hvy3dA=w362-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. JmSaTprCVf4vQwGG0pxC4zedX0J924o5F5kQc5xAZGDI0BEAvMF6263dRdQFuyjGFx6PYG5pxkQwANnNwbvO7_pfrgCPHOfxRZvGBghQzRsXPYTueZTHIMzRyXSfipDpbkHdSrGiEApOoz3i7lWwkhp_xZITNedqOgYBKrfcPrjPClCsdOdqP3fq8rF-ILHw244a4gfvo4SjWJnXhTw0vS2ojY2u9rnL9hQq4nXUiByMWJxaTrESQmxjRXx7Z3n6bz9nKQwEScXOcYniw51cR-yj5iPQha3hK-OK91XtxIIlzJe6Abp3pxuOQ6s8MRGJdPG3BJhfSe4hjMywe3MjfB03YvJdy_hhS7gNH3DJtCZd7yV6BxRFCZ66B5h69rIiJYBFrH4mSkIl_1gX2Xhkae1wHzip1H6x-LHWSOgptd8q-6zbz83X3_tz6ruJV9KDWZ5cUe0kYtVWGPJvDbOOOxIG_1uvFfOG7hI0oGlpDcOLOroc0aE6M_9Sk1Q5URwkaa66-I5Gyhnn2-VKu2H0VkSsQiK9Rkg97mSFuOjKPTM=w1144-h643-no

Aint got no time to waste. fixing the car straight on the trailer before going back to my inspection. That was yesterday.

Today was a good day. got the car inspected, registered, insured by 4 pm and back on its coilovers by 8:30 lol Very Happy tomorrow i'll do a little alignment and drive it during November before storing it

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. KrLzhUa2qvDqxSaOEcXYqcrz1UK4kLwCgkCiBNEOt-88pOhDf77RCig4JhetnNvj9vJ-sZ8UE5Z_z7ozgoOVKngPGKbXHXBtxOsC3aMO73KDFNTLPVEggmaKU55xcMk2cnq6d0w23Vmu6-_RqHOZSlMQ_USFBrZDo4k00VQGfb2pGjpTlCLGT4K17RNtK1YtDSlG5eMo8wzCePYj7y52zYVxDyskzpI10TYqsMvHOtwRpHpIq2PXRPkiQmXDsqwJd-Q_OSi66PkpTeK7vwTWm54FntbGJ9Jjy1--PmC1L6vPG2CFkex-I9V34MyxWNFbAp62_uWsOefGJvh3UKK--pkjQ3Xrup4QiVCULcVjI-bWW-1XqgGNwEpmuofji0xiBtwtxhFY95So2U3N1klknYXzY0saEI7aUG9Ou8iLbtjPifCNJ4jqDa1YZryL8gIZUxNPhfmnkOuhFTMwUn6wJuYKvTlkUuQOB2rf2mv_7FmgAyP2m-FhDKUtQfoetwHYOfwdNsHo3y7c3WoqFvEehSj4HCh3Thz10d9pBgGVPHk=w1144-h643-no

from now, things should get better! Smile
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyTue Nov 03, 2015 6:03 am

FabZ wrote:
actually the rpf1's are now available in a pretty similar sizing. 15x8 +28. the biggest difference would have been the enkei written on the lip/face intersection. Anyways, they would fit nicely on a civic, miata and a couple other popular platform. I'm sure i could sell them easily if i ever decide to get the real thing.

Small update. Not much new but still good news!

I finalized my power steering set up last week. Had a custom pressure line made and it cost much more than i would have liked and doesn't look the way i wanted. but i'll remove it in the end so meh!

Oh yea, they will sell fast, and yes, those sizes are almost identical. I was actually looking to get the RPF1's but because of price, I went with some 6UL's. The RPF1's spoke design are more straight from center out on that size. and still have a small lip even thought the offset is 28. I had a picture of them in another thread on here.

Again, most people wouldn't notice. I would have only because I was shopping them for the last several months and looking at hundreds of pics and comparing them. Nice progress on the car, but I can't see the pics.
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyWed Nov 04, 2015 12:54 pm

you cant see any of the pics even on computer? they are URL's from my google photo account because i'm too lazy to upload everything on photobucket. Maybe if i make them public..

about the wheels i didn't even notice before and i was hesitating between the two lol. the 6ul was also on my list. they must fit really nicely because the konigs need some camber to keep them from rubbing in the front at my height. I'm still happy with my choice. they should look even better with the rear disc brakes and big celica calipers up front next summer!

I've been driving the car a little since saturday. There are a couple things to fix. fuel consumption is horrible, it burns oil and there is a huge gasoline smell. I didnt find a leak and i was expecting it to smell a little after the evap removal but it's much worse. gives you a headaches after a while. i'll try to find the problem next weekend. I'll have my other tank with the block off plates and vented gaz cap in soon and it might fix this problem. Fuel consumtion is probably because of the BT ecu. I know my MAP doesn't get enough vacuum and the engine runs richer because of that. i might try to find a better spot to connect my map to. Maybe drill a new port in each runner. There's someone down in quebec city that is playing with old toyota ecu and convert them to standalone kind of line people are doing with honda's. I could probably lean out the map to compensate for my lack of vacuum. Oil consumption.. hopefully bad valve seals. not to hard or expensive to fix. i might do them first and see if there's an improvement. still have a lot of stuff to do before though.
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyWed Nov 04, 2015 2:56 pm

Yea, I can't see them, but oh well. I'd be willing to bet that the fuel leak is from the gas tank. Common issue with the old 4afe and 7afe with the charcoal canister clogging up, thus causing pressure build up in the gas tank. In other words, it would of happened before the swap. The tank literally bursts, it will likely be a thin slice or seam where it leaks. Especially if it smells that strong.
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyFri Nov 06, 2015 1:34 am

Thats weird. I asked a few friend to check out the thread and they can all see them...i dont know why you can't..About the leak. i dont see any leak from the gaz tank so far and my charcoal canister and its line to the gaz tank are completely removed. I just plugged the line at the tank with a vacuum plug with a small hole in it until i install the other tank and the vented cap. Maybe the plug fell and thats why the smell is so bad..
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyWed Dec 02, 2015 2:03 am

thats an AMAZING build, loving it so far
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyMon Jan 18, 2016 2:26 pm

A little update for the small progress i made during the holydays.

