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PostSubject: DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptyFri Aug 09, 2013 6:00 am

Do you have a seatbelt that doesn't retract all the way when you take it off? Tired of slamming the door on it? Sick of having to untangle the mess each time you need to put on your belt? Lets see how can you fix that pesky seatbelt in 10 easy steps.

Tools needed:
Small Flathead Screwdriver
10mm Socket
14mm Socket

Seps 1: First remove the garnish that covers the lower part of the seatbelt and the retractor, you dont need to remove the seat, just slide it all the way forward and move the back forward too. Then start off by getting any kinks or binds out of the seat belt.

Step 2: There is one little 10mm bolt that hids behind the seat, you need to remove that, then, on the bottom end, below the ruber cover there is a 14mm bolt that holds the seatbelt end and the retractor (dont loose the washers order), then you can remove the rectactor there is a little pin that will give you some trouble but nothing important.

Step 3: Now on to the top bolt, lift the plastic cover and remove the 14mm bolt (also dont loose the washers order).

After those 3 steps, you will have the seatbelt assambly free and you can remove it from your car
DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors 9449273658_887acc2e5e_o

This is the culprit of your loose seatbelt, that spring should be tight
DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors 9446494103_68227f25d3_o

Step 4: Pull the seatbelt out until it ends. It is necessary to hold the retractor straight up and down to move the belt out. The retractor has a mechanism that keeps the belt from moving when the ball is anywhere but level in the bottom. After you have removed all the belt you will see some thing like this.
DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors 9446492455_e2a2f38d5f_o

Step5: Push the seatbelt so some it sticks out the other side. That way you can use the screwdriver to pull the loop out.

Step6: Remove the plastic bar and then remove the seatbelt from the retractor. Note how the belt came out so you can put it back together. Always keep pressure on the spool. Do not let go or else it will completely unwind.
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SIDE NOTE: now you can wash your seatbelt, just put a sock on the card ends and put it on the washing machine, then let them dry and they are ready to be reinstalled
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Step7: Turn the spool until the metal spring on the side is completely wound up. This may take awhile. This spring was tight out of the factory, but after time the spring will stretch out.
DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors 9446486783_3afbb08336_o

Step8: Back the spool off until you can line up the belt and the part it goes into. It is easier to back it off a little farther and thread the belt in to reach the spot on the spool. Reinsert the plastic bar then thread the belt into the spool.

Step 9: Test the belt to see whether the belt is correctly inserted.

Step 10: Retract the belt. Reinstall all the bolts and torque them correctly (10mm/21 lb-ft - 14mm/53 lb-ft) Reinstall all the covers.
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PostSubject: Re: DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptyFri Aug 09, 2013 9:36 am

very nice work bro

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PostSubject: Re: DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptyFri Aug 09, 2013 10:56 am

Wow, I'll have to try this once I get home from vacation. You may just have saved me $20. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptyFri Aug 09, 2013 11:21 am

kennydang91 wrote:
Wow, I'll have to try this once I get home from vacation. You may just have saved me $20. Smile
you can start with the passenger side and learn how it works, get some practice, and then do the driver side
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PostSubject: Re: DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptyFri Aug 09, 2013 6:00 pm

Nice writeup! Will try this on my Sera next week.
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PostSubject: Re: DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptySat Aug 10, 2013 12:59 am

you solved a huge problem here mate thanks alot for sharing
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PostSubject: Re: DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptySat Aug 10, 2013 6:40 am

Hi Ruf

Nice write up will try it tired of buckles hanging out not properly retracting.

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PostSubject: Thanks!   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptyMon Sep 23, 2013 3:00 am

thanks a lot! worked for me!
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PostSubject: Re: DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptyTue Sep 24, 2013 8:53 pm

I just attempted this yesterday myself. Worked for me as well. :)Saved me a trip to the junkyard and $20 Razz
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PostSubject: Re: DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors   DIY - Fixing Seatbelt Retractors EmptyTue Jan 20, 2015 1:08 am

I tried this on mine yesterday, i can get the spring all wound up tight but as soon as i put the belt back in and wind the belt up the spring gets loose again, any way around this or is it time too visit the scrap ayrd
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