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 hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build

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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 12:31 am

Hi all been lurking on here now for a while and hounding a couple of members chasing parts for my build up. Stumbled into corolla ownership though some unlucky circumstances by rolling my much loved hj60 landcruiser one day to work. Not to worry though im here and still driving a toyota!
Now since I cant leave a car standard I am planing to modify my ce100 into a gtd. Very Happy  So far ive managed to score a few items of Scott including some yakuza side skirts & passenger under seat tray. Ive also got a ct9 turbo and all fittings awaiting a refurb. I have also been toying with opening up the pump for more fuel but since it was rebuilt not long before I bought it ill probably leave it alone.
Unfortunately atm that is where I have stopped as im now addressing some noise issuse from the driveline. I first thought it was just my k&n pod filter hitting the battery and wheel arch (the filter made it really loud to the point you would have to yell to carry a conversation). But after getting rid of the pod filter and replacing the lhs wheel bearing ive discovered my engine mounts are a little sad and possibly my cvs.
When I can ill post up a pic of what im starting with and what I hope to achieve.
Cheers matt
On a side note are ce100 driveshafts the same as ae100 driveshafts? I know gearboxes are different but hoping shafts are the same....
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 11:00 am

Welcome to the club!
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 11:12 am

Thankyou. This site has given me more ideas than I thought possible with my dirty diesel.
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 11:52 am

welcome to the club, as far as im aware the shafts are different
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyThu Apr 10, 2014 11:22 am

I'm with Ishaq the shafts are differennt to my knowledge.
When you say down under is that the real under or where all the Hobbits live Smile
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PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyFri Apr 11, 2014 12:12 am

The real down under.
Ive just been checking the toyota epc and yes they are different so I now have to look overseas for them along with engine mounts as none of the parts shops can find them. Even quoted the genuine numbers to toyota and still had no love.
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyFri Apr 11, 2014 11:31 am

I should be able to get the parts here in Hobbiton.
Shipping won't be to bad on the mounts but the shafts will be different
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyFri Apr 11, 2014 1:54 pm

Yeah you'll probably have problems trying to get CE stuff even though Toyota as all the diesels are grey imports rather than Aus-delivered, and most of the parts-counter jockeys have no idea what goes on in the rest of the world.

If you're on the east coast Castle Hill Toyota in Sydney have a good reputation for sourcing import parts, don't expect them to be cheap though
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptySat Apr 12, 2014 12:57 am

Hiro your right about dealerships not wanting to help. I went to our new local one here in melbourne and qouted the part numbers and he just looked at them and said they were no good!
Magweal I might take you up on that offer to help out from hobbiton. Ill dig up the part numbers and post them up.
I did see a company that makes a poly bush insert but I think with the knock of a diesel it would make for an unpleasant drive.
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptySat Apr 12, 2014 5:40 pm

ce100 had 24 groves while petrol has 22 or 23

my car has a petrol shaft welded
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 11:39 am

Just let me know man
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 9:14 pm

ce100 had 24 groves while petrol has 22 or 23

my car has a petrol shaft welded

Thankyou. Can you explain in more detail. Is this the spline count for the driveshaft itself? I noticed that the hubs spline count steps up to 26. So my next question is what is the S50 gearbox spline count? This is the manual gearbox im lead to believe the diesel corollas had after reading a FSM
Apologies for the odd question but ive never played with fwd cars before and trying to nut it all out.

On a side note I finally got some time to myself so naturally I spent it in the garage under the car! Got to remove the home made nudge bar and offroad lights it had when I got it (it was a country car). And ive almost got all the sap off the paintwork. Been really slow going but each time ive got more of that crap off. Also made an oil catch can which once I have either rebuilt the ct9 I have or bought a garrett or holset it will drain back into the turbo drain pipe.
When im next using a computer ill try to upload a photo of what im starting with.
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hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build   hello from down under and my ce100 gtd build EmptySun Feb 08, 2015 8:53 pm

Well its been a little while but im still here and still living the dream driving a toyota corolla!!!
Since my last update I have sorted the noise issues.  Turned out to be both wheel bearings, which was so hard to diagnose with the horrendous noise the air filter made. Easy fix going to the parts car and steeling the hubs till new ones showed up! I also discovered that the factory air filter is actually from a V6 camry which ment I could refit the factory air box and panel filter.
The fuel pump also got a tweak in timing and little bit more fuel, gave it a bit more poke, nothing crazy as it is still na but much better to drive. When I did this I also fitted a dual stage uni filter to allow it to breath easier, no horrendous noise just better air flow and fuel economy.
I still haven't fitted my yakuza side skirts but to make up for it I have fitted some 15" mag wheels to replace the factory 13" steelies.  It now needs to be lowered as the gap from wheel to arch is big enough to let my steel capped work boots fall off the tyre when sitting on it!
I have also fitted front and rear brace bars, ultra racing to the rear and a cusco to the front. Handling inproved night and day over the car without them!
That is where I am at atm. Ive had a mate take some before pics which I will post up when I work it out, and im also planning a different turbo setup now. Even went as far as to suss out a compound turbo setup with a hybrid fuel pump made up of corolla,  hilux and landcruiser parts but I doubt that will see the light of day. Single turbo is more likely using a holset he211w.
Cheers Matt
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