After i got the car registered, i drove it for about 700 km before winter tires were required by law on dec 15th. I can't wait for this summer to redo all the body work, put the restored subframes in and fix all the little bugs with the engine.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. PJuiYa02IMOENy9Fc1AHtmQPvUlDn3c63jsi0aaHC46aUTZj0teEdM4AmNq8Dm5BaVIpeWLh9rrsWcJiWRFpBhvOdGJHrUaP5a_8mSxllMp8zrVwwSnyS2kw7TXkORVBpk7-PjgDR4xzTPZPvlrVM5Djth7QtDOmBAjm8Kcfwg68TIsC-Hsz-3Zh0Ag1sttOSKHGzJvWCbNBGd2m5FmE9e8lIHmNR_C1i-Ibe00vLwmFQi9xUo8DsImhbjFXVz4sgVvgH5uIgqOKUeaBrK06gtQWhAW6fK-_3DVYdOvIWfEjcXfhRnlwyRz0hybnh96JqvYkDStijjn0fFrft_gTMjCn4Cce_FFyNJNQTWgnFFUsRd2ECizLgXJI9qXqv9ZRW5XJUD2h5Nxr7lz_-aq24-c84UzCWP_OKsHlMFMdEB0Weta00vwH3tPqllQuBNo0p7j9FLsqsGMfRxyj89Q7AlReuqK_kijAu8k31AmkwUZs016PkLV5p0h4RU0gswauHL3bqoKYtSp02oKcrAJuB7fn3Uu3dPnGtXhqfNtbE0lLRFfkcX9QQ8A7dVVkmnByzarI=w1144-h643-no

I also gave my grandma's corolla some love too

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 4XscRMXU4vBlOb-ZEy749kb_KrQAT0Xl2IIBy7kLLrUzmDSgnYskIt4Vn2WwONRlTCeKB2-jN53OS6LELMyIEHB7i6_9NcHHTBsWBpIHNYdmIB-vkuJu0TpQj2lAKHRRXfCgtLWRxiQ-i9IzIkzk_o_Zw_H5X0MkuPIcE2Cjmi8Z8ptrOoZ4PpZGDzzs65rtSy1o1ELRm_f4xCtcxHGIMdAFc1VqpMH1r5FrLQmDelO6DQ89Y4gExpIv4yNJlU8vdJPCYmhOFi75y3sThiY5se6SELVuuwD4HzeXnBTH8vOyrWF88TKRSB7DxeIaTZDQCPqegQyMUKcAMnBqfm1Lr5g7Jij944sIQaZBbUt4zQTuPHp2lg1vHjVjMEb1XU2uDNCbp3MUCvtNeEDV4TULsVwEPEbVxL6m_any2BdUSvhrhpfQESUL6PuqqdbymH5eA1yGSfRAC07fbpvM4TiM3MNFcmYc-7ijD8e2I_Y25WcefwHsJVZyKFd9V4RZ6J9ZFI85kUWozR5kzMXecQrG2nMREG4cAyf8Do6El4jP274iOz6JEostLLclqHeaiO5VBekU=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. YM_phrNkvNdNuhMn_kZk8njIs1HBFHFlOYBVgbip3RC9ECX0-B3DhUEeivwxXfvl6Sa-RsgtzNSnn-noQhrBQ0b9l5zejZ68t1BIByk5NRPC6Ixu8NK1AL3x9Fw-bw_vZZ-w1fgx25a7Ll67zw8M0cHzBv0QoLvsrDswJ94dp9LnX3Xjej1nG2tY-6B1O64Cm5EcO_FDIz9Mg0EiIpN7EOvbzQzl1B-kjH4jcyGduuBQEMLztHPLAuXAUQcIgReUzRhCVtDzQSYzvH2XY4EeAGEFbPKMOCTf5HbWT6r3tveJ_w09mi2jaSvhc68kyklTR5CI_VZqd-imUcAU8EN0u1YnsCgMheJdmqKBuzyPDVupG9cVfNl1ZkZDWudJBwGK_g3PIu4C_U82ckzHWZLk65kod26ncVlDV8_EUCTvW2P9kM9TFcZ5MuU-zK5MDA5VxPCq-XdJdq_XYv7bd_wVphOhEPWSD4_7jOeV9vIBshuSMcbaS2gtUA3Phw-v_272WV5N8l_Woih-MaT095MK542DaEtkaa5f0YPO6S8d346sYCa-HOhAFXFScMS0NbgTURA5=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. XXXfTxgsnnw3MWkkBxyNsuq5Acgah8xkRft5Ji0FGf7y7MKr2JFfwgD-jpTP8PkC7xlfwBiPWG_YphSmmyG4w7u3KYZlAkNA3NCFDqnj4UrTP0nQNWo8V9CUpSRVqm_7bgMLBVHh5eYND7uOkKf5mf-Kuwr9U_WvFEYLN0inIocZBLlCUaD01DLEPDGYme2empRdNoixDnYnEJ3zaQ9091I67bKQXZXSAOfk23PNcU97amIBKvkb84VZ86YVnOIG--Do1CPfiSpH3Vz6YeARF7xqWJ-hDItTuhVM6an68eyZBI24hVhNvpP7qDUlaEzOBv5aB7t9B1U3D4cv4q6ZLOrL66AD_xVVKcbolr8ZpcOjtPlpT-77ceQDSINp0djFy49NDtjIFRE1S5gkYRLGoyOvYpWBYUMWUaJXhycoDbXI5pbdM0NSGMYdjPUmaOPrKZWIHz6TGHdDrUEw4jbeystL4sLcZvAEEWcwjF9ZQCEmYvx6jlKx29DPcg1xq_t0p67OJWJVWGyQchfAACwdm0bu0XZK92da1WFVqJrsx5B04SFZ4CVXZ-ZsaeKC55y9wvYX=w1144-h643-no

