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 bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help

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PostSubject: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 3:00 am

Hey guys
I recently bought this new cluster for my 94 corolla.
I followed this diagram to rewire the pins on 1st plug and 3rd plug,
bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help 11228110

funny thing is before and after i've done the rewiring, every time i connect the cluster, the interior lights won't go off.
I mean it goes on automatically, even if I shut the doors. only way to turn the lights off is, to switch them off, or disconnect the battery.

So i'm pretty sure i've got some wiring issue here, but not sure where to start with.

Anyone done this to their rhd corolla?
If it helps, i'm from Australia and mines' a 7afe auto version.

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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 5:50 pm

Maybe the diagram in this link from Dutch forum helps. Its a conversion from normal cluster to a SI (fxgt) one on a manual 4AFE.

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help ConnectorsCockpit

Quote :
Conversion Type 121 to Type 373
- A6 to A4 - F.U
- A5 to A3 - Fuel Empty Light
- A4 to A2 - Return Accu + ( ! ) through diode
- Disconnect Type 121 A3 - No Function (Economy Light) Not used. Tape it off to avoid shorts!
- Disconnect Type 121 A2 - No wire here anyway, so thats an easy one.
- B8 to A6 - E
- B7 to A5 - E
- B6 to B8 - fog light
- B5 to B6 - IG-
- B4 to B7 - Rear window heater
- B3 to B2 - Hazzard
- Disconnect Type 373 B4 Airback indicator - No wire here anymore, so thats an easy one.
- Disconnect Type 373 B3 Airback indicator - No wire here anymore, so thats an easy one.
- Connect B5 to C10 - E

Link to source :

It tells also that the FX cluster do not have the single handbrake light (P).
You can notice some differences in the position of the (!) light. Some are on the right, some have that one where the battery light is located.

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help IMAGE_042
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptySat Jun 27, 2015 6:11 pm

AE101 wrote:
Maybe the diagram in this link from Dutch forum helps. Its a conversion from normal cluster to a SI (fxgt) one on a manual 4AFE.

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help ConnectorsCockpit

Quote :
Conversion Type 121 to Type 373
- A6 to A4 - F.U
- A5 to A3 - Fuel Empty Light
- A4 to A2 - Return Accu + ( ! ) through diode
- Disconnect Type 121 A3 - No Function (Economy Light) Not used. Tape it off to avoid shorts!
- Disconnect Type 121 A2 - No wire here anyway, so thats an easy one.
- B8 to A6 - E
- B7 to A5 - E
- B6 to B8 - fog light
- B5 to B6 - IG-
- B4 to B7 - Rear window heater
- B3 to B2 - Hazzard
- Disconnect Type 373 B4 Airback indicator - No wire here anymore, so thats an easy one.
- Disconnect Type 373 B3 Airback indicator - No wire here anymore, so thats an easy one.
- Connect B5 to C10 - E

Link to source :

It tells also that the FX cluster do not have the single handbrake light (P).
You can notice some differences in the position of the (!) light. Some are on the right, some have that one where the battery light is located.

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help IMAGE_042

Hey thanks for the reply mate.
The different between my cluster and this dutch version is, my rpm is on the left and the other is on the right.
problem is, how to i determine which one's connect a, b and c?

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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptySun Jun 28, 2015 5:29 pm

You have a RHD, these pics are from european LHD

Connector A - connector right (big)
Connector B - connector center (blue)
Connector C - connector left (small)
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyMon Jun 29, 2015 12:52 am

AE101 wrote:
You have a RHD, these pics are from european LHD

Connector A - connector right (big)
Connector B - connector center (blue)
Connector C - connector left (small)
Thanks AE101.

Will try out tonight.
My other question is....
some pins from my original plugs are different to the type 121 ones.

Take connector A A9 as an example. Mine's actually an empty slot.
Does it still matter?

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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyTue Jun 30, 2015 6:34 am

That will matter if your FXGT cluster will use this position.
Note that the diagram i posted can be different from your cluster.

You have to relocate some pins. The metal pins can be taken out of the connector if you push the little hook and pull the metal pin out. Or use pins from another used connector.
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyMon Sep 19, 2016 10:52 am

This thread may be long dead, however I recently acquired an FX-GT cluster for my 99 AE101 Corolla. I bought it from Kiwi-Corolla who supplied the hand-drawn wiring pinout posted above, and an Australian Factory Wiring Diagram for the original cluster tells you the colour codes for each pin and what they do.

I rewired two pins, one on each harness, into different slots expecting it to work and I ran into the same issues noted by <3mycorolla, as well as the left blinker activating the highbeam light on the dash.

