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Rules and Regulations Empty
PostSubject: Rules and Regulations   Rules and Regulations EmptyThu Apr 28, 2011 5:47 am

By registering you have agreed to follow these forum rules:

- It's not essential but it is certainly advisable to introduce yourself on the forum, you'll get peoples attention immediately as our family ethos has helped us keep the gems and rid ourselves of the muppets...mostly.

- If you've joined here just to sell stuff you'll be noticed and in all honesty it is frowned upon, it's just not what we're about. You must have at least 10+ post's or your for sale thread will be removed.

- If you want to be a trader you will need to PM me for permission first, you may not get it as we are a geographically specific club and with that in mind we support a certain few "local" traders, but you never know so it's worth a PM.

- No offensive language, most of it will be covered by the swear filter.

- No street-racing posts*, it's not what we're about.

- No libellous language be it potential or actual, not having my ass dragged to court for your nob-ups.

- No pornographic material.

- No racist material, I will personally visit you.

- No personal attacks or posts containing personal abuse, bit of banter is fine but hurtful remarks are not needed.

- No advertising or sale of illegal goods that infringe copyright laws.

- No spam or any other form of unauthorised advertising.

- Traders must ask for permission before posting commercial ads.

- Avatars must not contain offensive or pornographic images

- Images in signatures must be kept to a realistic size. Text signatures must not contain offensive words/implications. Signatures which dont comply with this rule will be removed.

- Writing Style Virtually everyone on here is using a computer and has a full size keyboard. Please use normal writing styles and refrain from the use of TXT SPEAK or other obvious abbreviations. Posts which ignore this are liable to be deleted without warning by the moderators. We understand some people use their mobile phones and blackberries from time to time and so the odd exception is allowed, but only in exceptional circumstance.

- Members of the forum agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators have the right to edit, move, remove or close any topic at any time should they see fit. This includes, but is not limted to, posts of the nature described above.

- Members of the forum agree that any information they have entered may be stored on a database. Whilst this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised. By making contact details publically available, forum members accept responsibility for receiving direct messages from unknown parties who have no connection to the forum.

- Posts to the forum that the webmaster, administrators or moderators believe break the above rules or posts that can be viewed to contain objectionable material will be removed or edited as quickly as possible.

- Forum members acknowledge that all posts made to this forum express the views and opinions of the author and not the webmaster, administrators or moderators (except for posts by these people) and hence the webmaster, administrators or moderators will not be held liable.

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