Can't remember if i mentionned it before but i had parts ordered from a local speed shop. small, simple stuff.. SS brake lines for a ae92 GTS ( for my rear disc brakes), HPS front pads for a celica ( for my 275mm brake upgrade) and a whiteline rear sway bar as i coudnt find a stock 16mm one at the JDM shop in Montreal and wanted the car to oversteer when driven hard. After a 3 months wait i finally got all my stuff. Never gonna buy there again... I also found a pair of patch pannel to fix the quarter pannels i fucked up when the car was slammed. I'll probably be glueing them on to avoid any rust problem common with welded body pannels and also because that's something i never done and i want to try.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. KXqLjBmpnUow9ZCNzfIM9Ro9Yk8IfzlfK-Qjg5S0LA44SzMij-LwFvtwwvKVI5b3EDi8EXDv_oKBk8nBpnlMkBvvJsLknd1Q9AHSLtfFsST-55PEPWv_RYqDspRr-ne_UOXv_os_VXB1BtWn_MnTyNVS7Bk56CH5qYcoup4jM233AyAQwjd9IUw11mZgzANi5_wiYeOkF9zaOXShmO1XG5BMfPUS6munjQa9pVEAAOAVbP9hcqaso_DAzkRu1sNDZWLQtx0u06_ZELWGzq6LmxfoPI1CYmfZrcYQEEmovynYTx_IrnFAS67D5yb3J7BeRnWPsPhKUiVNlvShehmhOe7H-tlTsELVS2dFRWr-wvov_7KiFRLp1t_wLd1Y0eGbnYuEDT2-yohMREZUISddxrckxvVCyPujJ7pX2J42c5UWkWznCbyjafAk15_0v1v99_7bDeZaWDCC_EzFO0WnqMOh60oU9UZbJ9kuDvZ-pOJKgjzzw3PUGHI0zXqoKdQoKgGCuDDJEzZKASlU3nT0XEBH5dBnAkT_fIpXSDPFI0WAKvwV39e2HkbuQqSezaOJRJgH=w1144-h643-no

The car didn't have a shifter boot so i fitted an ebay ''sickspeed'' one. now i need a nicer shift knob.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 5Lr91P6rN_zZNhyhGC2u38NJajVqkhBQI2BKBBwFsXrDJnonDveAc08ctMU-yn8BfL2ptRCafRx6XWKLlbD__qYElsYuWjluiRbX_F5n93qWR6A6xXpfXAojy3mEoEUSRryYiXozmpKHk9COBTT1biJhUogt_dA858jHrUVgV0Ue2Rivw1hb_7CtzeZF0x1oi4NJeXp7Gka7hoFV7DPzX5Gp7c0XVWKSZvn4eUAwVpSk__UUhmatHM8Pnsps-UvkMkXQ02MAGFR_5KMpDOmpH2F-HMc4e4QpQxG3WkQ3enWEl9wdev4fSzi3yf8SE3FdSGgqMibN32HOIv1Z4dEbhmjxUf1OLFOw5DKmEiSlF1jz33kBVy8Ay_0iTcY7RocRQQP7ljY3tcROUyH-qxXupYo41HFE7a00YP72eACwnc6rPZJ-C5ncbdUsVt6i_6sTX32wmju3tGb5Nu30IB90VHXN3pvY-vD_-qb2VbTCshoqPKLayhPtY3KgQrYffLIlvRIjL-oBNtyPxvpma9yjmXuON9nnYM8yAQ-C8hPu4SrQoWPOESjiKJLjM0LpjIl7h54V=w391-h220-no

As you might have noticed, i'm trying pretty hard to avoid any rust to happen anywhere on the car lol. To acheive that i'm sometime using muriatic acid to eat up rust. It's not the best acid choice as i figured out after buying it, but the result is still pretty good. Here are my spare subframes, front control arms and front sway bar dipped in a big acid bath.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. R8dC-568mENj2c9dD8GlaI8Q77Ip1hIPLtOl_xTprJ2eJOqMhYwNTh52Elkp_eBn3Vo_jGAcHEt26fYH3nJ-pnh4gIUUq_OX1daFG61nC6UQID5fhFv-QGThjSSvzuXHK35FQPYUBArzz_P2K_ar3T2MskEIT1NG38-TDw_KI2o3EnkVurcpsb6PtKk6Z5Y1xVL5uJ0nR0-4Eqe2l-PSTUSK72g2AGlgsPkRV09O_9MYSIHYh44DUJqszd889QYJtnbxIW8IqEUreXqH7vi3yarco_yI9fnOil6Gldw36no5DChJULXjxwrhmzvgNBybKOjHETfrjyGCsI05mx52ktVqA3VC6Vu7Wu8lbbXCbocxmytQ3LpqdqaXg-lOfYJuLlkRwmTidec2r42FEldUwZq4OIsUuIXTgbOFgXWVOqyZNLX8ZBWLyB107q4W4gIOauXm95j-piNwGhoWSxcYlOle3V58QmJdZ-FuNhAkCkPwFn3Z-5UFZkUvosmo22eTJWk-yMTAuHk2SiSs6hYh_8MTfu0ERQ_PIbnUnK745I2YjyQvthZfBeFpLWEgXgC0wYTA=w1144-h643-no

i'm also converting the car to early style front control arms as i stated above i guess. My control arms didn't have the tabs for the sway bar links as they came from an SD. So i welded some in