I talked to Kiwi-Corolla about this and we discovered that the wiring pinout he has provided, while it will work for all AE101 Corollas, only assists European and American Corollas. That wiring pinout is still very useful, however the top row of each harness will not help with Australian Corollas.

In the end you'll have to rewire a few more pins to get things right. I will be doing this over the next week or so, and will report back when I get the wiring right so that it all works.

The wiring pinout supplied says you only have to modify two pins, but for Australian Corollas you have to modify a few more. I'll be rewiring my own harnesses to work with the FXGT cluster, if anyone on this thread is still interested.

For anyone who's interested (particularly <3mycorolla) I'll attach the Australian Wiring Diagram for the instrument cluster. It helps enough to learn the colour codes of each wire, so you can associate it with the wiring pinout drawing.

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help 14273210
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyTue Sep 20, 2016 3:03 pm

elements616 wrote:
This thread may be long dead, however I recently acquired an FX-GT cluster for my 99 AE101 Corolla. I bought it from Kiwi-Corolla who supplied the hand-drawn wiring pinout posted above, and an Australian Factory Wiring Diagram for the original cluster tells you the colour codes for each pin and what they do.

I rewired two pins, one on each harness, into different slots expecting it to work and I ran into the same issues noted by <3mycorolla, as well as the left blinker activating the highbeam light on the dash.

I talked to Kiwi-Corolla about this and we discovered that the wiring pinout he has provided, while it will work for all AE101 Corollas, only assists European and American Corollas. That wiring pinout is still very useful, however the top row of each harness will not help with Australian Corollas.

In the end you'll have to rewire a few more pins to get things right. I will be doing this over the next week or so, and will report back when I get the wiring right so that it all works.

The wiring pinout supplied says you only have to modify two pins, but for Australian Corollas you have to modify a few more. I'll be rewiring my own harnesses to work with the FXGT cluster, if anyone on this thread is still interested.

For anyone who's interested (particularly <3mycorolla) I'll attach the Australian Wiring Diagram for the instrument cluster. It helps enough to learn the colour codes of each wire, so you can associate it with the wiring pinout drawing.

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help 14273210

The re-pinning issue has been one of the reasons why I've held back in getting an FX-GT cluster all these years (that and the redline doesn't suit the 7A, and it's a 180k speedo instead of a 200k, not sure if that causes errors or not), might be tempted to re-visit it again now.
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyTue Sep 20, 2016 4:18 pm

(I actually got quire excited when I noticed there was a reply on this thread, and even more so when I noticed it was Hiro who replied. Anyway, more progress ensues.)

A matter of hours after making posting on this thread, I went through my Gregory's manual looking for more information on the wiring diagrams. I figured there had to be something wrong with the wiring diagram that I posted yesterday because my Corolla isn't exactly an early model.

Having a '99 AE101, the instrument cluster boasts a few more lights, such as the seat belt indicator light. This works great since the FXGT cluster I have has a seat belt indicator light too. Anyway, I digress.

Looking through the Gregory's manual I found the instrument cluster wiring diagram for late model Corollas. This is tremendous help as now I know what almost all of the colour codes are, and how to rewire them. I'll post the late model wiring diagram below (high resolution for anyone who wants to download it too):

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help Aus_ae11
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyTue Sep 20, 2016 8:22 pm

FYI I scanned all the EWDs from the Gregorys manual to my Photobucket account years ago Razz
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyTue Sep 20, 2016 11:22 pm

Ah wonderful. I wasn't sure, but that's great to hear. You wouldn't happen to have a pinout diagram for the Australian instrument clusters would you? At this stage I'm making a pinout using the colour codes as a key, but even then it's difficult.
Also, the FXGT pinout from Scott is a little blurry; would you know what each pin on the second row says / stands for? I can read some of the pins, but I don't get what some pins like TE, TU, 4P, etc mean. I've tried PMing Scott about it however I'm yet to receive a response.
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bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help Empty
PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 9:25 pm

this is awesome!
finally i'm not alone with the fx-gt cluster Very Happy

just so you know, we need a speedo corrector, or else you'll be about 20-30km/h over than your actual speed. just go and get one from jay car, think they're $30.
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 9:37 pm

A speedometer corrector? Bugger, never thought of that for this cluster. I guess in my head I always figured that all the technology is in the cluster to figure it out, given there's no difference in wheel circumference (unless the FXGT corollas actually do have smaller wheels which the cluster considers??).

I've checked out the wiring on the FXGT cluster that I have, and have compared it to the factory wiring in my Corolla. With some help I drew up this "pinout" of sorts, which I am still working on. I am trying to figure out what each pin on the Australian Corollas do, as if I can get the information from Scott on what the FXGT pins do, everything will be perfect (just about). I'm aware there's an FXGT pinout up top, but I'm having a tough time reading it as it's a bit blurry.

