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 Replacing centre console bulbs

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PostSubject: Replacing centre console bulbs   Replacing centre console bulbs EmptyThu Nov 14, 2013 7:33 pm

For the last few months I've noticed that my rear demister button was no longer being backlit when the headlights were on. Nothing really critical, but it started to bug me a little, and it got worse when I realised that my HVAC controls (the lever-type) were no longer being backlit either (aircon button was fine though, as was hazard switch). So last weekend I pulled the dash apart to have a look, as well as re-wire my clock which had gone blank quite some time ago (dodgy wiring job by moi). The hazard and demister bulbs I could get to easily enough, but I have no idea what type of globe they are or where to get them (I swapped the hazard bulb into the demister switch, and the colour didn't look right so I figure the little blue condom over the demister bulb is important). In addition, I couldn't work out how to get to the HVAC bulb behind the plastic diffuser - it looked like the diffuser _could_ pop out but I wasn't game enough to try in case it snapped in half.

Any lighting experts care to weigh in? Is it worthwhile going to LEDs for these bulbs for longevity/availability (bear in mind that they're on a dimmer circuit so resistance is important)? Can you pop the HVAC bulb out without removing and dismantling the entire console and unit?
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Replacing centre console bulbs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing centre console bulbs   Replacing centre console bulbs EmptyFri Nov 15, 2013 12:36 am

Simple enough to do

Assuming you've got the front plastics/center console off, then you should see a clear whitesh plastic thing that helps spread out the light

What I done was pop it out, it's just clipped in if you examine it you'll see how.
I took it out and got a T5 SMD LED, make sure it's one with a flat head not the bulb shaped ones.
On eBay you can get 10 for €2, but try get good quality ones.

Then when putting it back together, I found leaving the clear plastic off helped let the light spread out more, provided it's the flat headed led.

As for the de-mister switch, best off going to Toyota for that bulb as it's not expensive and you only need a standard bulb for it.
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