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. E2Y2UMZZOt7M1e82quznd3_2aFsA7FxHfXGPTqcWJ_boW2HIFzlB2rLnxczoIc-EAsiZmzBWimSmZrhyJ8DjeBjuuQ9-7fr4V-pO8DPndMha_Ilh7npOQY5_SwRae2VYRqTzi-0oHouJ8KIqv9SGAzXsnZ1Izh-DNhNnh0v51kiHmyZaVF71YjXLNijUgZkfsyAkeSAKbvJv6CrCq1mLW6xCCv02MHT67OU4kCbqjLLLYtn7IT4IH33aB-49dl6T6n6tMp08QKKdQ4m5XO9uzkdU32ZKDUwj6qM7pfPXmhnSRBoWKCTkyb5PvUraPn0R9Zp4eEM4N6W4RLc-GzsNzj-cKeRBY_GaAdI8znhUVcPIV5L2jZ4FjJa480Zl1u6KfMeSw_A6b6hXG1jEddJEZX_Iz2PRTs8zQFQOkVVJiNcQ--tJfbRW9JRCopt0cnus-9xe3_TJxAfaTPX_-LFdWA2_f_6vU_yhIWP8OclouTHE45qx7n-CPSAVUkKl6IYCc5WrEOG_tD0VS0XTPEYbxXxYa7Za22S_e6y6e6CQFKoNkDrz9z4TEEodLRhw1Cw9IeB3=w1144-h643-no

The acid bath works good to remove rust but is not super effective on thick rust and couldnt get rid of this. so i decided to cut the welds and clean that up with sandblasting before welding the reinforcement back on completely so dirt cant go in between the layers anymore.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. _A5uOcxLesEZc45ujFn26jA4MrbpSPgU6nGRfiKvRDFrS6X3mU95x7daA0d5wn7K1zJYMgw5Lzw-NY4hoBiYOy3aNFBh2l1rxPou4DsZTrvN5kVud6s7S0NDo4I6WfJ_fWzKj76MQdpLlNsoj_e6EeBbVGNOcgxLmjSMq4VtHdR19qiF6_Yb03Vl_tntZMCWnShKZCllkmb9SjYptDqYkADSceJeMw2dbxlGTRuZ_aIIwj5vPbTxnTuYotAYNC--RcoI623j4KP1koF0LUYQq5rkJnLN6zWjnbVnUYrupQ60qSBDSg6jFXRN4DTgJt_GRfRgcx5hiH4mPtr5UQ9X8nyrwBb7dlaqhfNZi9OqmKqHO3Y032n4clOKNSIWEwg6ZwAUt3Gv6T8-Mtgx0Icl7A7eVk0B9EDOzGo-DcYlnboiEjMMKmRgipbkjIrVVQEIzfx8tMCvpTNnXx5TF0esBm0zI_R9nqwoRwUbGWN-wLwev-aAnBuseyGgzN6a9O3Wzk3h3X5Rsk-8NGfR5ngO3zVJWD9UumQHckqE6TheibbonCVJAmdmyn13Q8u2rwd0TXxR=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MkR2ii--xx7hNl2GHcRw8-glrOdP_EdfVPi1vTEeyY-2AymKYvCitrJd_XdQhqxdP0B8ymjuTNvy_LqkHwecX438CO-CXeqUBTZQmNS3JAOD6nDipiEjcLp7Dum8uBnyEctEjidh82Ynwd2OVVLRCpEQPQzIcxQVheazfFalHPPTVCs5P99I7poyA3Ph15vQxmImgi7lPQvq515ZLIow3_hl7rwOeMpai3BNYkGvWaHTdK_hPyd1yNqjpwiuojp_5rwvxnOPpdFeJx3UcLNre0sdTKpZki7pTVVZRlGas0L8-OatgcLkSh8OXVNeKqlCeoC6pVjxmEpQjLw_8z9REByd9rtMyK5QH4V6yrDEOAGy8jvtbMUJTHb25VLVhphXkIxlJoOPozXiFO2rqJ585Y2cXoxtBW9YSjIjWSg4QokVWhLONx8vl470L7snBPJw8HywKM36n4lW2RFtZfFNtoan4E1S5vegWBRWPAiZuhRS9sU1nZzTxlNK3iVXHRvrnOOqS0pu6xPwQ-fxSgzrDtWwZUojFjK8HnDlRMeTVTe5Ix_WLHsOnSKPhn47zXTaIqyL=w1144-h643-no

I took this as a good opportunity to practice TIG welding. I still have a lot of room to improve but i'll get there one day!