I also still have to colour a few wires in on the large plug, but the idea of this is that hopefully I can match most wires to where they need to go by colour.

Sorry if I ramble. I do get carried away and digress at times.

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help Img_8714
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 10:01 pm

This is whatever i've done back when i'm working on my corolla.
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyWed Sep 21, 2016 10:06 pm

<3mycorolla wrote:

This is whatever i've done back when i'm working on my corolla.

Thanks heaps, I'll look into that and see what I can do over the weekend as I'm quite busy until then.

How far did you get with your conversion in the beginning? Did you get the needles and lights working?
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptySat Sep 24, 2016 8:33 pm

Hey everyone,

I managed to install the FXGT cluster today. In short, it works perfectly and I only need to move a few more pins around so that every light and feature works.

Okay here we go.
I used <3mycorolla's wiring pinout spreadsheet to do most of the wiring. I also used the colour coded sheet that I made to do the rest. There are a few errors on my sheet, but I will fix those and upload the final copy if anyone is interested.

I took out the pins and rewired them to the correct plugs, and managed to get all the needles working properly. One wire after another, everything was falling into place. Eventually I got cocky and wanted to wire the Hazard light indicator pin into the Rear light fault slot.

Bad move. A basics 101 on electronics told me that it was a very bad idea, but not before realising that myself and partially burning the circuitboard. Oh well, live and learn. That's what happens when someone who knows absolutely nothing about electronics tries to outsmart the circuitboard.

After a break, the burn on the board was patched up with some electrical tape. I was very lucky that we noticed the smell of burning plastic quickly because everything else was okay and still working. I taped off the hazard light wire and a red wire (not sure what it actually does) and got back to wiring.

All the appropriate lights turn on when the ignition is on except for a few. ABS is an obvious exception as my Corolla is not fitted with ABS brakes. The door-open light doesn't light up just yet, nor does the handbrake/park brake light, although that's because I incorrectly wired it to the seatbelt light. Obviously I'll have to fix up the seatbelt light too then, which will possibly be a tomorrow job.

So basically, it works!!
It looks great and works just fine. I noticed the cluster makes a medium-high pitched noise when I crank the ignition. Not sure if that's a warning sound, although someone on these forums is sure to know. I went for a 50 kilometre drive with a speedo app on my phone to see if the speed needle was giving an incorrect speed. I was going at 100km/h on the cluster, and seeing 98/99km/h on the speedo app, so I shouldn't need a speedometer corrector (hopefully).
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptySun Sep 25, 2016 7:24 pm

elements616 wrote:
Hey everyone,

I managed to install the FXGT cluster today. In short, it works perfectly and I only need to move a few more pins around so that every light and feature works.

Okay here we go.
I used <3mycorolla's wiring pinout spreadsheet to do most of the wiring. I also used the colour coded sheet that I made to do the rest. There are a few errors on my sheet, but I will fix those and upload the final copy if anyone is interested.

So basically, it works!!
It looks great and works just fine. I noticed the cluster makes a medium-high pitched noise when I crank the ignition. Not sure if that's a warning sound, although someone on these forums is sure to know. I went for a 50 kilometre drive with a speedo app on my phone to see if the speed needle was giving an incorrect speed. I was going at 100km/h on the cluster, and seeing 98/99km/h on the speedo app, so I shouldn't need a speedometer corrector (hopefully).

Excellent, wasn't sure whether a correcter would be needed as it is an electronic speedo, just as long as the signal back from the cluster to the ECU is still accurate (although I doubt a 10% error there will be an issue if you don't have traction control etc).

One of the reasons why I'm more interested in getting one now is that they should have a dash light for the fog lights, the fog light switch I have doesn't have a light of its own and sends a signal back to the cluster for the indicator, so rather than putting an LED somewhere I could just have it wired up to the proper indicator on the dash.
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptySun Sep 25, 2016 9:38 pm

Hiro wrote:
elements616 wrote:
Hey everyone,

I managed to install the FXGT cluster today. In short, it works perfectly and I only need to move a few more pins around so that every light and feature works.

Okay here we go.
I used <3mycorolla's wiring pinout spreadsheet to do most of the wiring. I also used the colour coded sheet that I made to do the rest. There are a few errors on my sheet, but I will fix those and upload the final copy if anyone is interested.

So basically, it works!!
It looks great and works just fine. I noticed the cluster makes a medium-high pitched noise when I crank the ignition. Not sure if that's a warning sound, although someone on these forums is sure to know. I went for a 50 kilometre drive with a speedo app on my phone to see if the speed needle was giving an incorrect speed. I was going at 100km/h on the cluster, and seeing 98/99km/h on the speedo app, so I shouldn't need a speedometer corrector (hopefully).

