Hi Guys!
I installed a rear tie bar for my ae101, here's the picture
Sorry for the messy paint, I'm not really good at painting.
Here's the picture of the lateral arm before installation. I also paint the lateral arm with chrome
Before Installation
After Installation
I made this Rear Tie bar after I saw a Picture at the internet. I thought to myself, maybe I can make this for myself so I gather the Tools and Materials.
material = flat bar, paint, sand paper
tools = Vernier Caliper, Hacksaw, Hand Drill [for the final hole, I brought it to machine shop because my hand drill is small]
After Installation, I feel MORE RIGIDITY at the rear when I'm driving specially when faster, overtaking other cars and cornering. My front side have already
installed a oem 3-point strut bar so adding rear tie bar is more great and fun to drive. Uneven road, humps and bumps on the roads are common here in
Manila so adding reinforcement for your car adds stability and rigidity to your BELOVED CAR. I almost forgot, ONLY ONE I'm able to installed because if you
want to install the second one, you have to bring down the entire fuel tank!!!
But for now, I like the bounce at the rear even one REAR TIE BAR was installed