A little after new year's i got help from a friend and we painted the freshly cleaned subframes with POR15.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. LVs225vro_9NKreqVUwtd7_9SQmIDPr7MbO64NpRmCfrCGhhQ6pgItvqqpBamKkOYQQP1BsP6Rgzqd31GLBB7IbzXsvLVKUOHivgYPnHLDi4uuKOH10SLWiMba4U9EhsJYFX9JDa61a8F-4hg0aVZUoFxoTvjQ_vd---7DSMGbnL5G7r0mr87ol8bP-ZcHB5v3METVQpEkc3zzJ52z0Yh2jR8ZNRsFRAd_BiumN_vuTlnS5qFf0uE1O0Scrod2_oFzTGZBPbeTuBE3mBfyZpSfJMpO1UyjW1KTXkuLFdLU5yEXvvp-Jq68QsSRquA62xs-YVMucWUYmaEM2uaGX3YHa9HR-4A-Hx6lhrkbjWIjb9xwp-fVwAf-M19_6ZysvKDRTeaZr-tfkx9vcEW47ielLfmSqlQcDybVJFdSJH7yjvAjing1cS4tAzlyudifsvPRYpLB5TykrN1Ry9jZgfcYj-hy2AbAze9hpwizvsQXBE_v0Wbir3LylonbgpkhU94a0QLnMa02y0XYkYHFWw-EcbT74bUtfCMImESfcKZi3fHg4HR1SbjbxXsvgwm3R5A7xz=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 4NiAu2JhCgP2RIt-JrxAHgXKLY2TO7W7LEKF6rUiwP7KTxXedCueuhkTgVjYAZGyTyK0u3ZtFEHwry0OclyWwnI8Kfwk2wazYm3sWxXXVcZPpt8OQGLMJXIEFuAw1q7cYjqWOaybq7E-wYsO6MG5DhXNbzG-JLzmD5hMGEXzOPMmpXE6dJbJAD5uyBaloUYp76TKpF-EdbMiCf3CWVEb8riD6es81JVzm0w1IKUG2yhBHLlhParcp18J7tt893wf39y3kYIdAn9TLOc-_NYMQ6LsakpgRjwGzEnv9kqoyXc5nCI-NhbiBDCHZVRKkjP77ruCxuLjCwZl08B9wwtkPch5jDwIAgn9SFmYUbGqit_Gk6CST6mAJKBWw8ExWjNr4HUk4WjpeAApPfrR_ECvGjy0OA4_ng7dJiR15UGCSCIcT0iUyuy58GK9M5QnPHr0ipj5OF1Ij4BVOL8W3PBYrqpwC74wpftYGu2OtvgF4HeO7CgvQB5wtLa3u_klR5v26gbCh3YS9Ix7IVqoY0HJHrVG38HZEQOfMkY8LnanQ5iq34VD23DifryPkZn5G78w8Rkr=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 6kpQRrIseMIVDGXc019bXYf39Lfrz_BnU4nxBerOhmgIl6rh3f35GkmjtiSCtAFRqGHgd3nqTzEQh-d170izgJnTD8fbFt3yRE3IUJSeFR6ynphofFDlbjO7lN1JrDhKtARmwVwsOnVLFDlGQHH0DYtygbdRlh2CuWABDyym7kGLzBOiqSgiFZ_OUtYolssX1XHfebvIJiGsYOxif39CXZb2BLmbYiQGIiGT9SSnbr6Z3a8ZX5FLaf8ksnEZ7WEegWIFqQJRRxRm3mhUm8b-aL_4aYqNnud0fr9xBnvHN6q9POjvvIuZi8mzSE1ejTcT4SAPaEuhHgKbt_fQTsqS6g0J0DwRVD7eEjlpvsyzLtsuzLbz8hFTuPHTmhiCw5Wd1G6iU1IOk4ngr66wR8kejEDiB3SvSrEeiu6XOgeJuIWB1HESwFxRB1JvIV2uTBbxPl6bwumLcllYLIlZL9fHDeP18glaf7WIZk8x1dvB8Mi6xyjwNqFq3bH6fnCcYvNfhYbpuqiIPQ_WNOM93DyobE86y4UccQ0PCGEArk2865aVdbvaxNg3cSFatXd7_8Rb-1So=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. TlcaS0shGnNfz8l7r51rQRTQhUpddLzoAPS8jXGDHvnMY0vN0jK4v6uQvZf5ycyFSq1BeWn-otwCf8RAWC-dLPmFQTMZpLc3c_vCTZ_rN2C960ffOqD34eFWgMFkGqz2sqc0l0Sx8GT6vldPIJZ8dKNtWTuBoPuPVo141VektAlsCOj6jyHKYBTipuo8NFHLFaW_QYnEa3CACvmUYvzcHc3uElR8RDWRDnTaUhvDlLRq_yh1KKORhFhwLcw1qzsSWxAyybqnn6t0lNEll59tmw9OrP-p_ybKsroz-391RDZOGTf9htqymac7TkUP9okvkn-i4Uw_XGpnKa23o_vrihRRXRAynwXo-gfOaGh9zj_7YG555pVlYymmrWuRzMcNSDYf0XGvQQW46v0zjUpcgrcIxRuL_5fXzd933YC81ygxUc2CTxGh0u1bveESi2ZAYp6zFj7fcB078n4NDNsJYYz52bR6iVqUfkXJS9iU3yZqe_920070I-K8yVzARZ1q8OPTQz7HUKVqh3-coUqka-0QwIUNulhDT6bwj4XXvomxgxVFaw5lRB0ia7dNEnbJaPaH=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. XP9F0kugMsC21_ow-POumVb4xzrbN8GVejfyyisnnJVWeZklZRRQh16TD7U268MGkkH0bCC_Bz3yH4HLr1SVoEk7HY_a2xZnf-1mR2mNDcP0mYgZb65Pb88aq1sAiXQI4T0PvRIgLpbg6AcRFnxAgObzhaEvMBb0ep8M7DWT7ZA96miOmJSbyKZioxI7aSfnjvT7hv2vOklwi-rjNsxZrtLrzUQkb5MzioHgCYvmTD6ZtISyMzzGoRq30ffYp186RP7yqTxadaXGd6d2Mrp25UiGNJFRtbqHDECJPIFAh2ITrS6h6PmXbXzj6lQLSM7CdT0AxDfhiwKfpxRQMTwE3BOdpFbY4DldobjLkGrqQehEbN-lqIsdRpj9-yoa-GDCjdq5vJJob4QhZ55z9ArfHSyaIJUwy0B5v6X9QxHz8LsJabyIUeZTOgKgG11KEmMY7iVuhyp4EAzJxvPpt4N2ro2V0EDUrRn1AiSlsZszIJr0lTBo9d7ccbvjjU6lzsFQEOnvW4lqeCDAuetXK6UVh1pUXc2yrVt-G2tG6kjkjQmq3V8xmv_ndUIUiEfmg3jNH9kz=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. AWcJEXFheQ3-m0xdh2CE9x_CVRYsrJy6QnofpqtjkzfGnE-3ENrr__HR13EdOk5SyVnriVKQXh3d82BRlY0094sVZ5f9WtTbwqK-K4Hwu-a3wNtmgb1I0Qs0_IV2C8WBCY-m-cNl0TT74lW0o5jb53u0nqOQ5IOrwRIbAP7TvnlF-_dott4iRn-sDTQrD94PpyVswDM8HqoeZsEuYJj4B0NDgZ-ImPp-3urr2JJTZe-4_y0tcCstrtrGms9-JNr8m2EXmSv1tDuP2a9t-RzK2f2NskSy3rWhrFhMx3V0_XLl0f1OK0cHLpDC-iDXatENbcvNpeGyFtnFfEzS2tCUsND3v5VI-aszsUaXgDofJX9zcZH3WJCG4W_on-wKmGhjShsKrA-DOtCeB62u6aXeWMkH18UbPthQUXLNBi54ha278T4fhdeY1UUXXZ9FjThgoaDLihMTMuJQQso5dBbW8_O4CR-sjesCRkc8D5wY89zqQvsFBHY705TJL7S44AycAmijsM9UBuisYozsbEqdW4LdGy8ySBUPzfIZBlB_-DRE1mxAO4GfIZ5zWi9v4dnt-Lmz=w1144-h643-no

we made two thick layers so It's not so pretty but i'll protect from rust for a long time and now i know how to make it better for next time atleast.

