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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyFri Jul 22, 2022 3:12 pm by Yunmiliautoparts

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miib14 (7382)
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 I_vote_lcapSwitches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 I_voting_barSwitches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 I_vote_rcap 
gold94corolla (5234)
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 I_vote_lcapSwitches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 I_voting_barSwitches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 I_vote_rcap 
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 I_vote_lcapSwitches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 I_voting_barSwitches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 I_vote_rcap 
MirrorEyes (1540)
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magweal (1403)
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Sgt_Lyna (1243)
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Kiwi-Corolla (1218)
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knite (1102)
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Corolla Sound (1102)
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Argew24 (1053)
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 Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10

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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2014 7:23 am

Went thru som boxes in my shop today and found som smal parts that maby som one need Wink Have alsow ALOT of ather parts , for sedan and hatchback!

Parts are from LHD Euro e10.
Price dos not include shipping.
Price is listed in Norwegian Kroner ( 10 Nok = 1.19 euro \ 1.49 USD 2. november )

Paypal only.

Clock in dashboard 150Nok
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1407_zpsa5906f31

fog light switch 300nok 1 sold , only 1 left .
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1409_zps357c7215

waring and heat switch ( this one`s have lights inside) 150nok
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1416_zps461701f7

front headlight washer switch 150nok 1 Sold , found 2 more in a ather box today
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1414_zpsfb667c5e

interior light swith 250nok
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1413_zps98304d90

Heater for bouth seats switch and coin pokket 300nok SOLD
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1411_zps63621256

2 Heater switches 300nok
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1412_zps13ca9f44

up and down switch for headlights 300nok ( alsow have the headlights with glas cover in the shop , will sell for the right prize .) SOLD
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1415_zpscb95f0c1

Oem Speakers 6.5" 600nok
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1421_zps2b21aad5
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1423_zpsf84aac60

low brakelight with bracket for hatchbak 500nok
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1419_zps01c24481

interior light trunk for hatchbak 250nok ( i think i have 1 to a sedan alsow, same prize)
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1408_zpsd6183cfe

Dark brown fule and trunk opner in plastic LHD 300nok
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1417_zps18e2559c
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 DSC_1418_zps7394c4b7

Last edited by |plumbo on Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Nov 05, 2014 4:22 pm

front headlight washer switch where does this sit mate?
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Nov 05, 2014 4:58 pm

last slot in the center consol , next to the handbrake . Wink

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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyMon Nov 10, 2014 6:37 pm


please put me down for

1 fog light switch
1 headlight washer switch
1 seat heater switch

im hoping you can ship them to the usa

i can send payment asap, i also sent you a pm with my email address

thank you!
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyTue Nov 11, 2014 9:14 am

nop prob shipping this to the states Smile

You got mail Wink
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2014 3:08 pm

payment sent!

thank you very much!

looking forward to installing these!

now need to figure out a way to actually activate the switches.....hehe!
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 8:03 am

On the way to you Wink

Top topic updated .
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 3:45 am

Do you still have the fog light swith and interior light swith for sale? Can you give me the total price with shipping to USA zip code 11214?
Thanks alot.
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 3:47 am

you can also reach me at
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 4:14 am

You got Mail Wink
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 5:31 am

I will take an interior light switch please =)
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 7:24 am

You got PM Wink
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyFri Jan 16, 2015 6:14 am

Bump ! ( Norwegian Kroner is running lower then ever , in ather words , prizes lower then befor in your valuta Wink )
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyMon May 04, 2015 5:21 am

bump Wink
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyTue Aug 25, 2015 5:41 am

Last Fog light switch now on its way til TX , USA Wink
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Sep 09, 2015 8:38 am

moving my shop thees days . if you are looking for interior parts from euro corolla let me know , have alot of parts ! alsow have exterior parts but bumpers have to be cut in 2 pices if i`m going to send it to the US. ( relulations on what size of box i can send as a private person to the states . ) LHD front flights with glas , al the euro gills exept the hella an liftback type , al front bumpers ( fixing prodjects ) not liftback . complet interior for a 3 door hatchback +++ if youneed some thing pm me . have som ather photos on my norwegian sale`s treat her : . i do not have the TTE lip anymore on the blue hatchback .

alsow have alot of parts for the AE111 levin \ trueno

pm me with questions abute parts Smile
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyMon Nov 23, 2015 8:25 am

Have now 3 fog light switches with pigtail. 2 maby sold already. :-)
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyThu Dec 17, 2015 8:51 am

Thro me a offer on something you want !
alsow have Oem euro corner lights Wink 55usd + shipping
Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 12243343_10156278996345077_6148622031587152316_n
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptySat Dec 19, 2015 6:29 am

Sent pm
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptySat Dec 19, 2015 9:14 am

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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 EmptyWed Dec 23, 2015 8:47 pm

just letting people know , I can alsow get ather parts that is not on this topic , this is the latest order.

2 sets with electric adjustebul headlights with switch .
1 washer set for headlights with switch
neck reast from Ginza ( norwegian top equpt modell )
white face cluster , Ginza type.

Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 12433000_10156387590425077_1841565578_o

pm me and i`ll s what i can Junkout for you Wink
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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10   Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10 Empty

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Switches, clocks , 6.5" speakers +++Euro LHD e10
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