Excellent, wasn't sure whether a correcter would be needed as it is an electronic speedo, just as long as the signal back from the cluster to the ECU is still accurate (although I doubt a 10% error there will be an issue if you don't have traction control etc).

One of the reasons why I'm more interested in getting one now is that they should have a dash light for the fog lights, the fog light switch I have doesn't have a light of its own and sends a signal back to the cluster for the indicator, so rather than putting an LED somewhere I could just have it wired up to the proper indicator on the dash.

You got it. If you do get one of these clusters, you'll need to make sure it has a Fog Light Indicator as some of these clusters don't have them, those being FXGT models that did not feature fog lights at all. You can tell my cluster came out of an fog-light-lacking automatic FXGT as the cluster has the PWR/MANU feature, an O/D Off light, and a lack of Fog Light Indicator on the dash. The only lights that aren't illuminated in the photo below are the ABS light (redundant on my Corolla), High Beam light, and Rear Window Demister Light next to the right indicator.

If you do end up getting a cluster, let us know! It'd be great to see more of these clusters in Australia Very Happy

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help Img_8715

If anyone wants more photos, I'll be happy to upload more.
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyWed Sep 28, 2016 10:11 am

Over the last few days I've fixed up the remaining wiring issues. The handbrake is now connected to the (!) light, and the seatbelt is connected to it's corresponding light. Embarrassingly, after trying to figure out what was wrong with the Door Open light, it turned out to be a blown bulb Do\'oh!

I'm 99% sure I've done everything that's required. Two wires are not plugged in, one of which is the hazard light indicator, as while it can go into a slot that is unused, the wire is essentially unnecessary.
The other is a Violet-Red wire that was connected to the Park Brake / Brake lights in the Australian cluster. I'm not 100% sure on where it could go because the FXGT wiring harnesses do not have this colour wire, so until I figure out what it does, it's not plugged in anywhere.

I'm still trying to figure out what the sound / tone / beep / whatever means when I crank the ignition, but for now here's the cluster from some different angles.

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help Img_3610

bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help Img_3611

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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyMon Jan 02, 2017 10:07 pm

Update: Here is what the cluster beep sounds like. The sound heard after the engine starts is my Dashcam so disregard that.

I'm at a standstill with trying to figure out what the sound means. I've tried starting my car with the handbrake off, O/D on and off, door open/shut and with the seatbelt on and off, all in their various combinations.
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyMon May 22, 2017 10:18 pm

Ever find out what that chime was? Got a mate selling an Aus AE102 Sprinter dash cluster (3 dials but 6300rpm redline and 200km speedo to match the 7AFE) and I'm really tempted, but I hate wiring.
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyTue May 23, 2017 7:54 am

Hiro wrote:
Ever find out what that chime was?  Got a mate selling an Aus AE102 Sprinter dash cluster (3 dials but 6300rpm redline and 200km speedo to match the 7AFE) and I'm really tempted, but I hate wiring.

That definitely sounds like a good opportunity to get your hands on one, and if it's a manual sprinter, then there shouldn't be any ECT-S labels on the tacho. I'm not sure how different the wiring would he compared to the FXGT cluster, however it seems like most clusters around the world were wired very similarly (with the exception of good ol Australia).

If you did end up acquiring this cluster, I'd be able to supply you with the same information I used to rewire my cluster wiring harnesses. With that information I was able to rewire my cluster's harnesses in only a matter of hours, while trying to take all precautions as not to stuff it up. The other thing to consider is the odometer and whether or not you want to correct it. It isn't difficult to roll the numbers forward (rolling back can be hard) but you also may not want to risk damaging the odometer.

As for me, I still haven't yet figured out what the beeping is. My only viable thought is that it's a brake pad warning sound, because it only comes on when firing up the engine, just like the Brake light in Australian AE101/2s. I don't really have much to back this up though, and in Japan during the 90s there wasn't any safety regulation to mandate instrument clusters having brake pad warning lights or sounds, so I could be back to square one.

While both the rewiring and having two new cluster lights that mean nothing can be a pain, then end result of the cluster successfully working is a very satisfying victory. I can safely say that the battery voltage meter has saved me before, warning me of exactly what was going wrong in my Corolla before the battery light (which typically comes on too late) illuminated. If you do get the cluster the only thing that'll could take some time to get used to is looking in the right place for all the dials. It took me a week or so to stop instinctively looking to the left side of the cluster when checking my fuel gauge. Nonetheless, I'd be very interested to see what you do Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help   bz touring/ fx gt cluster rewire help EmptyTue May 23, 2017 11:24 am

Might have to come for a road-trip up to Lismore (my FiL lives just outside of Kyogle)
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