I also powdercoated my front control arms silver to match the rear.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. DVjIl8BBCcnqnxa7g6NT31iIBYnPZZkkSfi_7ZK3g4XHX5d1pQNf-8hvLGJov7TLxH-EBC0w1uFkqaYoNaxNU05Cevw3-lQnyXUXN2w83BQgdtpkIa03YDQvrNgrfqVEMCgVHWrCIBjL6LCUkxxcFbSu70JoTN-QOXPJTHCj5aOFY6AhN4K0Wlc9JRT8NahpwJ5bZmc9n--xA9EhwGlctb5Z8xh-ibpKw8ZQNINUPX7d7r6lnAqZyk1UHXKbyioWG78RVnFg7LJeuBp7ucCWlPAM-nDZkUVGKl5aEYD6duiqBlUxX6qQXZeK3qGc1S3CtN9Zm5aQnbOSXjM4gWfH3GFzXfkRtpQMFISOepAZiL6O5KvNFleeDfrAoguRmxdjpWsE7bVAgNnoNCvQx5Vjo3JwN2DvlTymNhxC0E6iElPFrudqi-n9X27vsnULi6zXkHTgrH1oQWhCv_umnASUKxO-2S49ybjsNYAiRVcl1nw8BRz7t3JjB0bJBDRH9kYLOruvCcCflJGymfJkmNza6ecGknCFaPD96NYB_H7qaVi0rTtJ2WjDJJDkLNHDn45Zs9Vp=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. MJ7SGdyHwJ57gyektWmQeTTSLhW-3SwwtYCxs7f28ihaCN6JdsXy3GGSlwT44u7DK8kzhWgmJ1wcZdEfl-4JRV0kt2eDyzadnUFH3o18Yhj7zbl-HvxXVT2IhZD8cIBm9UrKYXgOjQooznH3v_Mp9Z1_Gp0lZ55JQNfTBd10mEFiru8-C8niG508Hc7IGnZIzOmDK5uC0V5m_1D6RTa92C8odPg9YqHXokWzMSLBoG4LBxn_qOzHiCMFfJ17G8-FHVDcLifF4yZjGAOcgYByaKjUxIw2xsZbYdbrxnfM1rsSuIWDf4AiR2FtO1FqXjnJX0fKtTgPV9WUP2QmQLOWnKuKYzbyBfs-OssJo0P3F8r8DfeOpp3_b3oME_FCtpm-9oqS9dteez68tkh73zpuWxsk1ZsB60AMhn3PpgK9FmgzwApkkCOTJP1ZS1xXoMQq1EhMlu3oYOVnV-QepkwxhKmlU3BWOyXVINTChKWib20IAlHPi4JYIdYld4ZHSeDoio-TsLffk7EUoRAt7MI3i3df5fgCZrPVU6SWrMb5D4auc0rKyeKHljNMDegAFrEmdX-3=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. WqKpUsdQufT5lQHpjV4TLOWDC9pkqLh_-iN_PRtHL9oSu4TeiT-B4TTAz7T2X-2m3hwJtdsi8B0msZzJPmVqupgkZt2wBZ7l9JWWrRPNGncqBdiAITfFCaIW2lu8Lzhki2t6dLCrpjHTsXCvPqYidhPlyKAVHXiyG3phyx2aurm_E1R9ZNrn0i1aVKGPinPPEnHVRwliGiieFj9fzBaWUlZE5iMyxfNVcoLGw3tOAut_aGyz-Wm3mc9WS2wl0xt-sJI6iMbxQG3Eyoqq9Gs6_Blhm1DgV5CvBRj2ztn82VJF_kDADHuSMIELo1clgtE3itl-qhEaBppFY7Gqy2Xzn0orYJjQebxs7EYMOqzxWf6g_oTBrKk7aZvol1PILBXTCkcNNXuoAjYGF1d4qwjc-N0xeNHHH8uUT5UCz5bmaDrMKQBuQgWUX64r9YATvWbPvCjRheWUFoWHnWt3ZZZuu1DH1yzsgnEoNr51qcMXX1D_bG6JAHqNSW8Rus7CR6iinJ9mEgA9BVCOt3W9Tq-Pm2A-ELFRcYDi8ZRAiyoKODt_ovRooq81x09rIx1FADUNsAVu=w1144-h643-no

By now you may be telling yourself '' you didn't paint the insine dummy, it's all gonna rust from there!'' well nope! i got that covered!

i poured POR 15 in all my subframes and front control arms so they hopefully last for a lot of years. It didnt work as good as i hoped because the paint was so thick and i didn't have Por15 thinner to thin it up but.. the next ones will be better!

