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 Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen

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Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen Empty
PostSubject: Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen   Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen EmptyWed Sep 11, 2013 5:50 am

We'll start off with the A/C switch, ofcourse you need to source this separately from the A/C set, cause the switch is totally different... The wires needed however aren't Smile

Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen Ac_kno10

Having sorted out that we need to sort out the amplifier (switchbox), wires with the same color should be connected between the sets.

Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen Ac_amp10

And last but not least, this one is a tougher task to complete... you need to rearrange some wires in the engine bay, because the relay box is placed on the opposite side of the car Sad It can be done though, you just need to connect the right wires...

Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen Motorr10
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Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen   Wiring an 8th gen a/c set into a 7th gen EmptyWed Sep 11, 2013 5:51 am

I see it is in Dutch... if translations are required I'll be happy to translate, if not... then no problem Smile
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