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 DIY Oil Pan Gasket

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DIY Oil Pan Gasket Empty
PostSubject: DIY Oil Pan Gasket   DIY Oil Pan Gasket EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 1:15 pm

First you will need:

clean rag
10mm 1/4 inch socket
1/4 inch extension
gasket scraper
bungie cord
what ever it is that you personally use to get your wheel off
your gasket or FIPG
red Scotchbrite pad
new clean razor blade
brake parts cleaner
4qts of motor oil

optional non necessary things but make the job way easier:

car lift
pneumatic tools
bench mounted wire wheel
parts cleaner
screw gun

here is what i used

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0197_zpsd8126fcc

lets get started!

1) take your right front wheel off. i know your all like "WHY?", we will get to that later.

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0178_zpsa90e0b4c

2) move the splash shield that is be hing the wheel out of the way (this is where the bungie cord comes into play). its going to be 2 10mm bolts.

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0174_zps8de5861d
DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0179_zpsfe37e6f9

3) you can be doing this while you're doing step 2 to maybe save a little time. Drain your oil and when you're done put your drain plug back in and tighten it.

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0176_zpsc511ccf8

4) start taking out all your oil pan bolts.

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0177_zpsea74d48d

5) you should have taken off two nuts. put one back on about halfway onto the stud. this will prevent the pan from falling off the car when you break the seal.

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0191_zpscf8543e1

6) break the oil pan seal. this is why you need to take the wheel off and move the shield. there is no room anywhere else to put something between the block and the pan to pry the oil pan away. take your gasket scraper and hammer it between the block and the pan. do this carefully cause you DO NOT want to scratch the block.

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0181_zpsdf197f2b

after you do that you can remove the nut and pull the pan off

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0182_zps256278c1
DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0183_zps5273f1ba

7) wash the pan with parts cleaner and remove the old gasket material from the mating surface

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0184_zpsad8c5bed
DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0187_zps78b5c391

Cool remove the old gasket material from the block. i first scraped it clean with a razor blade, again, be very careful to not scratch the block. then i cleaned the remaining gasket material off with a red scotchbrite pad and wiped the mating surface dry.

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0185_zps4ed0f6a9
DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0186_zps87321219

9) start applying your FIPG. FIPG is a silicon hi temp gasket maker that we use at toyota. (if you have an after market pre formed gasket skip, skip to step 10)

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0188_zpsccc4f1df

when you apply it, you want to go across the grooves and around the inside of the bolt holes like so

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0189_zpsf8ab1be8

and should look like this when you're done

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0190_zps29d0fd3d

10) while you were doing this oil has made its way back onto the blocks mating surface, wipe it clean again and quickly (but carefully) put your pan back on and hand tighten the two nuts you took off. this will hold the pan on so you can put the remaining bolts in by hand. putting them in by hand will prevent you from cross threading them and making this a bigger job than it needs to be. after the bolts are stared you can snug them up with your ratchet or screw gun. you'll see FIPG seep out between the two mating surfaces and that's normal.

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0194_zpsb33c0442

11) go ahead and tighten up the bolts. its easy to tell when they're tight enough. i like to use a 1/4 ratchet to aid in not over tightening them. you definitely do not want to break one off inside the block or strip the threads out. when im done, i like to wipe the excess FIPG off making a nice clean seal around the pan. you don't have to do this, it just looks cleaner to me.

DIY Oil Pan Gasket IMAG0196_zps08ab6ac2

according to toyota you're supposed to let the FIPG cure for 2 hours before starting the vehicle. honestly, its good to go in about 30-45mins. while waiting you can put your splash shield back on along with your wheel. after the time is up, put oil in it and let her roll. Approve!
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DIY Oil Pan Gasket Empty
PostSubject: Re: DIY Oil Pan Gasket   DIY Oil Pan Gasket EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 9:12 pm

Nice 1 Tyler, simple yet effective
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DIY Oil Pan Gasket Empty
PostSubject: Re: DIY Oil Pan Gasket   DIY Oil Pan Gasket EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 9:16 pm

yore the man ftw
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DIY Oil Pan Gasket Empty
PostSubject: Re: DIY Oil Pan Gasket   DIY Oil Pan Gasket EmptyWed Feb 27, 2013 7:00 am

nice write up tyler
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