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. NgLy6yTpxCtOxJS7Jbxk7qTqtF_fnvq4cMe7vrFJY4KE5UrA9yl0l1OCVsdcowKr40QIjAgZxxoxg8GseoaMSV-MYnZB02l3FASPsCflWbnSUbk0Jhhv-K-5QptZLHqlcq78iAQ2DCTnkDuBUEyomGmR7F17rLm6FCvG5A7H8Rqs0p6f19kJnSqI0xP2nw2bU1DtqU8LdFD8YwjOTz5iotUVEppCLwVThRxgM7Knx0SLXD8dbSSDUaxNAUyVduK6YX87aEOzG1FjJvkqo8hreUuPPSZvYiVj0VdphSBUxChVzVl_jriVGBeZfSmFr5MBD_naXHMObMLJwcrfmvjib7ib-YQgka3nT53MFw5ISVkUnt7YneUWCwL5Gh6Z4vAojtNJCbNj8EHZbnGyQSO2zNiprIXhuj0GOPetiOET26my3YMhJYScqgNpsKKh6Lz38MJgRpVqOQxKqgRU-s1lNNxCOEqtCbBvkk9ZtXAnSiQ4bCMO3UhypVArkaeuJsmUiMZ4s03gR9NnCIetrMf3aXniYzvYarbd2Nd1uDGtM6w0vn9aIjQHLAxw_a-KFjfujACb=w362-h643-no

Finally, I made myself a gift and bought a front lip i should receive tomorrow. and i also got these. They should look pretty nice once installed Very Happy I'm still debating the switch install.. i'd like a switch on the flasher arm like on my LS400. I'll try to find something simillar in a junkyard and hopefully i can swap it in. I also need to figure out how to put a clock spring back in the car as my horn wire set up doesn't work that good... Maybe i'll have to buy a new boss hub.

I'm pretty set on going with a kanjo racer/JTCC group A division 1 inspired look. No big livery and all, but i'll take some visual elements from the two. I was actually thinking about having a windhield banner made with toyota corolla store written on it. Kind of like the Honda primo banners. I still need to find some nice pictures to show my friend who runs a custom sticker compagny.

I hope you enjoy the build so far! Still a lot to come!
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyMon Jan 18, 2016 2:28 pm

Oh and thank you Ishaq for the kind words. I dont know what this is with these cars, but i just love them. they are a good platform to test and learn stuff without worrying too much too!
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyThu Feb 25, 2016 6:05 am

Super small update as I didnt really do anything on the car. I started doing some improvements on my sandblast cabinet by replacing the glass, new light and adding a shop vac to make sandblasting for a longer period possible.

I also got some parts for the rolla. I wanted to add a lip to my subaru bumper but there are not many choices. the only one available was a fiberglass one from BC auto design in ontario. So i went that route.He also offered me a pair of fog lights.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. 8u1KFZvf6m_rDQeOkaDybzYUNwI98qKpEbLcxnfCgEg0JK3D80EG0ukzPvMMmSUUK6r6-S44DRBB6AKmokNbG7EdVB24PhV0PIDQwBpjUUkmmvdWSEF8LYvg3rntt9wc9dB5ClxNmtHT1ymwrbcJyiUJC3d05aS-zQ6XTQqn0VgSUDEeTvxeGkNfNu3STbxSGzoZz4NAeBd4XrQ1EIWJs0WEBalj6EI-fPisOhjWKA6_487IZgmPLg8LJD7-3XGX9TceDvlyLYRhPIolZh2mc32mw1IZF8NTANZWW3q99NvqCNKg-6JAR-Z_simRtaOR7b6A9f5DuxqswHIt_YGHOmZQF3cRacnOQINxngMPX35cdI3isfhJyFWdyY2V93ocSYtp7rW7n-obKgwm40klWT6g09bq937D0zBQVERESver9urp72f7JmIQ20czyLDn0bDw4zOIyMtCfv_Uy1cdtfxdop6OAawg5YHKXMm8OfVAnenCoZ_2QzjDvwE5lwj1JuY3ZQa_vwSNTcVYrJJBGnSm8JUXRxqu0-cyK2CoVGemPdgElx0wReBFRAg2ugLfdGTb=w1144-h643-no

the fog were in great condition but sadly the lip was previously damaged and poorly repaired.. I managed to get a discount on the price for it but it's still pretty annoying.. i wanted to fiber working skills anyway so thats an opportunity.

1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. GTEPUa8gtjXPSnCRvxfFs0Wcz0N44-OLwORNZ0LHHtkbxJ-Siyqyy-uDtm_orLdtp1nsJJJhJ-UrSUK7LcmmBja4dKYrDZ9ojwn7x9i-gqQHIh3eFu7YTMXXVASb8RSfcw3WhDTb93JxZZ2AnLSOnNNgcY_FtEjDYKb48t0G_jEk0AbBHb_HDHzUSVOwlKI03qITB-jaHeBYOuCjjUWx6rkUn6YBVJL4p-ddJbAy2zXZT_bjGP3KUvxzI72qp1G_6mFnzex-dmrvZPAjevRN_B-PwgelDKqRelyNeKWhSxc9x1eL8iYFimIdcTYbB6npxRvcyLm2SDHdZgm7T_eigAFo9FUL2qd232OihCoN6KKbJqux3lBdbyh8-qioYMnKpFC8MCV_4WYDoLEqzJ8a0z6TQBptOsejzb8yIdimxesqctAQHqh0A02gjwmkgl95S57yuHy1eOjyRbLDYgHOnXJazufwuL-TTun9eFIwv3iEnDOGbmzDKYCdo2LnVvtrHOvrtx3OIuE7mE3q7c9jxCOWrZujRz4lOY5RH8cDfDA1m21Emk1QafROULsYXqQbDyia=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. SRjHd3Zahuf6KYLbNki0bADe8rSaZFp_LtCzJ-MtFFdRTpmEOZv1Ah2BFwaZA24Kt5tRKJ0q6Nisfs6AUwJlX7aSTGWl3YCJusWv9_h7NIg6ChxCaSGjsYHijlK7uREmAHddT2V5ctjSa_8vrnkMaprd_4W0Di6l_BTw7Irm3TZlxb-ccmFyPuSYHgRy1zzkura3EfGCWtddxI3hN50b9NwCU8s60sn2j87SF2VWNjnv8fp6p_OuYBnQSzXYzlpNxFnDR9jpmhwgH8PJ9gNRBCPdGViZrst9igVww6fJRi6OqN1LyvaL49WOM3wonRx-nCNQ1DI4elFGBUPZ7Fm-XETcilREmci_fiAZZjjbAL-cDmCUXC8XXy39UNMq-YCZBQ61c74HIsbuT4UZDLFgmcx52jNHflRcgHcFEFtynGy7gsrk6q2E6IgTy1OJdJgyLraUFqBKxMge1h6AZLwFLEukfu5CeSmTUeNYNRoZdfv06AlsMgMmSDkt9-KaL84wFvs7XBAdVZGkHZKJkSzL7fQfxQBkF-0wu7c5v9iYtFaI0y73vA_ZCeaF3ZywAuXW9Tmg=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. BwfQnRtadX_ad_QdKCd3BN6ReIopRdm3-Vi9GSd-vGhNYMIKeYaa8q1rXWowHEO8bIprItgaYoG2X7KJpvBUx-pW-446MxHlGGCOhIknnYP8tkfAkEmaXXvSG7r3lWHjoQVZPFBuh5ZauimQ_OG7NV6P9FzQXNfxypBUydkgUN4lG9KzXSOj78asJ04PI2-m4AnKU_bM4qaqbhUgE6N5qrp-1_Sib6wz81in9M6fHk30JB7n2Dsxw0VWAF6mXINNmtX_Y3bFU1_kkxcrmc_Efn5k5c33clYCiP-FRMoLkGE3R-WQwDISVzEeFP-qsVxlee0OLbUZBIpnJJTtvKR_EV-E12dvArQmCrEJIc0As6in-Q9FCd9l0dwuCXf844DmVkSroLi1Ylv-BCID0JB9zdwcbeT4_JMIwcilqqnFovs0cSg2Y7WCFLrivpYX08xDYbb2ZkTT7nY6gn-f2mUunayPlQTZ91mueY0fF2lZczTO6Qw-nySu0mEnXxYPninMKy2UTlyo7pGAvdWeh0_7QcJ8nTzJePmYpbu-bwijKZ8XQ8kjOxdIqXBaRv0dph2zUtnm=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. _EoYqwWo2bFQV10V52nHnQ7Cpl3XxClKhFkQWqF-C6tt39NPJ44smCIpMQ81VBQSPiDDMszwuBwimx8wT4S_l_UOT4xMV3bSDWTefsql73ZQtUPIhBQowc8UpynW1DxWJD4PwwNnb9CwoeeM3jpUBaB217vj-Pd1azgevyz5kej-NtiFq31JVASmS7N_SKmvyHKJGIsBzGboF7UuYSCdOf1QK4Me7muFK1Sf-yzYFeCEaFZ9ODMr8hog2whkH2dRutK0G12F5W8lz461RKqHm7BcOGnMlEsps_cMNZB6xcBf823bfCbnkCQR1J3_3jiB2UpdK8bnFU2qclw-NOfAqv_-yfF5rywzmXD1th5DXoHFdD3arTfOJ3QJRVm8rbCQYVq-9sFx7bQxLt8gwl7NAKmqh0ss0183QH2Byekr3An3tH3tFfS8Nc_r0PUF6RShyj8Rn2WOmH2zSfGw12PwLBaD4tQR94nZ_3I8N3gJDGcFQ_KYT4B1BPARArUwwjD9k1C6ngHjcZUrEa7oCZQy_8UPWNT0sA7r9kHX5JiRkcFzSkDVIm0pn0gPZiV6IDYrvxGP=w1144-h643-no
1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. HzGhZp03rp7Lvc4nxBNResYfVk4Pg4gTew8SIiKF1sd5M4NSlalfXq06kpyu0JFy-iEc_GLVfxMl-56rqcnYxdSGeXeQwb4X7mOeKb2fSqEnWajuwG_NAYcDKnBDjHVC9ujF3BSR1oRWQqsCFamnwbBNYKuQ-ZqwV7pfvCNxHswN2_Zml-Cfa9bpa6XNzBPhBt6lJvcCfza_e-oZbiJn2CiZ-eq4Kym7M50E5y5s5TG1FMGeRM91ZG9HduuAqU50T3klQWNVqcq2wPSsrI6hZ6fJ446hvxxgM5VJoer1e4wKG6MtZX18zVuAi96JPEh-aT3Dnt4kjgVWZDhySNarnzIe9nU0JYnb5Zu_321kbv86Hj7VfMuFBy6QLF3Du5XhTZyQ-CPHSjrUbMgIhTwf-U3mQrs4jyOlHvp-r0ardeoEEpS3R_Cmcq4-cJUDRVZSdmUeS2Xy3wTc7CcLyAGuhtqQMEdh9WS3rKsMz-_VEaMhiZPs8aEtcjeTVBZqLx1bIST8VKAYK2vtxtB0uJ1spsfHChPYcmHItYHKNPaiDlFprkW9KNs7NfpYLQeM8sQE84_K=w1144-h643-no

To continue on my JTCC/Kanjo racer inspired theme, i wanted a windshield banner. but something less common than the popular vintage TRD banner you see quite often. I settled down on a red and white denso banner. Not sure if it'll pop out too much to my taste but i think i'll like it

thats it for now pretty much. i'm at my final year in engineering school so it's a big mess and i dont have any time to work on my cars. Just like every years pretty much.. So expect more progress in may. i'd like to get the under body cleaned and resprayed, swap the subframes that are nearly finished, try to get the engine to work properly and get the body repainted before next winter.
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyFri Feb 26, 2016 11:55 am

pictures don't seem to be showing up for me!
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptySat Feb 27, 2016 10:30 am

yeah i cant seem to see the pics either
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. EmptyWed Nov 23, 2016 6:33 am

Wow Impressive Lift man!

Great Work!

Any updates with the car?
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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..   1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough.. Empty

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1996 corolla. Just a simple daily driver build! cough cough..
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